Breakdown Breakdown! Breakdown Breakdown!

Thank you everyone, for the plushies! They’ve made my night!!

Anyone wanna play Ninjala with me?

Man... It sure has been a while. I have missed it here. But I’ll be
back for a while now :).

So uhhhh, does anyone wanna try to steal some of my villagers? I
don’t want a few of mine XD. You can have Fauna, Rod, Hans, Or

What’re your guy’s favorite villagers in New Horizons? Mine are
Zucker and Marshal :3.

I’m soo excited. I ordered animal crossing NH last night and it
should get here in about a week! Who wants to visit my island? XD

Inosuke. Is. Best. Boy. Change my mind

Welp, since trump banned European travel this month. My trip to
Iceland is cancelled :(. corona can just siabsiewhqidhwo

Anyone here have an Oculus Quest?

Who here has a switch? And smash bros?

Has anyone here watched black clover?

If anyone wants, Put down your favorite song. It can be anything
:3. I need some more things to do on Beat Saber ^^.

Who’s the amazing Anonymous who has gifted me so many gifts? OwO

not trying to flex or anything. But I got 132 nuggets XD