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Forum Thread

Cen`s Book of Goals

Forum-Index Diaries Cen`s Book of Goals
Trainerlevel: 135

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Sat, 09/12/2017 20:00 (7 Years ago)

Goals 2020

Shiny Manaphy: Game Chips 50,000,000
Ponyta Plushis: 10.000 (5.000)
Shiny MissingNo.
Egg Storage: 35
Pieces: 564/672


Xerneas (xxx/xxx)
Tornadus (xxx/xxx)
Thundurus (xxx/xxx)
Landorus (xxx/xxx)

Cosmog Cosmoem Solgaleo Lunala

Goals DONE <3

Show hidden content

Egg Storage: 30 (done 29.04.19)
Ponyta Plushis: 5.000 (done 18.03.19)
Shiny dex: 500 (done 27.03.19)
Shiny Meloetta 50.000 FP (done 30.12.18)
Trainerlevel: 115 (done 13.07.19)
Total interactions:7.000.000 (done 08.09.19)
Gardener Level: 70 (done 16.09.19)
last missing Mega Karp Orange (done 13.11.19)

Trainerlevel: 100
Egg Storage: 20
Ponyta Plushis: 3.000
Puzzle Pieces: 552/552 (100.0%)

Trainerlevel: 135

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Mon, 11/12/2017 05:39 (7 Years ago)

Title: Ponyta <3

Ponyta Box

Rapidash Box

Ponyta shiny Box

Ponyta shadow Box

Ponyta event Box

Pony Mega Box

Only collecting Ponyta Plushis ^^ THX <3

Show hidden content
sprites made by me ^^

shiny shop:

Trainerlevel: 135

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Mon, 11/12/2017 19:52 (7 Years ago)

Title: Art <3

Thank you Rosie

Trainerlevel: 135

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Fri, 29/12/2017 14:31 (7 Years ago)

Title: Shiny Mega ^^

CeNedra is currently hunting Riolu.
Hunt started: 03/07/2017
Hunt ended: 29/12/2017

Congratulations! A shiny Mega Riolu hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #9187)!

CeNedra is currently hunting Mawile.
Hunt started: 06/01/2019
Hunt ended: 14/02/2019

Congratulations! A shiny Mega Mawile hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #981)!
Congratulations! A shiny Mega Mawile hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #1109)!

CeNedra is currently hunting Cottonblu.
Hunt started: 14/02/2019
Hunt ended: 14/02/2019

Congratulations! A shiny Mega Cottonblu hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #49)!

CeNedra is currently not hunting Magikarp .
Hunt started: öööhhhmmm XD
Hunt ended: 27/05/19
Hunt ended: 22/06/19

Congratulations! Shiny MEGA Magikarp caught! (Emera Beach)

CeNedra is currently hunting Shinx.
Hunt started: 25/05/2019
Hunt ended: 06/07/2019

Congratulations! A shiny Shinx hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #2255)!

CeNedra is currently hunting Ponyta.
Hunt started: 03/12/2019
Hunt ended: 04/04/2020

Congratulations! A shiny Ponyta hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #4229)!
Congratulations! A shiny Ponyta hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #5983)!

CeNedra is currently hunting Magikarp.
Hunt started: 01/01/2021
Hunt ended: 22/01/2021

Congratulations! A shiny Magikarp hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #2213)!

CeNedra is currently hunting Riolu.
Hunt started: 31/01/2021
Hunt ended: 11/02/2021

dark pony 02.11.21
Trainerlevel: 135

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Fri, 29/12/2017 16:56 (7 Years ago)

