Interaction exchange please. Also, selling a red orb for 20k.
interaction exchange please
interaction exchange please
Interaction exchange please. Also selling a terra map for no less
than 170k.
Can everyone help me get my beedrill in my party to level 100? It
is for a quest in the ancient cave. Interaction exchange.
I am selling a dna splicer white for 30k pd, a microwave for 20k pd
and a Lugia egg voucher for 20k pd.
Okay, I am looking to buy some things. 3 purple mystery boxes, 4
pink mystery boxes, 4 green mystery boxes, 5 dark blue mystery
boxes for 10k each. Finally, I am buying 12 brown mystery keys and
4 light blue mystery keys for 10k each.
Okay, I am looking to buy some things. 9 gold mystery boxes. I will
pay 15k for each. 3 purple mystery boxes, 3 pink mystery boxes, 2
green mystery boxes, 5 dark blue mystery boxes for 10k each.
Finally, I am buying 11 brown mystery keys and 4 light blue mystery
keys for 10k each.
Okay, I am looking to buy some things. 9 gold mystery boxes. I will
pay 15k for each. 3 purple mystery boxes, 3 pink mystery boxes, 2
green mystery boxes, 5 dark blue mystery boxes for 10k each.
Finally, I am buying 11 brown mystery keys and 4 light blue mystery
keys for 10k each.
Okay, I am looking to buy some things. 9 gold mystery boxes. I will
pay 15k for each. 8 purple mystery boxes, 5 pink mystery boxes, 7
green mystery boxes, 7 dark blue mystery boxes for 10k each.
Finally, I am buying 12 brown mystery keys and 4 light blue mystery
keys for 10k each.
Selling a plume fossil for 17k and a vortex of time map for 160k.
Interaction exchange please. I have four eggs in daycare.
Selling one white dna splicer for 30k pd. Either comment or message
Okay, I am selling a few things again. I am selling a DNA splicer
black for 30k, and DNA splicer white for 30k. This is all for now.
Comment or message me if you are interested in any of these items.
Okay, I am selling a few things again. I am selling a relic gold
for 17k, DNA splicer black for 30k, and DNA splicer white for 30k.
This is all for now. Comment or message me if you are interested in
any of these items.
Your interactions - 141........ I was clicking on a clicklist the
entire 10 minutes, but I noticed that even though a new egg or
pokemon came up from a different user, it would stay on the same
number, 46 or 102 for five different eggs. T.T Now that the event
is over, I am getting things fine.
Okay, I am selling a few things again. I am selling a relic gold
for 17k, DNA splicer black for 30k, and DNA splicer white for 30k.
This is all for now. Comment or message me if you are interested in
any of these items.
By PokéRadar - 8 Minutes and 22 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Eevee hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #45)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.