Forum Thread
Dogga’s Pokemon shop (OPEN)
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Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → Dogga’s Pokemon shop (OPEN)
Dogga OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 28
Forum Posts: 39
Posted: Tue, 12/11/2024 08:29 (3 Months ago)
Welcome to Dogga’s Pokémon
I sell Pokémon
1. All PH rules apply
2. Please note that I have IRL life and will take time to
3. I prefer PD as a payment but you can pay with other stuff equal
in PD
4. The trade will be set up for around 72 hours. If there is no
offer in 72h, I will cancel the trade and you will have to order
5. The daily limit for buying Pokémon is 10 per day per user
6. I have the right to reject your offer, whether I just don’t want
to do it or something else
7. Lastly, the rules, offers and prices are subject to change
8. Nothing else, but thank you for reading the rules
Quote Special Offer
none so far
Ends on
Box 1
Box of Pichus, Pikachus and Gible
Box 3
Easy rarity - 300pd
Medium rarity - 650pd
Hard rarity - 900pd
Rare rarity - 1kpd
Starter rarity - 4k pd
Special rarity - 5k pd
Legendary rarity - depends
Retro Gastly - 4k pd
Pikachu - 450pd
Pichu -
Thank you
Forum Posts: 43
Posted: Wed, 27/11/2024 02:10 (3 Months ago)
Could I buy the whiscash? I'll pay with PD
Dogga OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 28
Forum Posts: 39
Posted: Wed, 27/11/2024 06:55 (3 Months ago)
It will be 600pd.
I’ll set up the trade now
Forum Posts: 46
Posted: Mon, 09/12/2024 17:54 (2 Months ago)
Username: -nationaldex-
Pokemon and which box it is from: Larvitar BOX 1
Payment method: pd
Other: thanks!
Forum Posts: 106
Posted: Mon, 09/12/2024 20:38 (2 Months ago)
Username: SengarBlade
Pokemon and which box it is from: Samurott Box 1
Payment method: PD
Voucher (if have):
"But where's the fun in going down alone?"
Dogga OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 28
Forum Posts: 39
Posted: Tue, 10/12/2024 03:34 (2 Months ago)
@-nationaldex- sure that will be 1k pd
@SangarBlade ok that will be 4k pd
Setting up the trades now for both
Forum Posts: 46
Posted: Fri, 13/12/2024 22:14 (2 Months ago)
Username: -nationaldex-
Pokemon and which box it is from: wingull - trade/sell
Payment method: pd
Voucher (if have):
Dogga OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 28
Forum Posts: 39
Posted: Sat, 14/12/2024 00:36 (2 Months ago)
@-nationaldex- Ok that will be 650pd. Setting up the trade now.
Forum Posts: 9
Posted: Mon, 13/01/2025 10:48 (1 Month ago)
Username: Malijkid
Pokemon and which box it is from: Ho-oh BOX 1; Sceptile BOX 3
Payment method: pd
Other: :3
Dogga OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 28
Forum Posts: 39
Posted: Mon, 13/01/2025 12:54 (1 Month ago)
@Malijkid ok that will be 15k pd for the Ho-Oh and 4k for the
Sceptile so total 19kpd
Forum Posts: 67
Posted: Wed, 15/01/2025 21:43 (1 Month ago)
Username: Spaghetticat
Pokemon and what box it is from: porygon from box 1
Payment method: pd (based on rarity it should be 1k right?)
Other: ty!
Dogga OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 28
Forum Posts: 39
Posted: Wed, 15/01/2025 22:29 (1 Month ago)
@Spaghetticat yes it is 1kpd. Sending trade now.
Bezash OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 27
Forum Posts: 65
Posted: Sat, 25/01/2025 10:55 (1 Month ago)
Username: Bezash
Pokemon and which box it is from: Magneton from Box 1 and Garchomp
from Box with Pikachu and Gible
Payment method: PD
Other: Thanks !
Huggle Me
Dogga OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 28
Forum Posts: 39
Posted: Sat, 25/01/2025 12:06 (1 Month ago)
@Bezash sure ok that will be 1800pd in total, setting up trade now
Forum Posts: 157
Posted: Sat, 25/01/2025 12:40 (1 Month ago)
Username: Himari
Pokemon and which box it is from:
Arbok, Indeedee, and female Dewott from Box 1
Parasect, Girafarig, Litleo, Stantler, and male Corsola from Box
Payment method: PD
Other: I will tip 5k, and since F Dewott is a rare gender, I will
tip another 3k
Forum Posts: 44
Posted: Sat, 25/01/2025 13:48 (1 Month ago)
Username: Kanashiiiiii
Pokemon and which box it is from: Ho-oh, 'Trade/sell'
Payment method: PD
Other: Thnx!
Forum Posts: 782
Posted: Tue, 28/01/2025 16:17 (1 Month ago)
Username: MeepTheMareep02
Pokemon and which box it is from:
pikachu and gible box: 1 Gible
Trade/Sell 2: Sneasel, Stantler, Skiddo
Payment method: 5000PD
Other: thank you!
JXFS OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 27
Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Thu, 30/01/2025 10:02 (1 Month ago)
Username: JXFS
Pokemon and which box it is from: Forretress and Dunsparce from
trade/sell 1 and Aipom and Sudowoodo from trade/sell 2
Payment method: PD
Other: N/A. Thank you!