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Rock Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 24

Trainerpoints: 911/1,751


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Aggron425,955 / 6,774
Gloom453,271 / 6,188
Raticate4335 / 5,677
Medicham413,587 / 5,167
Galvantula404,322 / 4,921
Bold17140 / 1,149


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
midoriixd 8 Years ago
Riako 8 Years ago
Feena 8 Years ago
Jackal 8 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


chilindrin_18 hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #607221172
Registration: 14/08/2015 (8 Years ago)
Game Time: 122:35 Hours
Total interactions: 26,323
Money: 165,743
Starter Pokémon: Blaziken


#WhatMakesMeHappy is life!
8 Years ago
By Accident - 1 Minute and 21 Seconds ago.
Reminder: Share the hashtag, get a chance to win a shiny hawlucha or one of 2 runner-up prizes once my hunt ends.
8 Years ago
By haileythetyrunt
im selling/trading my ho-oh so when i trade/sell my ho-oh i'll give out prizes to people who share this.
1.red orb.
2.4 boxes and 1 key of my choice.
3.a event from my events box choosen by me.
So get sharing ^^
8 Years ago
195k pd #ONEBIDraffle
8 Years ago
Hi guys new raffle. All u have to do is feed my vivillon in party a berry and show proof using this hash tag. If I win any medal in the current rally the prizes are.
1. Mega stone
2. Mega able sharpedo
3. 50k pd.

Spread for better chances of winning..
8 Years ago
Does anyone know how to pass 6th mistery? I have the 6 pokemon on my battle team but i dont know what more can i do...
8 Years ago
Hi can anybody help me with mystery 6? I put the pokes that it says on a battle team but nothing happens.
8 Years ago
why i cant use my map new moon¿
8 Years ago
what i have to do to quests 3,4 and 6 of darktober?
8 Years ago
I only have passed the first mistery. I need some hints if you can help me: I thought the 2nd pokemon was igglypuff but it doesn't work.
8 Years ago

So boys and girls listen to me!

I am selling a DITTO

PalPad me your offers!
Every junk offer will be ignored ^^

Love all of you.

Share the hashtag to have a Chance to win
1. Red orb
2. Washing Machine
3. Dragon Gem

Also buying Nuggets,Keys,Boxes,Star pieces and Dragon gems
8 Years ago
anyone has a wacan berry?¿
8 Years ago
anybody knows how to evolve the pote¿
8 Years ago
By malcolmmac - 1 Minute ago.
feed my lucario shiny a berry a show proof.. Its on level 70 now and if it reaches level 96 in 20 minutes, then prizes are:
1. 200 poison gems
2. 30k pd
3. 50 fire gems

8 Years ago
A new raffle
Gift is needed by everyone I guess
All you need to do is share the raffle name with a number under 100. A lucky user will be chosen by Random.org. This will be done everyday for a single user. Share the raffle more and more you can.

NOTE FOR EVERYDAY WINNER: You need to send me a plushie (I don't have) after you recieve your mass-click. Just as a proof of being genuine raffle

#Massarena 67
8 Years ago
The prizes are:
1st ~ Mega Candaria
2nd ~ 500k PD
3rd ~ Mega able Camerupt
4th ~ Mega able Gyarados
5th ~ Enigma Pearl
6th ~ Fridge
7th ~ Mesprit Voucher
8th ~ Shaymin
9th ~ Regirock
10th ~ Gracidea
11th ~ Toxic Plate
12th ~ Icicle plate
Share for a chance at 250k PD
8 Years ago
By ChessMasters
the prizes are
1 mega able metagross
2 550 k pd +100 nuggets
3 shiny hunt of our choice(even genderless since i have a ditto only no ev
the prizes are
1 mega able metagross
2 550 k pd +100 nuggets
3 shiny hunt of our choice(even genderless since i have a ditto only no events or legendaries)
4 a randon shiny from my side
so participate and share this hashtag and get a chance to win this prizes lending increases your chances to win!
8 Years ago
Please <a href="http://www.pokeheroes.com/pokemon.php?id=5373770"><img src="http://www.pokeheroes.com/img/pkmncard.php?id=5373770"></a>
8 Years ago
I need some help with my eggs please
8 Years ago
I sent axew to the vortex of time one day ago but it hasn't come yet OMG
8 Years ago


Last Action
Reading the news (8 Years ago)

Last Visitors

Shiro-kunSat, 04/May/2024, 11:01
DreambananaSat, 23/Dec/2023, 14:21
SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 21:54
SCP-682Sat, 10/Sep/2016, 18:59
KamCam410Mon, 21/Mar/2016, 16:54