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Fairy Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 14

Trainerpoints: 453/601


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Litten22285,361 / 171,648
Swanna346305,894 / 360,187
Ampharos13656,530 / 63,081
Zeraora8120,599 / 24,909
Woopice141909 / 60,067
Solgilyph14610,072 / 64,387


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Newest gifts
AceSpadeAS 2 Years ago
SoulStar 3 Years ago
Amelyanna 6 Years ago
Riako 6 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Null hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #383108998
Registration: 23/03/2018 (6 Years ago)
Time Played: 22:15 Hours
Total interactions: 55,130
Money: 42,915
Starter Pokémon: Infernape


Probably alive for another week.
6 Years ago
Whoops... Forgot about this. >.<
6 Years ago
That second egg hunt was pretty disappointing... It was a lot easier than it said to be.
6 Years ago
I got 14/20 eggs, and I probably won't get the rest... sadly.
6 Years ago
Half the time I have no idea what I’m doing.
6 Years ago

About Me

I previously went be Null_Cat, and somehow got the name "Null" on here while I still called myself that. But, now I go by Awzri! I would prefer to go by that now, but Null is still fine. (There is no way I'm changing it now.)
If you want to know about me, I'm some random cat on the internet. Pretty anxious too. Don't even look at me weird or I might freak out. I know, its a problem, but I'm getting better with it.
I'm very privacy orientated, and striving to be more so everyday. The whole reason why I'm here is because I've been clearing out my Google account and found this account lying dormant for... ages. And since I want to keep this account, I might as well do some spring cleaning while I'm here.
Who knows if I'll stay though. I probably won't but I'll try to be here a little bit before moving back on with my life. If you really care to follow me past PokeHeroes, there's always contact links down below.


keeping my old about me since its kinda nostalgic :')
This is the very nice profile page by some guy you don't even know.
I play this game when I see an email about it and say "Hey I should get back into this" and I do. For a week. And two months later I'll come back. Rinse, repeat.
I enjoy playing some video games as well as programming and breaking said video games.
I've also made a website with small projects (though I won't disclose what it is as it has no security).
anyway that's pretty much it


Last Visitors

filename2Thu, 29/Jun/2023, 16:02
Small_Dark_OneWed, 24/May/2023, 18:01
MagnetonSun, 17/Jul/2022, 09:23
HolyButterBallSat, 09/May/2020, 07:21
Leo_chara3Sat, 12/Jan/2019, 05:11