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Forum Thread

Dice Game

Forum-Index Forum Games Dice Game
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 289
Posted: Sun, 01/12/2024 05:07 (3 Months ago)
I'm Bored. I have bad luck. Let's play a dice game.

I'm gonna roll a dice, and based on what you get, what you do.

It's free. But there's rewards and consequences.

Just say "Let It Roll"

You can't repeat until someone else posts


Roll a:

1: Give 1k to next sender

2:Get 1k to maker of thread.

3: Give 1k to maker of thread.

4: Give 1 gem to next sender

5: Get 1 gem to maker of thread.

6: Give 1 gem to random person

7: Nothing :)

8: Send MAGIKARP plushie to a random person

9: Roll another

10: Roll another

11: Use #DiceGame in Notification Wall

12: Get 1k from maker of thread

13: Get 1k from maker of thread

14: Get a random Pokemon in fishbox from the maker of thread

15: Nothing

16: Can post again without waiting

17: Can't post until 2 people post

18: Can't post until 3 people post

19: Can't post until 5 people post.

20: 5k from owner

Good luck and keep trying :)

Edit: I changed all bad stuff that involves me getting something (except for coins cuz im too broke :.( ) because of deep thinking and some emotional damage. Thank you!
Purrloin & Liepard Lover, JXFS
Country Collector
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 320
Posted: Sun, 01/12/2024 05:43 (3 Months ago)
Let it Roll!
Sincerely, from the Orange Pokémon fan who loves Popplio.

Please train this to Level 400!

I love Popplio!!!

Please send me plushies if you can!
Thank you! <3<3<3
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 289
Posted: Sun, 01/12/2024 07:31 (3 Months ago)
You got...........................


You get nothing :(

It's okay. Let another person post before you can roll again! (I wish.)

Purrloin & Liepard Lover, JXFS
Country Collector
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 67
Posted: Sun, 01/12/2024 13:22 (3 Months ago)
Roll please
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 289
Posted: Mon, 02/12/2024 00:54 (3 Months ago)
You got......


Congrats! You get a gem! Sending to you.

You can send again after another rolls.
Purrloin & Liepard Lover, JXFS
Country Collector
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 204
Posted: Mon, 02/12/2024 02:23 (3 Months ago)
Let It Roll!

I'm bored too
ꡍꡎꡖꡱꡖꡄꡱꡀꡑꡄꡱꡁꡑꡈꡋꡋꡈꡀꡍꡓꡫꡱꡍꡎꡖꡱꡖꡄꡱꡀꡑꡄꡱꡏꡄꡑꡅꡄꡂꡓꡫꡱꡍꡎꡖꡱꡖꡄ/ꡈꡱꡀꡌ-ꡱꡨꡧꡤꡧꡥꡤꡤꡥꡧꡍꡄꡖꡋꡈꡍꡄꡓꡎꡊꡄꡍꡨꡧꡦꡤꡧꡥꡤꡨꡱꡁꡔꡓ,ꡱꡈꡱꡆꡀꡕꡄꡱꡈꡍ. ꡀꡍꡃꡱꡍꡎꡖ,ꡱꡈ'ꡌꡱꡓꡎꡱꡁꡋꡀꡌꡄꡱꡅꡎꡑꡱꡎꡔꡑ/ꡌꡘꡱꡅꡀꡓꡄ-ꡱꡨꡧꡤꡧꡥꡤꡤꡥꡧꡍꡄꡖꡋꡈꡍꡄꡓꡎꡊꡄꡍꡨꡧꡦꡤꡧꡥꡤꡨꡱꡈ'ꡌꡱꡒꡎꡑꡑꡘ... ꡈ'ꡌꡱꡒꡎꡱꡒꡎꡑꡑꡘ... ꡈꡱꡒꡇꡎꡔꡋꡃ'ꡕꡄꡱꡃꡎꡍꡄꡱꡌꡎꡑꡄ-ꡱꡨꡧꡤꡧꡥꡤꡤꡥꡧꡍꡄꡖꡋꡈꡍꡄꡓꡎꡊꡄꡍꡨꡧꡦꡤꡧꡥꡤꡨꡱꡏꡋꡄꡀꡒꡄ,ꡱꡋꡄꡓ'ꡒꡱꡍꡄꡕꡄꡑꡱꡒꡏꡄꡀꡊꡱꡎꡅꡱꡓꡇꡈꡒꡱꡀꡆꡀꡈꡍ-ꡱꡨꡧꡤꡧꡥꡤꡤꡥꡧꡍꡄꡖꡋꡈꡍꡄꡓꡎꡊꡄꡍꡨꡧꡦꡤꡧꡥꡤꡨꡱꡈ... ꡖꡇo... Who am I?
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 289
Posted: Mon, 02/12/2024 08:57 (3 Months ago)
You got..................


Unlucky you! (like me) You can't roll anymore until 5 people do! Don't worry, you can subscribe to this forum until you can roll again.

People that can't roll:
ShatteredDiamond (0/5)
Purrloin & Liepard Lover, JXFS
Country Collector
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 804
Posted: Mon, 02/12/2024 09:35 (3 Months ago)
Lets roll!
"What you do with the gift of life determines who you are" - Mewtwo
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 289
Posted: Mon, 02/12/2024 09:38 (3 Months ago)
You got..................


Unlucky you! (relatable) You need to give 1 gem to the owner of this thread (now people think that I'm cheating). You can try again after someone else rolls. Use the gift system in GTS instead of item trade.

People that can't roll:
ShatteredDiamond (1/5)
Purrloin & Liepard Lover, JXFS
Country Collector
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 320
Posted: Mon, 02/12/2024 10:41 (3 Months ago)
Let it Roll!
Sincerely, from the Orange Pokémon fan who loves Popplio.

Please train this to Level 400!

I love Popplio!!!

Please send me plushies if you can!
Thank you! <3<3<3
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 289
Posted: Mon, 02/12/2024 10:46 (3 Months ago)
You get................


Congrats! You get 1k! Just wait before I sent you your 1k. :)

People that can't roll:
ShatteredDiamond (2/5)
Purrloin & Liepard Lover, JXFS
Country Collector