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Water Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 61

Trainerpoints: 5,563/11,223


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Shellos (East)456 / 61
Grimer31 / 37
Pikipek86 / 217
Wynaut31 / 37
Woobat7129 / 169
Carvanha218 / 24

About Me

Hey guys, gals, and all you other cool cats~!

The name's Fujiwa, but you can all call me Fuji~

A little about me~
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I try my best to be the nicest at all times and do my best to help out my friends. Really, if any of my friends need something, I'll try my best to help them out!

Oh boy a lot of this is outdated ouo'' Uhhh, ask anything you want if you have any questions I guess? x'D

If you don't wanna ask, then tl;dr:
I'm just a total loser who doesn't do anything interesting xD

Quick Facts:
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Birthday: August 29
Age: 26
Likes: Earthbound, Touhou, Zelda, Kingdom Hearts, cold things, ice cream, J-pop, a good amount of Disney content, sleep, Snow, Rwby, coffee, plants
Dislikes: Anything excessively creepy and crawly, most things super hot, super scary things, waking up, working
Favorite Color: Seabreeze!

My main peeps~
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VarsityRisneX, Uchiha_Sasuke, and Acalm
You are all super duper~! xD

Sprites for me~!
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Thanks Piggylover29!

Thanks for visiting!


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Newest gifts
SetsuHatica 4 Days ago
MotherNature 13 Days ago
Homework_sis 14 Days ago
Castiello11 15 Days ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4

Game Records

Trainer ID: #879267351
Registration: 05/07/2013 (11 Years ago)
Game Time: 1263:00 Hours
Total interactions: 2,667,718
Money: 8,292,097
Starter Pokémon: Swampert


I feel like everyday that passes, I become more and more like Kinger from TADC.... Or maybe I've always been like him and am just realizing it more everyday 🤷
1 Month ago
Do we only get one gimmighoul per day?
3 Months ago
Anyone wanna tell me why I decided to make a new neopets account?
3 Months ago
Are tadbulbs locked to this event, or will they be breedable?
4 Months ago
Gotta love it when your work computer boots you out of your system for an upgrade. One less hour of work is a-okay with me
4 Months ago
Anyone need me to breed things?
5 Months ago
My daycare is empty, does anyone want me to breed anything? I'll let all the eggs go to the tall grass
5 Months ago
Happy holidays everyone! Hope you all get to enjoy some time of to spend with your loved ones!
7 Months ago
Either a new job or a promotion. I need monnnneeeeyyyyyy
7 Months ago
I can't believe we're halfway done with the advent calendar already
7 Months ago
Fishing on mobile is absolute torture.
7 Months ago
Omg fiiiinally. My cottonblu hunt has ended.
8 Months ago
Ghosts are so scary!
9 Months ago
Sooo.... Is the fall festival thing not happening again this year?
9 Months ago
Dear contact lens wearers,

How do you do it? How long does it take to get used to it? And is it expensive?

10 Months ago
Anybody wanna play Touhou 19 with me? . 3.,?
10 Months ago
Finally. My second shiny @_@
10 Months ago
PSA if you didn't see the News post.
Primeape, Girafarig, and Dunsparce all have an evolution now. Make sure you give them an Everstone if you don't want them to evolve and keep those Dex entries
11 Months ago
Pikmin 4. Pikmin 4. Pikmin 4.
It's so much less stressful than Pikmin 3 lol
1 Year ago
Awww, it's so cute that my cottonblu has a few Shiny swablu siblings lol
1 Year ago


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Viewing a Userprofile (2 Hours ago)

Last Visitors

DukeFlapple~Mon, 08/Jul/2024, 11:57
amaikonekoTue, 02/Jul/2024, 17:34
VarsityRisneXMon, 01/Jul/2024, 23:44
CombuskenWed, 19/Jun/2024, 18:29
Homework_sisFri, 14/Jun/2024, 13:04