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Trainerlevel: 27

Trainerpoints: 1,940/2,213


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Raticate44967 / 5,941
Masquerain382,760 / 4,447
Greedent35965 / 3,781
Woobat373,549 / 4,219
Beedrill40909 / 4,921

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Pandacraft hasn't collected any medals so far.


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
PuppyToast 1 Year ago
~razpberry 1 Year ago
Saltbread 1 Year ago
Saltbread 1 Year ago

🌟People Who I Can Say Are My Friends!🌟

~DarkerNull - Some of u who remember him might also remeber him as Null . He is a great dude and i could always rely on him for cheap priced pokemon and items , Sadly he has left for greater things in life and may or may not come back
~Domocodo - helped me to almost complete my sinnoh Dex to get my deoxys but anywho he is a great friend and a great business person . He also does giveaways so go to his account to enter them ^^
~SilverShinyCharizard - a business partner for a rental business that was runned by Malamartrainer3
~Altreo - I don’t have much info about him at this point of time but he is a very chill guy and generally very kind to me , thanks Altreo!

Missing Hoenn Pokemons
Looking for the Pokémon below , it’s not the most accurate but I try my best to update it and u can check my Pokédex on my profile to get a better view of it . Ok so , I’m buying the Pokémon below for pd , generally I don’t have a set price so u can offer in PP / PM me thanks !!


Hoenn Mons in transaction


Game Records

Trainer ID: #940238405
Registration: 21/01/2022 (3 Years ago)
Time Played: 275:03 Hours
Total interactions: 153,832
Money: 5,289
Starter Pokémon: Charizard


this is my last login i gave all me things to my good friend pandathatdraws so um yea byee
1 Year ago
ban me pls
1 Year ago
1 Year ago
1 Year ago
2 Years ago
By Gosth - 1 Hour and 15 Minutes ago.

Hello everyone! My birthday is really soon (in exactly one week) so its time to make my yearly birthday giveaway!
I decided to give away this year 1k nuggets and here is the distribution:
1st place: 400 nuggies
2nd place: 300 nuggies
3rd place: 150 nuggies
4th place: 100 nuggies
5th place 50 nuggies

Yeah, i think thats fair, now,how do you participate?
Well, all you have to do is share this thread and you are in! GL to everyone!

This will end on October 20th (when it gets october 20th on my city, not on this site)
2 Years ago
By Rice - 9 Hours and 38 Minutes ago. [Quick giveaway]

Iiiit's Spoopy Month! To celebrate this special month, I'm hosting a giveaway! ^-^
Pick a number from 1 to 999. 3 chances per user
The number will be picked by a randomizer, and if the winning number is chosen by more than 1 person, a wheel of names will be spun to decide!

You can pick 1 extra number if you share #OooooItsSpookyMonth
(However, that extra number must be written on the feed that shares the hashtag, not in the comment. Just for easier management ^^)

Hmmm... there are quite limited amount of items in my bag, soooo here are the small prizes :3
1. 250 Nuggets
2. Shiny Deerling line
3. 5 Star Pieces
4. 20 Ghost Gems
5. 5 random Mystery Items

Ends on October 10th. Good luck and have fun! <3
2 Years ago
Anybody notice that Artsydude333 is never online anymore??
2 Years ago
By Domodoco - 10 Minutes and 6 Seconds ago.
#SplitOrSteal It’s back! The rules remain the same, 2 winners will be picked. If you both choose to split the money will be divided evenly. If one person splits and the other steals, the person who steals gets all the money. Finally if both players decide to spilt a 3rd winner will be given the prize. This time the prize will be determined by the number of hearts and shares, 1k PD per heart 2k PD per share and an entry for each (one share per person). I will pick the winners in about 24 hours or when the prize pool is too large.

Share it for the money
2 Years ago
And the winner for #Pandanewshop is……. ~SilverTheHedgehog~! Sending the prize now
Here is proof
2 Years ago
#Pandasnewshop is ending now rewards will be sent soon
2 Years ago
Finish my exams lets goooooooo ( PsLe *cough* ooo did I say something? My fellow Singaporeans )
2 Years ago
Buying missing hoenn mons pp / pm me
2 Years ago
Is it just me but when i play the bug - catching minigame other than the bug pokemon all i see is slowbro wearing a 404 shirt?
2 Years ago
By Domodoco - 1 Minute and 16 Seconds ago.
Would anyone be interested in buying eggs or shiny slots for my Milcery hunt? If 40 people share the hashtag I’ll giveaway my next shiny and then start with slots. Not sure what to price it at yet, thinking about 200k for a slot or 15k an egg.
2 Years ago
Watching Formula 1 right now ^^
2 Years ago
Playing cookie clicker because im bored :/
2 Years ago
#Pandasnewshop will end on 4 October!
2 Years ago
By Clicker - 4 Minutes and 34 Seconds ago.
Hi guys!
Its been 15 days for me playing this game, and i think i have achieved quite a bit! (I guess?)
To celebrate this also to get good luck for this tiresome shiny hunt and to help my friend, I am doing a tiny giveaway!

To get entries:-
1. Like this feed
2. Feed a berry to Noobishgod's Rally pokemon
3. Share #Clickaway
4. Comment which Shiny Mega you think I should hunt for!

The prizes are:-
1st- 50 nuggies
2nd- 50k pd
3rd- 1 nebula stone+1 dragon gem

Clickaway (its not a giveaway cuz im clicker ;D) ends on 15th october when hopefully Mewton wins!

If this giveaway reaches 30 likes, The prizes will be doubled! Please spread among your friends!
Good luck and Stay healthy!
2 Years ago
By Catherine_Elysandre - 50 Minutes and 32 Seconds ago.
AFTER THREE MONTHS OF PREPARATION (gathering festival points, checking the honey tree every moment of my life, extensive searching through the gts and forums) I FINALLY HAVE A SHINY SUNNY CHERRIM!!!

kinda sad, pls don't roast

This marks my ascension from noob to casual player... I also have my first newbie (or 5) to mentor, cuz lvl 25!

But anyways, like and share #TwoElevenCherrim to enter a give away for 21125 pd :)

this hype is all on you guys ... not my fault literally no one has an energy root on site :P
2 Years ago


Last Visitors

DoggaWed, 11/Dec/2024, 02:30
OrangeMunichSat, 22/Jun/2024, 18:09
Minesphalt5680Mon, 29/Apr/2024, 01:06
Plsgive_itemSat, 13/Apr/2024, 12:21
Charmander25Wed, 03/Apr/2024, 08:59

About Me!

Hihi! Welcome to my about me page . My name is Panda and thanks for checking out my profile

Im very open to trades that include my missing mons and basically anything except trash offers . I try supporting small pokeheroes shops like this shop run by gameboy20905 and this rental shop run by MalamarTrainer3

If u want to buy any plushie for me u can send these

Train me!

My Rumble Team!

My Primal Bois