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Trainerlevel: 16

Trainerpoints: 571/783


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Murkrow644,519 / 13,143


My Babies

Name: Lilabet
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage

Name: Katarina
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage


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Newest gifts
starvixx 4 Years ago
Absbor 4 Years ago
starvixx 4 Years ago
LadyNature 4 Years ago

Game Records

Trainer ID: #461307561
Registration: 29/02/2020 (5 Years ago)
Time Played: 49:52 Hours
Total interactions: 51,673
Money: 21,017
Starter Pokémon: Swampert


I have a breeding pair of Stoutland that breed like crazy. If you want a Lilpup or a breeding pair please pm me, and tell your friends. 69 and counting.
4 Years ago
46 Lilpup and counting. Please come take some off my hands! ;)
4 Years ago
I have a breeding pair of Stoutland that breed like crazy. If you want a Lilpup or a breeding pair please pm me, and tell your friends.
4 Years ago
The eggs are hard to find!
4 Years ago
By King_Of_The_Weebs - 2 Hours and 23 Minutes ago.
OK! I think its time for this giveaway to start So um the story behind this giveaway was that it was for my birthday back in February but i had so many things to do then so i wasnt active like at all but yeah here it is now XD

So all you have to do is leave a nice message for everyone in the comments and share #ExceptionallyLateBdayGiveaway

Now that long paragraph is done time for the prizes!

1st: A shiny Tapu of your choice

2nd: 1 Million Pokedollars

3rd: 100 nuggets

Thats all for now it ends on the 31st March at 23:59

4 Years ago
By l0ser - 8 Hours and 39 Minutes ago.
in a panic to keep ahead of prof oak, i'm doing a quick giveaway in return of your help!!
as of right now, i am only TWO levels ahead of him! yikes!

in order for me to stay ahead of him, ive decided to do a small giveaway, with FIVE random winners!

prizes consist of:
-50k PD
-10x random gems
-5x rare candies
-2x boxes OR keys (no black/gold)
-1x random fossil

how to enter the giveaway:
-repost this entire post, including "by l0ser"
-feed prof rowan's pokemon a berry (charlotte)
-copy/paste the "fed berry" message in the ORIGINAL POST
-make sure you add #Helpl0serWithRowan to be entered

anyone that clicks as a guest gets a SECOND ENTRY in the name pool! make sure this is added in the ORIGINAL POST as well for it to count!! (this post!)
4 Years ago


Last Action
Reading the news (4 Years ago)

Last Visitors

AlexanderHamiltonWed, 21/Aug/2024, 22:35
reapuMon, 08/Nov/2021, 16:21
SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 21:41
MoonLaLuneMon, 17/May/2021, 14:52
DeBassonSun, 14/Mar/2021, 16:25

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4



Annlyn hasn't collected any medals so far.