Title: Lab Shinys ^^

Show hidden content
29.12.2017 Blitzle
25.01.2018 Pidgey
24.02.2018 Sunkern
30.03.2018 Cleffa
10.07.2018 Zigzagoon
02.08.2018 Bidoof
22.08.2018 Sandshrew
25.08.2018 Fletchling
13.09.2018 Espurr
29.09.2018 Gulpin
03.10.2018 Phione
06.10.2018 Azurill
21.10.2018 Alomomola
28.10.2018 Pancham
28.10.2018 Hoppip
30.10.2018 Koffing
11.11.2018 Pachirisu
21.04.2019 Glameow
27.04.2019 Caterpie
25.05.2019 Pawniard
19.07.2019 Azurill
20.07.2019 Cleffa
24.07.2019 Meowth
28.10.2019 Voltorb
11.04.2020 Wynaut
27.05.2020 Carvanha
03.06.2020 Flabébé (Yellow)
27.03.2021 Zigzagoon
02.07.2021 Murkrow
04.12.2021 Gothita
26.02.2022 Igglybuff
Trainerlevel: 135

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Sun, 14/01/2018 19:49 (7 Years ago)

Title: Big Emera Goals

Show hidden content

(07.03.16 ) Congratulations! A shiny Dark Ponyta hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #38)!
(29.10.16 ) Congratulations! A shiny Mikofoo hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #96)!
(16.12.16 ) Congratulations! A shiny Autumn Abra hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #71)!
(26.01.17 ) Congratulations! A shiny Tom Nook hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #32)!
(24.06.17 ) Congratulations! A shiny Raylóng hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #72)!
(02.06.17 ) Congratulations! A shiny Cuddlithe hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #110)!
(09.07.18 ) Congratulations! A shiny Cuddlithe hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #159)!
(11.07.18 ) Congratulations! A shiny Pachirisnow hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #97)!
(11.07.18 ) Congratulations! A shiny Catercream hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #90)!
(11.07.18 ) Congratulations! A shiny Tom Nook hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #45)!
(13.07.18 ) Congratulations! A shiny Hawaiian Cubchoo hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #47)!
(14.07.18 ) Congratulations! A shiny Hawaiian Cubchoo hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #159)!
(02.08.18 ) Congratulations! A shiny Gloweon hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #55)!
(03.08.18 ) Congratulations! A shiny Keggleon hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #85)!
(03.08.18 ) Congratulations! A shiny Keggleon hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #139)!
(03.08.18 ) Congratulations! A shiny Satichu hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #59)!
(03.08.18 ) Congratulations! A shiny Satichu hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #47)!
(20.08.18 ) Congratulations! A shiny Space Spinda hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #96)!
(21.08.18 )Congratulations! A shiny Valenfloon hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #119)!
(22.08.18 )Congratulations! A shiny Scattercube hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #43)!
(01.09.18 )Congratulations! A shiny Valenfloon hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #56)!
(01.09.18 )Congratulations! A shiny Surfer Machop hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #80)!
(03.09.18 )Congratulations! A shiny Lepreowth hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #46)!
(09.09.18 )Congratulations! A shiny Blossomly hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #11)!
(12.09.18 )Congratulations! A shiny Chocoluv hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #53)!
(14.09.18 )Congratulations! A shiny Chocoluv hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #67)
(26.09.18 )Congratulations! A shiny Rodeo Scraggy hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #57)!
(30.09.18 )Congratulations! A shiny Surfer Machop hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #53)!
(05.10.18 )Congratulations! A shiny Blossomly hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #58)!
(19.10.18 )Congratulations! A shiny Lepreowth hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #63)!
(30.10.18 )Congratulations! A shiny Space Spinda hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #36)!
(21.12.18 )Congratulations! A shiny Nightmare Munna hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #41)!
(02.01.19 )Congratulations! A shiny Nightmare Munna hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #128)!
(14.02.19 )Congratulations! A shiny MEGA Cottonblu hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #49)!
(02.02.19 )Congratulations! A shiny Zomppet hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #43)!
(02.02.19 )Congratulations! A shiny Spring Mareep hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #75)!
(02.02.19 )Congratulations! A shiny Rokkyu hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #117)!
(02.02.19 )Congratulations! A shiny Rokkyu hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #177)!
(02.02.19 )Congratulations! A shiny Rokkyu hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #206)!
(20.03.19 )Congratulations! A shiny Sandwebble hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #91)!
(22.03.19 )Congratulations! A shiny Super Shroom hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #44)!
(22.04.19 )Congratulations! A shiny Princess Smoochum hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #41)!
(27.04.19 )Congratulations! A shiny Sandwebble hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #39)!
(06.05.19 ) Congratulations! A shiny Unown Flake hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #41)!
(18.05.19 ) Congratulations! A shiny Impasta hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #109)!
(08.07.19 ) Congratulations! A shiny Deerling (Easter) hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #152)!
(17.08.20 )Congratulations! A shiny Cubone (Hylian) hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #123)!
(28.01.21 ) Congratulations! A shiny Dirndltank hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #68)!
(13.02.21 ) Congratulations! A shiny Selunar hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #53)!
(21.02.21 ) Congratulations! A shiny Keggleon hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #54)!

