I have just been here for some minutes, and i starting to get the
feels, the feels i got back then, when i used to be here everyday.

Hello. . . .Im once again here.....Im not sure of staying....Im not
sure if i still can be here.......Im not sure if i can stay here
anymore, this might be my very last time being here....i missed
many people from this page.....although i believe no one missed

Hey, i just watched old stuff and I thought, why don't we make a
story, all of us, continuing with one part each one. What do you
think? Lets try it if you want. "Once upon a time..."

I have a mistery key (gold). Someone needs it?

My new avatar look a *little bit* like me. I was inspired by a
friend(which will stay as anonymous). I will have it for a while,
then i will change for something else, unless some people think it
is good. if that is the case, i will stay with it a bit longer.

I wonder why is easier to draw the ice king than the ice prince...
if i don't master to drak the ice prince, i will chage my name to

*randomly enters in Pokeheroes* Oh a badge, i wonder for what?
*Checks notificatios and sees Shiny poochyena* ......
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah finally, finally. so beautiful OMG.

Im trying to look for random people, why? because that way i can
find friends. I wish people find me friendly.

Created an ask.fm, althought no onw will come to see it. Here it
is: http://ask.fm/IcePrinceGamer

Everyone with a new icon, while m here, sitting in this chair.

Poochyena => Dustox
Mightyena => Zigzagoon
OMG!!! Zigzagoon, is that you?

Who are you going to be in halloween?
1-The cute one
2-The scary one
3-The prankster
4-The candy maniac
5-The lazy one
6-The party animal

The halloween event eggs doesn't break a chain, right?

Will a cake egg break my chain?

I was going tomy clicklist and return all my interactions, when i
found this, exact number: 666. Okay, first sonic and now
Pokeheroes. What the heck for real.

I was going tomy clicklist and return all my interactions, when i
found this, exact number: 666. Okay, first sonic and now
Pokeheroes. What the heck for real.

Guys, please respond, if i choose a cake pokemon, will i recieve
the pokemon or its egg?

Question: If I choose a cake, will I recieve thepokemon or the egg?