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Water Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 135

Trainerpoints: 1,952/54,809


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Gible715 / 211

About Me

Hello, I'm Cen!

Please don't ask for my Pokemon/items/PD/Nuggets! I'm also neither lending Pokemon nor am I buying any items or Pokemon unless I explicitly ask for them (via feeds, GTS, etc.).
I will ignore "Hi" messages, just tell me directly what you want! Thank you

sprite made by Temy <3 its so cute <3 Thank you so much


Future hunt: 17,031 out of 108,000 Water Gems collected - I have reached 0% of my goal

Future hunt: 28,695 out of 1,000,000 Normal Gems collected - I have reached 2% of my goal (10 Ditto Eggs in Storage Box <3)

Moltres (Galarian) Future hunt: 153 out of 200 Grey Feathers collected - I have reached 76% of my goal


Please no PM / PP messages about this Items!!! I don´t buy them!!!


Future hunt: 11,110 out of 12,000 Dragon Gems collected - I have reached 92% of my goal

Future hunt: 12,378 out of 12,000 Poison Gems collected - I have reached 100% of my goal

Future hunt: 12,353 out of 12,000 Dark Gems collected - I have reached 100% of my goal

Future hunt: 18,800 out of 12,000 Flying Gems collected - I have reached 100% of my goal

Game Records

Trainer ID: #49642358
Registration: 30/08/2015 (8 Years ago)
Premium member until 03/Dec/2024
Game Time: 8006:08 Hours
Total interactions: 11,832,116
Money: 4,046,249
Starter Pokémon: Combusken


Dark Ponyta Level 6000 🥰
1 Year ago
please remember the rule:

1.3 No begging allowed! Unless otherwise stated by themselves, do not message other members asking them for their Pokémon, money, items, free clicks or anything similar, including unsolicited offers and advertising of any kind.

2 Years ago
I think it's time to clean my friendlist soon again. -.- Too much spam…
I don't want to read about every single item from your boxes... don't want to know every single shiny or mega from SM hunts. Whining about everything is also annoying, life isn't always fair. And I don't like this special share giveaways...
When you got something special, okay! ^^ Tell it, but not every single berry or game chip, you make a SM hunt? Tell milestones or when you get your SM but please, not every single shiny or mega.… and … for the Give Aways… no words….
You can do it ^^
No problem, I don’t block you or something like that but I don’t want to see so much spam. When you need my help feel free to contact me via PM.^^
3 Years ago
Hi all, please check your gts offer bevor you send it. Next time i dont send anything back … thank you
3 Years ago
O____O OMG <3
Congratulations! A shiny Dark Ponyta hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #38)!
8 Years ago

Ponitas <3

Ponyta shiny Box

Ponyta shadow Box

Only collecting Ponyta Plushis ^^ THX <3

Show hidden content
sprites made by me ^^


Last Visitors

PsyduckfriendWed, 24/Jul/2024, 15:45
INSXNETue, 23/Jul/2024, 16:43
POB99Mon, 08/Jul/2024, 14:56
LeberkasSun, 30/Jun/2024, 07:27
KomakoMon, 24/Jun/2024, 09:24