Trainerlevel: 135

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Tue, 16/01/2018 07:26 (7 Years ago)

Title: Honeytree Shinys

Show hidden content

16.01.18 Look! A wild Hoppip (SHINY) is eating your honey!
28.01.18 Look! A wild Wurmple (SHINY) is eating your honey!
27.04.08 Look! A wild Teddiursa (SHINY) is eating your honey!
05.05.18 Look! A wild Hoppip (SHINY) is eating your honey!
21.05.18 Look! A wild Teddiursa (SHINY) is eating your honey!
25.05.18 Look! A wild Pachirisu (SHINY) is eating your honey
01.06.18 Look! A wild Teddiursa (SHINY) is eating your honey!
02.06.18 Look! A wild Aipom (SHINY) is eating your honey!
10.07.18 Look! A wild Aipom ( SHINY) is eating your honey!
12.06.18 Look! A wild Hoppip (SHINY) is eating your honey!
19.06.18 Look! A wild Larvesta (SHINY) is eating your honey!
02.07.18 Look! A wild Combee (SHINY) is eating your honey!
04.07.18 Look! A wild Heracross (SHINY) is eating your honey!
06.07.18 Look! A wild Pachirisu (SHINY) is eating your honey!
21.07.18 Look! A wild Hoppip (SHINY) is eating your honey!
04.08.18 Look! A wild Budew (SHINY) is eating your honey!
08.08.18 Look! A wild Budew (SHINY) is eating your honey!
08.08.18 Look! A wild Munchlax (SHINY) is eating your honey!
22.08.18 Look! A wild Pachirisu (SHINY) is eating your honey!
14.09.18 Look! A wild Teddiursa (SHINY) is eating your honey!
28.09.18 Look! A wild Aipom (SHINY) is eating your honey!
06.10.18 Look! A wild Cherubi (SHINY) is eating your honey!
19.10.18 Look! A wild Aipom (SHINY) is eating your honey!
28.10.18 Look! A wild Budew (SHINY) is eating your honey!
20.11.18 Look! A wild Budew (SHINY) is eating your honey!
09.12.18 Look! A wild Heracross (SHINY) is eating your honey!
15.12.18Look! A wild Cherubi (SHINY) is eating your honey!
20.01.19Look! A wild Larvesta (SHINY) is eating your honey!
15.02.19 Look! A wild Wurmple (SHINY) is eating your honey!
16.02.19Look! A wild Pachirisu (SHINY) is eating your honey!
18.02.19Look! A wild Aipom (SHINY) is eating your honey!
19.02.19 Look! A wild Hoppip (SHINY) is eating your honey!
19.03.19 Look! A wild Budew (SHINY) is eating your honey!
21.03.19 Look! A wild Wurmple (SHINY) is eating your honey!
07.04.19 Look! A wild Budew (SHINY) is eating your honey!
27.04.19 Look! A wild Slowyore ( MEGA) is eating your honey!
27.04.19 Look! A wild Burmy (Plant) (SHINY) is eating your honey!
18.05.19 Look! A wild Cherubi (SHINY) is eating your honey!
02.06.19 Look! A wild Budew (SHINY) is eating your honey!
24.06.19 Look! A wild Burmy (Plant) (SHINY) is eating your honey!
25.06.19 Look! A wild Budew (SHINY) is eating your honey!
02.07.19 Look! A wild Wurmple (SHINY) is eating your honey!
03.07.19 Look! A wild Wurmple (SHINY) is eating your honey!
05.07.19 Look! A wild Burmy (Plant) () ( SHINY) is eating your honey
19.07.19 Look! A wild Wurmple () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!
20.07.19 Look! A wild Hoppip () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!
