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Trainerlevel: 13

Trainerpoints: 263/519


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Mewton M. Meowth14840,600 / 66,157
Seaking14830,187 / 66,157
Woobat1487,836 / 66,157
Ikkakugong13920,497 / 58,381
Ferrerocoal14020,520 / 59,221
Hoggy493,550 / 9,189


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Newest gifts
Treespeak 6 Years ago
Xerao 7 Years ago
Laminasz 7 Years ago
Sharktibolt 8 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Superqami hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #142114338
Registration: 10/11/2014 (9 Years ago)
Game Time: 47:24 Hours
Total interactions: 15,362
Money: 115,750
Starter Pokémon: Swampert


#RememberThatOneTimeOnTheDB When everybody wanted to trade and do multis that one guy formed a league and managed to get (uh-- 8 leaders + 4 e4s) 12 DBers to take part, but we never had challengers because PX said leagues liek this always fail.
8 Years ago
lol I just wasted money on my garden. Beat that Lorelei.
8 Years ago
Hello friends, buying TCG codes at the price for 5000 PD for three. So one pack code for 1500 PD.
Please send this to your friends who have codes but don't use them!
8 Years ago
authsapph pls. Guys I'm poor I need PD
8 Years ago
You are training with Kipper for a while.

The Pokémon raised by 667,589 x 2 = 1,335,178 Exp. Points.

You have been rewarded with 6 Pokédollar!
8 Years ago
Trainer name: Superqami
TrainerLevel: 9
8 Years ago
yay omg thanks for the Keromatsu Plooshie sep yay yay now i all i need is the Keromatsu- Gekogahshier - Gekkouga line lol XD if they have plushies for that!
8 Years ago
#VoteforToge http://pokeheroes.com/img/beauty/photos/7895.png she just murdered a Piplup lol XD ewe o3o
8 Years ago
lololol Send Plushies to people who don't have many because it's a shame that I can't buy some for myself :/
8 Years ago
#PokemonDBArmy I think I joined now..
8 Years ago


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Viewing a Userprofile (4 Years ago)

Last Visitors

wokebokeTue, 19/Jan/2021, 05:08
HamletSat, 06/Jul/2019, 21:55
GazerTue, 09/Jan/2018, 13:27
SpaghettiandMeatballsThu, 19/Oct/2017, 14:40
kitkatSat, 30/Sep/2017, 18:22