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Rock Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 43

Trainerpoints: 3,556/5,589


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
(Palkia (Origin))
239159,354 / 215,101
14537,202 / 79,389
(Teddiursa (Retro))
24023,718 / 173,521
908,786 / 26,870
7914,703 / 20,469
Haunter (Retro)
280100,759 / 274,934

Shiny Legendary

Left Pokeheroes (temporarily) on 23rd January 2025!!

Shiny Retro

Shiny Hunt

atharv1000 is currently hunting Wydoll.
Hunt started: 15/01/2025

Chain: 7


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Kloppo 24 Days ago
Kloppo 1 Month ago
Kloppo 1 Month ago
Kloppo 1 Month ago


Last Action
Browsing through notifications (2 Months ago)

Game Records

Trainer ID: #693024883
Registration: 28/02/2018 (7 Years ago)
Time Played: 724:30 Hours
Total interactions: 357,077
Money: 3,292,141
Starter Pokémon: Giga Charizard


Bye Guys I'm leaving Pokeheroes🙃(for unfixed time period). Might Return with a Grand Entry in Future!! 😜 Anyone Don't be Sad!!
2 Months ago
Can anyone please share market insider for shiny Hoopa?
2 Months ago
Completed my Hisui Dex!!
Thank you everyone who helped me directly or indirectly!! 😃
Finally got Origin form of Palkia!! (I completed dex for only this reason) 😂
2 Months ago
The Winner of 100 Nuggets is Libbey!!
Congrats!! 👏⚡🎊🎉
Thank you everyone for participating!!
2 Months ago
Traded my 1 Year's Premium Membership for This This!!
No Regret At All!!
2 Months ago
Some of your items have been sold!

Revenue: 2,340,311
Tax (5%): -117,016
TOTAL: 2,223,295

2 Months ago
Can anyone please share Stonks link of Shiny Mewtwo??
2 Months ago
By -ShiningRayquaza- - 30 Minutes and 55 Seconds ago.
Birthday Giveaway
Creator: -ShiningRayquaza-
#Winners: 5
#Participants: 2 so far


1st Prize Shiny charizard 50k pd and a destiny knot
2nd Prize Shiny Beedrill 10k pd and 25 random gems
3rd Prize ogerpon 5k pd and random mask
4th Prize random event Mon 10 random gems and ma luxury
5th Prize zygarde core and random summon item
Share #BDayGIVEAWAY:) and this post and heart this feed
2 Months ago
Hello Everyone! 🤠
I'm buying Ultra Saddle for Nuggets as well as I have multiple other options for offering on Ultra Saddle. You can checkout them on my profile page and set up private trade directly with Ultra Saddle and mention what you are looking for in exchange of it!!
I want to reach out players and let them know that I'm buying Ultra Saddle. So I'm conducting to this giveaway!!

Prize: 100 nuggets (Only 1 winner)

Ends : When I complete collecting required number of Ultra Saddle

To participate: Share #atharv1000isBuyingUltraSaddle OR whole feed!!
2 Months ago
Here is the result of the Raffle ☺️
And the winners are, 🏆

1st - Gameboy1714 (500k PD)

2nd - Grietine (Adamant orb)

3rd - l1ghtbu1b (Sapphire)

Consolation prize - Kloppo ( Shiny Elekid )

🎉🎉Prizes will be distributed soon! Congratulations to all winners and thank you all participants 🎉🎉
3 Months ago
OMG 😳 SHINY Retro Teddiursa!!!
3RD OS!! Thank you Grietine for your gift containing retro egg!!!
3 Months ago
Might leave Pokeheroes for unfixed time period(might be forever) and achieving something really good in life, so that when I'll be old, I'll feel that I've done something really worth my life!! 😁
3 Months ago
New Announcement!!
As suggested by one of my friends, Brayden2149 there will be one more prize added in this raffle. It is Shiny Elekid!!
The winner will be selected from the players who will send me daily minimum one Christmas gift from today till last day of event!!
All the Best!! 👍
3 Months ago
I'm going to sleep, so before that I will be announcing today's daily price winners, I'll be posting it in original feed's comment section. One more thing, if anyone sends me Christmas gift after announcing winners, don't worry your name will be carry forward and counted towards next day's daily price and your chance of winning will increase as you will be able to send me more gifts after reset of daily limit.
3 Months ago
Hello Everyone!!
I would like to start Christmas gift raffle!!


1st-500k PD
2nd - Adamant orb
3rd - Sapphire

Also everyday till event ends, 3 participants who gifted me 5 or more than 5 gifts on that day, will get
1)5 random gems
2)5 random Plushies (of course, not magikarp Plushie)
3)50 random Berries

Steps for participating are as follows:

1) Send me Christmas gift (through lastest ongoing event).
2) Interact with my Pokemon party.
3) Share #Chrismasgiftsraffle, and heart this feed!! Don't repost whole feed!!

Giveaway ends when this Christmas gift event will end. I will try to return gift to those players who gifted me!!!!

REMEMBER, The more gifts you send me, the more is your chance of winning this giveaway!!

3 Months ago
Spending time with family on abroad trip!!!
3 Months ago
The Nappy at honey tree is not getting caught!! What should I do?? It's breaking Ultraball free every time....
3 Months ago

And the winner is -ShiningRayquaza-!!!
Congratulations 🎉 🎉 👏 👏
Thankyou everyone for participating!!

4 Months ago
I'm ending this giveaway because, today is my friend's birthday and this giveaway is conducted for celebrating his b'day. So giveaway should end before next day starts..!!
4 Months ago
Today is my dear friend's birthday. So I'm holding this giveaway!!!
SourApple is our B-Day Boy!!!!

Prize: 1 player will get 100k pd!!
I'm also sending 100k pd to B-Day Boy as a Birthday Gift.Even if he is not giving me B-Day party

Steps to participate:
1] Share #HappyBirthdayDearSourApple
2] Send B-Day Boy a cute Plushie
3] Interact with his Pokemon Party. Don't expect interaction return as he might be busy due to B-Day today.....
4] Send a Gift to SourApple {Optional}
5] Pray for him, for hatching SM Trapinch today!!

Step 4] is optional, rest all steps are compulsory for entering giveaway!!

My friend is so innocent that, once I talked about trading my ground gems with him for nuggets and he and I both agreed to that deal. After that he offered me nuggets with the amount we both decided and asked me for half amount of gems i.e. he was paying me double!! XD. But I offered him what we had decided already!!!
4 Months ago


Shiny Giga

Shiny Collection

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4

Last Visitors

~Pikaboo~Yesterday, 00:31
Zuko~Thu, 27/Mar/2025, 06:18
Hello17Sun, 23/Mar/2025, 17:47
~ShiningRayquaza~Sun, 23/Mar/2025, 16:49
Espy2015Mon, 17/Mar/2025, 12:28