28.07.19 Look! A wild Slowyore () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!
22.08.19 Look! A wild Wurmple () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!
02.09.19 Look! A wild Combee () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!
03.09.19 Look! A wild Wurmple () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!
15.09.19 Look! A wild Wurmple (SHINY) is eating your honey!
15.09.19 Look! A wild Budew (SHINY) is eating your honey
15.09.19Look! A wild Cherubi () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!!
18.09.19Look! A wild Aipom () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!
04.10.19 Look! A wild Burmy (Plant) () ( SHINY) is eating your honey
10.10.19Look! A wild Aipom () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!
13.12.19Look! Look! A wild Wurmple () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!
15.12.19 Look! A wild Budew () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!
17.12.19 Look! A wild Hoppip () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!
20.12.19 Look! A wild Pachirisu () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!
11.03.20 Look! A wild Aipom () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!
09.04.20 Look! A wild Wurmple () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!
19.04.20 Look! A wild Hoppip () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!
06.05.20 Look! A wild Budew () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!
06.05.20 Look! A wild Hoppip () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!
08.05.20 Look! A wild Aipom () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!
22.07.20 Look! A wild Wurmple () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!
02.08.20 Look! A wild Burmy (Plant) () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!
16.09.20 Look! Look! A wild Hoppip () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!
28.09.20 Look! A wild Budew () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!
02.11.20 Look! A wild Budew () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!
05.02.21 Look! A wild Hoppip () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!
14.02.21 Look! A wild Burmy (Plant) () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!
24.02.21 Look! A wild Hoppip () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!
28.03.21 Look! A wild Hoppip () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!
04.05.21 Look! A wild Cherubi () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!!
10.09.21 Look! A wild Pachirisu () ( SHINY) is eating your honey
05.10.21 Look! A wild Aipom () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!
24.11.21 Look! A wild Wurmple () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!
12.01.23 Look! A wild Teddiursa () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!
03.12.23Look! A wild Burmy (Plant) () ( SHINY) is eating your honey!

