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Trainerlevel: 20

Trainerpoints: 681/1,219


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
(Anniversary Cake)
945,480 / 26,791
Cleffa10524,634 / 26,712


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Newest gifts
Rockwar 7 Years ago
Ecco 7 Years ago
EspeUmbre 7 Years ago
Wounded_Solider 8 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Miksa883 hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #79652839
Registration: 15/02/2016 (8 Years ago)
Game Time: 93:44 Hours
Total interactions: 49,245
Money: 429,619
Starter Pokémon: Infernape


If you ToT me I am afraid of little kids.
7 Years ago
I have FINALLY gotten my baby that I have been searching for since I registered on this website. Feels goooood. <3
8 Years ago
Oh wow! I just got a starter from the lab! I had no idea that could happen. <3
8 Years ago


Last Action
Reading the news (7 Years ago)

Last Visitors

SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 22:54
KirishimaEijiroTue, 02/May/2017, 13:01
Fangsniper1Sun, 12/Mar/2017, 02:52
BleederSun, 12/Mar/2017, 02:13
TsuraRayWed, 15/Feb/2017, 19:53