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Rock Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 41

Trainerpoints: 518/5,083


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
-{King Karl}-
(Mega Zoroark)
1,8296,086,726 / 11,994,669
~Grimm Friendship~
(Dr. Honch)
1,6767,729,716 / 10,068,153
Zoroark (Hisuian)311,157 / 2,727
Azurill418 / 49
Zorua (Hisuian)291,970 / 2,349

|About Me|

*Welcome to my Profile :3*

-Hello, my Palpad is currently friends only, so feel free to send me a PM if you wish to be actual friends!!-

-I most likely won't respond to messages that are just "Hi," or messages asking for my things,, Please send a full sentence,,-

-I am Genderfluid, Transmasc, and Pansexual,, I go by any pronouns as I don't mind what I'm called, I simply have a preference for He/Him,,-

-My favorite pokemon are Silvally, Zoroark, Morgrem, and Simipour-

-I do like to draw every now and then, and have a forum linked on my contact panel where my doll designs are drawn.-

-I do have Autism, and most likely can not tell if you are being sarcastic to me unless you are a friend who I know is joking, so please use tonetags if possible//-

-I am actually very timid both online and IRL, so if you seem really cool and epic, I will probably be too scared to actually speak to you,, so please don't assume you did something bad if i dont respond for awhile//-



View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Hagaru 3 Months ago
Maguro 3 Months ago
Keat0n 4 Months ago
Calamity_Sass 4 Months ago


Game Records

Trainer ID: #532246339
Registration: 25/09/2020 (4 Years ago)
Time Played: 1626:55 Hours
Total interactions: 240,771
Money: 104
Starter Pokémon: Giga Charizard


I thought my internet was sucking bc I avoided the notifications for advent reward spoilers but apparently it's bugged 😭
3 Months ago
close feeds but

after i do the rest of the interactions, im unadding everyone on my friendslist bc i only interact with like 4 of you

tell me if you want added back on bc i mainly do FL only feeds.
3 Months ago


*This panel will show my interests, and games I like!!*

-My favorite music genre is Indie Rock, with my favorite band being Mother Mother,,-

-My favorite colors are Black, White, and Pink-

-Animes I like are Demon Slayer, Bungou Stray Dogs, TBHK, and Blue Period,,-

-Games I currently like are Disgaea(6 and 7), Fire Emblem Engage, FEH, Cafe Enchante, Pokemon, Slime Rancher, Stardew Valley, and Cookie Run Kingdom,,-

-I do collect plushies as well//-

-I really wanna get Persona 5 Royal for my switch,,-


My Friends: [******]
Art is by me;

Quote from Arceus"The soul of the unobtainable Silvally."

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4

Last Visitors

MaguroSat, 29/Mar/2025, 16:13
SharelyTue, 25/Mar/2025, 11:31
UndyingSat, 22/Mar/2025, 23:12
KanashiiiiiiFri, 07/Mar/2025, 02:25
AdminusWed, 05/Mar/2025, 22:31