Trainerlevel: 135

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Wed, 31/01/2018 17:54 (7 Years ago)

Title: Emera Beach Shinys

My Beach Specials <3

Show hidden content
13.04.18 Shiny Staryu caught!
18.04.18 Shiny Lanturn caught!
19.04.18 Shiny Poliwag caught!
23.04.18 Shiny Carvanha caught!
01.05.18 Shiny Azurill caught!
01.05.18 Shiny Seaking caught!
04.05.18 Shiny Tympole caught!
13.05.18 Shiny Bruxish caught!
14.05.18 Shiny Mantyke caught!
13.08.18.Shiny Tentacool caught!
13.08.18 Shiny Clamperl caught!
26.08.18 Shiny Poliwhirl caught!
01.09.18 Shiny Tynamo caught!
07.10.18 Shiny Azurill caught!
17.10.18 Shiny Staryu caught!
19.10.18 Shiny Tentacool caught!
01.01.19 Shiny Tynamo caught!
02.01.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
02.01.19 Shiny Remoraid caught!
04.01.19 Shiny Remoraid caught!
05.01.19 Shiny Remoraid caught!
05.01.19 Shiny Clauncher caught!
06.01.19 Shiny Clamperl caught!
08.01.19 Shiny Wishiwashi caught!
08.01.19 Shiny Inkay caught!
09.01.19 Shiny Staryu caught!
11.01.19 Shiny Bruxish caught
20.01.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
22.01.19 Shiny Seaking caught!
23.01.19 Shiny Goldeen caught!
25.01.19 Shiny Azurill caught!
17.01.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
19.01.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
22.02.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
22.02.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
24.02.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
24.02.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
07.03.19 Shiny Magikarp (White) caught!
08.03.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
15.03.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
17.03.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
28.03.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
03.04.19 Shiny Magikarp (Violet) caught!
04.04.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
14.04.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
30.04.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
30.04.19 Shiny Magikarp (Gray) caught!
01.05.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
06.05.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
27.05.19 Shiny MEGA Magikarp caught!
30.05.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
03.06.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
09.06.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
10.06.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
11.06.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
12.06.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
13.01.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
13.01.19 Shiny Magikarp (Black) caught!
14.01.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
17.06.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
19.06.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
22.06.19 Shiny MEGA Magikarp caught!
23.06.19 Shiny Magikarp (White) caught!
01.07.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
01.07.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
02.07.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
03.07.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
04.07.19 Shiny Magikarp (Purple) caught!
05.07.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
05.07.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
11.07.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
11.07.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
15.07.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
20.07.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
25.07.19 Shiny Magikarp (Purple) caught!
28.07.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
19.09.19 Shiny Magikarp (Orange) caught!
08.10.19 Shiny Magikarp (Gray) caught!
15.10.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
15.10.19 Shiny Magikarp (Black) caught!
10.11.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
10.11.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
13.11.19 Shiny Tynamo caught!
17.11.19 Shiny Lumineon caught!
18.11.19 Shiny Staryu caught!
21.12.19 Shiny Staryu caught
27.12.19 Shiny Magikarp caught!
27.12.19 Shiny Clauncher caught!
08.01.20 Shiny Totodile caught!
25.04.20 Shiny Staryu caught!
30.04.20 Shiny Lumineon caught!
01.05.20 Shiny Tentacool caught!
18.05.20 Shiny Phione caught!
19.05.20 Shiny Lumineon caught!
20.05.20 Shiny Feebas caught!
28.05.20 Shiny Seaking caught!
30.05.20 Shiny Magikarp caught!
09.06.20 Shiny Horsea caught!
10.06.20 Shiny Bruxish caught!
14.06.20 Shiny Magikarp caught!
18.06.20 Shiny Frillish caught!
19.06.20 Shiny Gyarados caught!
10.09.20 Shiny Skrelp caught!
11.09.20 Shiny Cloyster caught!
03.11.20 Shiny Seaking caught!
05.11.20 Shiny Wishiwashi caught!
06.11.20 Shiny Poliwhirl caught!
07.11.20 Shiny Azurill caught!
07.11.20 Shiny Feebas caught!
21.11.20 Shiny Tentacruel caught!
22.11.20 Shiny Tentacruel caught!
26.11.20 Shiny Piplup caught!
29.11.20 Shiny Clauncher caught!
08.12.20 Shiny Tympole caught!
20.02.21 Shiny Tentacool caught!
03.03.21 Shiny Inkay caught!
06.03.21 Shiny Cloyster caught!
19.03.21 Shiny Staryu caught
27.03.21 Shiny Tentacool caught!
07.04.21 Shiny Magikarp caught!
11.04.21 Shiny Lanturn caught!
12.04.21 Shiny Corphish caught!
19.04.21 Shiny Tentacool caught!
03.05.21 Shiny Lanturn caught!
28.05.21 Shiny Magikarp caught!
30.08.21 Shiny Magikarp caught!
19.11.21 Shiny Bruxish caught!
01.12.21 Shiny Carvanha caught!
02.04.22 Shiny Magikarp caught!
03.04.22Shiny Magikarp (Brown) caught!

