It has been a good little while since I was on last again. Had a
lot of life changes going on, from divorce to moving out of state
for my current boyfriend, to getting pregnant. I hope you are all
doing well, and I am glad to be back. I will be dabbling as my days
are busy and varied.
It has been forever, but I am finally back on.
Now that I am settling down into a brand new chapter in my life I
am returning to this game. How has everyone been? <3
Any of my buddies on here happen to play lioden????
confession: I am getting a divorce.
I am still alive, and have returned once more~<3
I hope you are all still doing well.
I am back; how are you all doing? *hugs*
@Stiachi123: Thank you for the adorable grimer plushie! *cuddles it
while tinkering on laptop*
How do I make a poll? I have a question for my friends to vote one.
Song of the day without context: *soul music vibes*
Interact with new new set of veggies pwease? *lowers tail in sorta
of submissive posture bowing head to all friends*
Thank you @Stiachi123 for buying me such a cute plushie!
Thank you @Jun365 for buying me such a cute plushie!
I hope everyone is having a good night so far tonight.
*yawns curled up on my couch with my laptop sending out virtual
hugs to all of you* ~<3
AWWWWWW~!!! Thank you @Stiachi123 for the weclome plushie. It is so
cute, and makes me feel included and welcome. I appreciate you. You
are delightful.
I am back on for the first time in a good little while now. I
wanted to thank all of my kind friends for continuing to interact
with my pokemon, and my storage box. I super appreciate, and will
start returning the favor tonight.
Song of the night::~
I got new eggies to hatch this morning~! Starting this morning off
with trap remixes to kid's music while doing my morning chores. I
hope everyone else is also having a good morning <3 *huggles*