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Electric Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 42

Trainerpoints: 5,274/5,333


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Pikachu (Retro)23695,219 / 167,797
Foongus27829 / 2,269
Maractus29494 / 2,611
Doduo2947 / 2,611
Growlithe24576 / 2,251
Basculin (Blue)15611 / 721

About Me

Uhh I think I'm bi now actually lol
Snom enthusiast
Currently hyperfocusing on one of my D&D characters

Current games: Final Fantasy XIV, World of Warcraft, Animal Crossing, Monster Hunter World

To Do List

- Get snoms
- Fill a fully upgraded storage box with snoms (~1,000 snoms)
- Get back to 1mil pd
- Get back to over 1k nuggets? (Might take another 3 years :cc)
- Work on Pokedex
- See if I can delete and make a new diary?

Shiny hunt list

1. Snom

2. Furret

3. Flygon


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
~CloverMeadow~ 3 Years ago
MulberryFlower 3 Years ago
CalicoDragoness 3 Years ago
CalicoDragoness 3 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


CalicoDragoness hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #525358168
Registration: 17/04/2014 (10 Years ago)
Time Played: 1204:28 Hours
Total interactions: 621,337
Money: 631,206
Starter Pokémon: Charizard


I don't remember what I did in the past but uhh zombies
3 Years ago
Why do literally all my classes have to have big assignments due tomorrow?
3 Years ago
#HappyBirthdayDorky ! I hope you have a great birthday!
3 Years ago
Uf, my lithography plate ended up filling completely with ink in a freak accident, ruining the image. Just woked for 8 hours straight to redraw on a new plate so I can process and make prints tomorrow
3 Years ago
What would be a good event pokemon to breed more of to trade for other events? I'm not sure what is more sought after and I wanna get some of the ones I'm missing
3 Years ago
I just cleaned out my friendslist since it's been a while and holy heck. I kept people who have been active or who I remembered from way back when. It's just crazy seeing how old some of the accounts of my friends are and how long they've been inactive. There were also a few perma locked accounts so that was wack
3 Years ago
Ah, it's official, it's been too long since the suspicious trade happened so nothing can really be done :c I may stick around, may not, I'm not sure yet. It's just still really disheartening that so much is gone.
3 Years ago
It's so strange being back, it reminds me of when I was younger and I was around all the time. I don't really like who I was then, I was probably really annoying lol. I feel like I've grown a lot and I think I'm much happier with the person I've become than who I was before. But I can't really be too hard on myself, I was a kid and still learning and figuring things out.
3 Years ago
I'm back maybe? Wow it's been a while
3 Years ago


Last Action
Changing Profile Settings (3 Months ago)

Last Visitors

cynda1Mon, 16/Dec/2024, 00:41
aspinetreesSun, 15/Dec/2024, 14:26
PolitoedTue, 10/Dec/2024, 00:44
ElementalcrystalsMon, 02/Dec/2024, 00:07
AeraeThu, 26/Sep/2024, 21:57