Trainerlevel: 135

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Wed, 31/01/2018 18:57 (7 Years ago)

Title: Hoopa Quest

01. 13.01.18 -- 26. 30.01.18 -- 51. 21.02.18 -- 76. 13.03.18
02. 14.01.18 -- 27. 30.01.18 -- 52. 22.02.18 -- 77. 13.03.18
03. 15.01.18 -- 28. 31.01.18 -- 53. 22.02.18 -- 78. 13.03.18
04. 15.01.18 -- 29. 31.01.18 -- 54. 23.02.18 -- 79. 14.03.18
05. 16.01.18 -- 30. 01.02.18 -- 55. 23.02.18 -- 80. 15.03.18
06. 16.01.18 -- 31. 02.02.18 -- 56. 25.02.18 -- 81. 15.03.18
07. 16.01.18 -- 32. 02.02.18 -- 57. 26.02.18 -- 82. 16.03.18
08. 17.01.18 -- 33. 03.02.18 -- 58. 26.02.18 -- 83. 17.03.18
09. 17.01.18 -- 34. 05.02.18 -- 59. 27.02.18 -- 84. 18.03.18
10. 17.01.18 -- 35. 07.02.18 -- 60. 27.02.18 -- 85. 19.03.18
11. 17.01.18 -- 36. 08.02.18 -- 61. 28.02.18 -- 86. 20.03.18
12. 17.01.18 -- 37. 08.02.18 -- 62. 02.03.18 -- 87. 20.03.18
13. 20.01.18 -- 38. 09.02.18 -- 63. 03.03.18 -- 88. 21.03.18
14. 20.01.18 -- 39. 14.02.18 -- 64. 04.03.18 -- 89. 22.03.18
15. 21 01 18 -- 40. 15.02.18 -- 65. 04.03.18 -- 90. 22.03.18
16. 23.01.18 -- 41. 16.02.18 -- 66. 04.03.18 -- 91. 22.03.18
17. 25.01.18 -- 42. 17.02.18 -- 67. 04.03.18 -- 92. 23.03.18
18. 28.01.18 -- 43. 17.02.18 -- 68. 05.03.18 -- 93. 23.03.18
19. 28.01.18 -- 44. 17.02.18 -- 69. 07.03.18 -- 94. 23.03.18
20. 28.01.18 -- 45. 18.02.18 -- 70. 07.03.18 -- 95. 23.03.18
21. 28.01.18 -- 46. 19.02.18 -- 71. 07.03.18 -- 96. 27.03.18
22. 28.01.18 -- 47. 19.02.18 -- 72. 07.03.18 -- 97. 28.03.18
23. 28.01.18 -- 48. 20.02.18 -- 73. 08.03.18 -- 98. 29.03.18
24. 28.01.18 -- 49. 20.02.18 -- 74. 09.03.18 -- 99. 29.03.18
25. 28.01.18 -- 50. 21.02.18 -- 75. 11.03.18 --100. 30.03.18

Trainerlevel: 135

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Fri, 09/02/2018 20:27 (7 Years ago)

Title: Hunting with friends ^^


Hunt with: Yoolina
13.09.17 Congratulations! A shiny Volcanion hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #57)! (Yoolina)
14.09.17 Congratulations! A shiny Volcanion hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #78)! (CeNedra)


Hunt with: BLEACHIchigo1
07.02.18 Congratulations! A shiny Jirachi hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #92)! (BLEACHIchigo1)
09.02.18 Congratulations! A shiny Jirachi hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #119)! (Rosie)

Rosie is currently hunting Xerneas.
Hunt started: 16/08/2020

CeNedra is currently hunting Cosmog.
Hunt started: 22/08/2020

Trainerlevel: 135

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Thu, 01/03/2018 21:59 (7 Years ago)

Title: All Safari Shiny Vivis

Trainerlevel: 135

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Tue, 15/05/2018 16:42 (6 Years ago)

