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Fairy Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 18

Trainerpoints: 294/989


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Ponyta394,412 / 4,681
Rapidash42872 / 5,419
Rapidash414,712 / 5,167
Rapidash414,886 / 5,167
Rapidash425,245 / 5,419
Rapidash423,336 / 5,419

Special Babs!

Clickable Dragon Babies!

More Clickables!

Cute Puppers!

Shiny Hunt

coffeezombie is currently hunting Ponyta.
Hunt started: 24/04/2019

Chain: 18
0 0 0


coffeezombie hasn't collected any medals so far.

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4

Game Records

Trainer ID: #275942182
Registration: 29/10/2018 (6 Years ago)
Time Played: 29:25 Hours
Total interactions: 63,635
Money: 632
Starter Pokémon: Emboar


#VeryMerryChristmas I'm still hunting for my cute bab Charmander
6 Years ago
EEK!! Thank you Lunala, got a retro egg from your Christmas gift!!
6 Years ago
#MyWishForChristmas is to literally just get through it. With current health scares and being my guy's fave time and loss of family, it's been a rough go.
6 Years ago
By CatCatCat
Since Christmas is coming up, I am going to give away 500,000 pokedollars!
The giveaway will end on December 26, 2018!
To enter: Please share the hashtag and if you do please please say the giveaway is being run by me!
The first 4 people to share the hashtag (Excluding me lol) gets a surprise gift!
Thank you!
And Good luck!
(Share it Button)
6 Years ago
Anyone need Ponyta? I gots oodles. And then some.
6 Years ago
By LavaForevah
So,I kind of quit this site and it would be a HUGE WASTE of precious things if I didnt do a giveaway...So do #LavaForevah to enter this free giveaway where everyone who does this gets a random gift :'D
6 Years ago

Rie's the name.

Hey, I'm Rie. I'm a sort-of writer who excels at world and character building but lacks at putting the two to actual practice. I'm obsessed with Fire-, Dark-, and Ghost-Types.

My guy recently passed during his deployment, so I'm a little slow on interactions and tend to disappear for stretches of time without notice, but bear with me! I still try to log on as much as possible.

I've also been having a few health scares lately, so that has me a little stressed out on top of everything. So click-backs may take a bit more time than usual, sorry! 2018 has just been one turd of a year.

If you want me to click through your party whenever I'm online, just add me as a friend and I'll happily oblige!

While here, please check out my clickables! There's a few lists to the right!


Last Action
Interacting (5 Years ago)


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
EnduSudne 5 Years ago
Skrepzz 5 Years ago
SW07 6 Years ago
bas90 6 Years ago


Last Visitors

TheshinyspindaMon, 15/Jan/2024, 06:59
NuggetzFri, 04/Nov/2022, 02:44
SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 21:55
bas90Wed, 18/Aug/2021, 17:59
AvatarNicole9Mon, 02/Nov/2020, 03:27