@serif6824 I'm glad you felt happy enough to explain that 😁 so in
the UK, Asperges is seen as an 'outdated term' as we run off a
number system now for ASD diagnosis. So level 1 is for people
identified to need minimal support to get through day to day
activities and social activities (they can navigate these but it's
difficult and keeping friendships is hard), level 2 functioning
adults are seen to need substantial support (I work with a range of
level 2 functioning ASD students and they're all different 😁) these
people are usually identified to have developmental delays and have
more common and noticeable ASD symptoms, then level 3 functioning
people are those that need a very substantial support, these are
usually individuals who may use noises to communicate or limited
words, they repeatedly things constantly and struggle meeting our
set developmental milestones.
Before we did have Asperges, high functioning, low functioning etc,
but we now base it on levels of support needed to help the
individuals navigate life. Psychology and working with
neurodivergent people is a massive passion of mine 😁 again, thank
you for sharing your knowledge!
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will breed if I have them for gems I need :)
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