the task is: you guys need to find some new user(as much as
possible) you will need to donate 8000-30000 PD to him/her then at
14th, PM me the screenshots of how much money you spend for them
(from bank) and i will announce the winner at 15th, will dat be OK?
1. Post here for participation
2. Find new users as much as possible
3. The users you found must be a bit active (like finished the
4. You need to donate 8,000 - 30,000 Pd to the users (plz note that
you can only send pd to a singular user only once!)
5. The more you donate to new users the higher the winning
6. At 14th DEC you will submit screenshot of all your donations to
me via PM (please use the Emera bank page)
7. At 15th DEC winners will be announced
4 star pieces, earth, iron, fist,
flame plates, 2 spray duck, 1 gracidea flower, 1 microwave, 1 red
orb, 1 white powder (prizes can be taken separately like 1 star
piece instead of 4)
shono tomake akta new user k PD donate korta hobe joto bashi new
user khuja donate korba toto chance barbai, ata akta charity raffle
Zakah moton
Note(rules a o licka ache): you can donate to one specific user
only once
right now bangladeshis of ph can be counted by fingers >_> so
i think it would be better if we continue the current raffle,
anyways i did a bit of hard work to make it anyway