Title: Garden Shinys

1. long time ago
2. 15.05.18
3. 18.05.18
4. 18.05.18
5. 22.05.18
6. 27.06.18
7. 09.10.18
8. 09.10.18
9. 17.10.18
16. 12.01.20
17. 23.05.20
1. long time ago
2. xx.xx.xx
3. xx.xx.xx
1. long time ago
2. xx.xx.xx
3. xx.xx.xx
Trainerlevel: 135

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Sun, 08/07/2018 09:55 (6 Years ago)

Title: Reto World

My Normal Retro Pokis:

My Shiny Retro Pokis:
Trainerlevel: 135

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Sat, 08/06/2019 13:52 (5 Years ago)

Title: Shadows

Trainerlevel: 135

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Tue, 02/07/2019 18:57 (5 Years ago)

Title: Shiny hunts

CeNedra is currently hunting Trubbish. Hunt started: 29/01/2018
Congratulations! A shiny Trubbish hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #83, #113, #140, #154, #155, #175)!

CeNedra is currently hunting Miltank. Hunt started: 06/02/2018
Congratulations! A shiny Miltank hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #123, #134)

CeNedra is currently hunting Castform. Hunt started: 15/02/2018
Congratulations! A shiny Castform hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #65, #73, #77)!

CeNedra is currently hunting Doduo. Hunt started: 06/03/2018
Congratulations! A shiny Doduo hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #41, #80, #119, #137, #168, #205, #218, #241, #351, #357, #397, #406, #426)!

CeNedra is currently hunting Fletchling. Hunt started: 24/03/2018
Congratulations! A shiny Fletchling hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #38, #49, #56, #141, #174, #199, #205, #308)!

CeNedra is currently hunting Growlithe. Hunt started: 04/04/2018
Congratulations! A shiny Growlithe hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #56)!

CeNedra is currently hunting Tropius. Hunt started:
18/07/2018 - 03/08/2018 -25/08/2018

Congratulations! A shiny Tropius hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #103, #183, #214, #230, #54, #93, #100)!

CeNedra is currently hunting Pichu. Hunt started: 19/09/2018
Congratulations! A shiny Pichu hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #60, #105, #119, #125, #160, #163)!

CeNedra is currently hunting Koffing. Hunt started: 09/10/2018
Congratulations! A shiny Koffing hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #77, #96, #114, #137)!

CeNedra is currently hunting Pansear. Hunt started:
24/10/2018 - 31/10/2018 - 12/11/2018

Congratulations! A shiny Pansear hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #51, #106, #121, #158, #147, #215, #318)!

CeNedra is currently hunting Spearow.Hunt started: 03/12/2018
Congratulations! A shiny Spearow hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #140, #174, #224, #280)!

CeNedra is currently hunting Deino. Hunt started: 15/02/2019 - 04/03/2019
Congratulations! A shiny Deino hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #62, #81, #116, #120, #124, #227, #84, #124, #226)!

CeNedra is currently hunting Psyduck. Hunt started: 02/04/2019
Congratulations! A shiny Psyduck hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #63, #114, #128, #234, #291, #296, #315, #327, #365, #390, #397, #401, #412, #457, #476, #539)!

CeNedra is currently hunting Diglett. Hunt started: 06/05/2019
Congratulations! A shiny Diglett hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #15, #49, #51, #112, #132, #141)!

CeNedra is currently hunting Pikipek. Hunt started: 30/07/2019
Congratulations! A shiny Diglett hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #82, #112, #114, #115, #126, #150, #164, #173, #181, #237)!

CeNedra is currently hunting Slakoth . Hunt started: 16/08/2019 - 21/08/2019
Congratulations! A shiny Slakoth hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #99, #61, #72, #103, #186, #248, #290, #387, #398, #474)!

CeNedra is currently hunting Shuckle. Hunt started: 16/10/2019 - 27/10/2019Congratulations! A shiny Shuckle hatched out of one of your eggs

CeNedra is currently hunting Binacle.
Hunt started: 03/11/2019 09/11/2019