By Latios101
I’m leaving again lol
Dis is a raffle and 2 enter just share dis post (Note: I will not
accept JUST the hashtag)
Prizez shall b announced sooooooooon cuz I’m lazy I mean busy

I now have the egg for Mesprit. Once it hatches I will officially
have the lake trio.

Well just got my fourth harvest sprite egg. I'm powering through
finding them.

Three harvest sprite eggs have now been found. I must be doing
something right.

Well we've got our second harvest sprite egg now!

Anyone else wonder what kind of music there is in the Pokemon
world? I mean it they can't have the same music as we do unless
it's an alternate dimension from ours.... Just ramblin' here since
I can't sleep and I've been up for around 34 hours now.

Why can I get every reward on the slots except for the evolution
stones? Seriously that is the one reward I haven't got yet. But I
have 2 or 3 golden boxes.

Question... on the Shoal Salt, and Shoal Shell it says a maniac
will buy it for a high price. Who/Where is that maniac?

Seriously Higher or Lower guy stop being off by 1!!!! It's getting
annoying when every time I'm wrong it's because you went 1 number
away in the other direction.

Azelf has hatched! yay!!!!

Well Reggirock finally hatched....

trying to do the higher or lower thing for the emerald orb for
raylong and it's aggrivating me. I mean I can't get past round 5...

Hey professor Rowan, would you mind having eggs other than bug,
water and normal type all the time? Seriously it's ridiculous.

Ignore that last post. I found how to do it. But I've already got a
full party so that'll have to wait a bit.

So.... What/how do we use the fossils to get fossil Pokemon? I
found a root fossil while fishing but all I can do with it right
now is give it to a Pokemon as a held item.

Hey this time I got an Azelf voucher... Plus I found a Regirock egg
in the tunnels. Go me!

Pokedex completion progress is slower than I thought it would be.

Just so people know I do return the favor if you send me a plushy.
If I can't send one back right away as soon as I see it just give
me a few hours to get the points to send one back. Only mentioning
this because I have like 90 dream points right now.

I have now found my first harvest sprite egg. Yay!

I was just asked this. If I absolutely had to pick a type to become
a gym leader with what would that type be? Well now I'm asking you
guys as well.