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Water Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 45

Trainerpoints: 980/6,119


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Dugtrio575,691 / 9,919
Muk753,054 / 17,101
Igglybuff738,784 / 12,966
Castform554,784 / 9,241
Budew638,183 / 12,711
Butterfree609,758 / 10,981

About Me

I eat things to survive
Please give me free stuff because i like free stuff.
I am human from planet earth


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Newest gifts
Ephenia 5 Years ago
Elisa 7 Years ago
Elisa 7 Years ago
Elisa 7 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


megarne hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #27585854
Registration: 13/06/2015 (9 Years ago)
Game Time: 412:04 Hours
Total interactions: 1,284,231
Money: 1,523,673
Starter Pokémon: Venusaur


#WhatMakesMeHappy seeing society freak out over nothing. makes me feel smart.
8 Years ago
finally evolved my first mega-able
8 Years ago
delibird is coming too town with his big sac
8 Years ago
i put a knife under the ground. so now i hope it will be better at making root sandwiches
8 Years ago
green is the only color that doesn't like lipstick in his/her hair
8 Years ago
I wish I was a black turtle from outer space
8 Years ago
the magic word is "megadarkrai"
8 Years ago
look at my eggs, my are eggs are amazing. give them a lick, they taste just like raisons.
8 Years ago
check out my eggs
8 Years ago
i wish i was as cool as a refrigerated pineapple
8 Years ago
i can't believe god is real
8 Years ago
Ow yeah I got a ditto egg please help it hatch
8 Years ago
thank you all for reading this sentence
8 Years ago
i got a shiny ditto

8 Years ago
what is your favorite pokemon and why?
8 Years ago
well this is rather a nice happening, got myself a nice molstres egg
8 Years ago
does clicking on that shiny ditto in the do anything?
8 Years ago
yes!!! got 5 shiny combee. super honey factory
8 Years ago
what would you do if you got a million dollars?
8 Years ago
happy birthday jesus
8 Years ago


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Viewing a Userprofile (5 Years ago)

Last Visitors

SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 22:52
SouthParkFireflyThu, 05/Aug/2021, 21:59
bajiMon, 12/Jul/2021, 17:55
ChadwicKedTue, 10/Mar/2020, 10:15
ellie12Sat, 02/Nov/2019, 16:52