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Trainerlevel: 42

Trainerpoints: 4,083/5,333


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Lucario-sensei2044,979 / 144,519
(Mega Lucario-sensei)
10119,268 / 34,143


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Newest gifts
Nightsky31 17 Days ago
Nightsky31 17 Days ago
Nightsky31 17 Days ago
Nightsky31 17 Days ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


seg01 hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #707246098
Registration: 23/11/2014 (9 Years ago)
Game Time: 322:47 Hours
Total interactions: 2,807,419
Money: 371,908
Starter Pokémon: Typhlosion


By acorn - 7 Hours and 5 Minutes ago.
By Yanma95 - 2 Hours and 19 Minutes ago.
Wow, my Yanma is at level 500. You know what, #FiveHundoBug ends in 7 days, and the prize is 75k pd.

1. Like the original post
2. Post this exactly
3. Give a berry to my bug
5 Months ago
By TomatoSoup - 1 Day and 6 Hours ago.New giveaway!

Heart this feed for a chance to win 2,000 nuggets!
Ends on Wednesday/Thursday.
Good luck!

5 Months ago
#NewBeginnings Getting Fitter and working out more
7 Months ago
1 Year ago

Goodbye my childhood, Saturday morning cartoons to that familiar beat, Ash and Pikachu you will be missed.
1 Year ago
#pupperbirthday - I have two and a half dogs one being a pupper in that weird adolescence phase where she's not yet a full dog but getting there her self, Happy Birthday Rumi
1 Year ago
You fed Puddle a Sitrus Berry!

The Pokémon raised by 24,375 Exp. Points.

You have been rewarded with 10 Pokédollar!
1 Year ago
Aerona my starter Typhlosion
1 Year ago
1 Year ago

By Error_Name_Not_Found - 4 Hours and 52 Minutes ago.
Alright… it’s giveaway time!

There will be 3 winners…

1st place will get…
1 ultra saddle…
1 nebula stone…
75,000 PD…
1 Mystery box/key pair…
8 random mystery keys/boxes…
50 random gem’s (3 dragon gems guaranteed)…

2nd place will get…
1 nebula stone…
50,000 PD…
8 random mystery keys/boxes
30 random gem’s (2 dragon gems guaranteed)

And 3rd place…
25,000 PD…
5 random mystery keys/boxes…
20 random gem's

1. Simply like the ORIGINAL POST to get 1 entry
2. Share the hashtag #ERROR_1Y for 1 entry
3. Share the entire post, and get 2 entries.
(You cannot complete both 2&3, only one of them)

Good Luck Everyone!
1 Year ago

1 Year ago

I want to share my excitement so share and heart this post for a chance to win some prizes!

1st place- 500 nuggets
2nd place- 250 nuggets
3rd place- 100 nuggets

Entries close on Aug 15th at reset
Will random number generate the winners some time the following day (Aug 16th)

Congratulations, Lucky you my brother has a partner and a kid but they haven't tied the knot yet due to pandemic; So it's nice that you can, Best wishes and stay cool
1 Year ago
Please interact with Hudson in my party
1 Year ago
19 out of 24 eggs I risked my chain for this with nothing to show... well I guess there's next year
2 Years ago
click the eggs in my party please
2 Years ago
anyone up for a party interaction exchange
2 Years ago
Survive another year of law school
2 Years ago
By Gosth - 1 Day and 22 Hours ago.

Good morning, evening or night to yall, as you might know today is october 1st, the spookiest month of all, wich means that my birthday is near!
Well, every year since i joined this site, i like to do a giveaway, and this year won't be an exception.
So, what should i give away? Hmmm....

I know! I will give away some of my nuggets, not 50, not 500 but 1k nuggets that will be divided into 5 lucky participants
5th place: 50 nuggets
4th place: 100 nuggets
3rd place: 150 nuggets
2nd place: 200 nuggets
1st place: 500 nuggets

Okay, i think this is fair, but now, how to enter? Simple, just share this whole feed AND ❤ this feed, is very important that you heart it

This will end on october 20 as soon i wake up

Good luck to everyone!
2 Years ago

Professor Challenge

Last Visitors

ShyVioletFri, 05/Jul/2024, 23:02
WalkingOnSunshineFri, 05/Jul/2024, 14:42
SoleilLuxSat, 17/Feb/2024, 14:26
punisher023Sat, 17/Feb/2024, 13:19
CrescendoThu, 15/Feb/2024, 19:12



My Favorites... don't tell my other pokemons