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Immortes's Blank Character Sheet

Forum-Index Diaries Immortes's Blank Character Sheet
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Sat, 05/10/2024 17:36 (10 Days ago)

Blank Character Sheet

Hello Pokeheroes roleplayers. Immy here.

Since I recently finished Ray's character sheet, I decided to make a blank version and make it publicaly acccessbile to all of PH.
While I tried to make it as straightforward as possible, it is possible that you'll have questions or requests for customization.
Before you ask; yes anyone can use this. You don't need to credit me for the code or thank me for anything.

If you have any questions/concerns; or just PM me and I'll do my best to assist you!

Enjoy <3
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Sat, 05/10/2024 17:37 (10 Days ago)
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Character Sheet

Voice Claim: link here

name • pro-noun-cia-tion
✧ Derived from the word XXX, which translates to XXX
✧ Variations: ________
✧ fun fact here
✧ fun fact here

★ Date of Birth: info | ★ Star Sign: info | ★ Age: XX years old
★ Gender: XXX | ★ Pronouns: XX/XXX | ★ Sexuality: XXX
★ Nationality: XXX | ★ Place of Birth: XXX, XXX

"Short version here" - Official description



★ MBTI: XXXX-A/T | ★ Star Sign: XXX | ★ Enneagram Wing: XwX – Name | Alignment: XXX | ref, ref, ref

Basic Fear(s):
Basic Desire:
Key Motivation:

Early Life: tws as needed: - additional information link here

About: (HERE)


Additional Info

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Show hidden content
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[hr][size=10][b]Character Sheet[/b][/size][hr][img]banner image here[/img][/center]
[right][img]big gif here[/img][/right][b]Voice Claim[/b]: [size=8][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=]link here[/url][/size]

[size=8]name • pro-noun-cia-tion
✧ Derived from the word XXX, which translates to XXX
✧ Variations: [i]________[/i]
✧ fun fact here
✧ fun fact here [/size]

[size=8]★ Date of Birth: info | ★ Star Sign: info | ★ Age: XX years old
★ Gender: XXX | ★ Pronouns: XX/XXX | ★ Sexuality: XXX
★ Nationality: XXX | ★ Place of Birth: XXX, XXX[/size]

[size=8][i]"Short version here" - Official description [/i]



[size=8][b]★ MBTI:[/b] XXXX-A/T | [b]★ Star Sign:[/b] XXX | [b]★ Enneagram Wing:[/b] XwX – Name | [b]Alignment[/b]: XXX | [url=]ref[/url], [url=]ref[/url], [url=]ref[/url]

[b]Basic Fear(s)[/b]:
[b]Basic Desire[/b]:
[b]Key Motivation[/b]: [/size]

[b]Early Life:[/b] [size=6][i]tws as needed[/i]:[/size] - [size=8]additional information link here[/size]

[b]About: (HERE)[/b]


[b]Additional Info[/b]

★ [/size]

[center]· · ────────────────────── ·𖥸· ────────────────────── · ·

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 710
Posted: Sat, 05/10/2024 17:37 (10 Days ago)

Title: Sample

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llusion Studios

Character Sheet

Voice Claim: Gemma Chan

Dezerae • deh-zuh-ray 
✧ Derived from the word dsir, which translates to desired
✧ Variations: Desirae, Deziree, Deserae
✧ Has been called: Ray (by almost everyone)
✧ Please do not call her Ray of sunshine; she'll be mortified.

★ Date of Birth: May 23rd | ★ Star Sign: Gemini | ★ Age: 25 years old
★ Gender: Female | ★ Pronouns: She/Her | ★ Sexuality: Pansexual
★ Nationality: Asian-European | ★ Place of Birth: Shanghai, China

"The illustrious manager of Illusion Studios, Dezerae Li leads a two-faced lifestyle. She serves at Director Blake's right hand by day and draws crowds by night with her magnificent voice. However, her patronage and political backing have origins shrouded in mystery." - Official description

When it comes to new money, Dezerae Li's up and coming fame set the influential tongues to wagging, saccharine melodies pouring in from unknown corners to entrance the senses. Once a prominent figure of the performance industry, Dezerae's debut in Illusion Studios is the last in the list of many prominent venues requesting the Songird's presence. The vixen stalks breezily between the humorless ledgers and adoring crowds, the opulent company of the Regrator and candle-lit evenings spent in the audience of sycophantic fans and political businessmen. Every interaction is both an opportunity and a show, and how Dezerae loves to perform.

Unfortunately, to bathe in luxury and comfort takes an insidious toll. Her voice once comparable to silver bells and innocent birds, Dezerae's long career has since led her down a path of tarnished virtues, insidious secrets, and cynical ideals, all concealed from the public.

Still, old habits die hard and there are always favors to keep. Embittered by her failing beauty, Dezerae took the Regrator on one final offer; overseeing the progress of Illusion Studios as a way of protecting her mentor's cherished investment. As she plunges headlong into the company's masquerade of illusions and glamour, she's forced to confront the full weight of her sins, as well as an unbridled desire kindling to grasp those she once held dear.

Ray is a lucky inheritor of Asian beauty, boasting looks genes and a little bit of luck created. She moves quickly like the wind, elegance blurring with the mix of jazzy flair and grace that comes with a veteran performer. Ray comes in at an impressive 5'9" without heels, her open posture dissuading suspicion. With an ever-present smile, she radiates a warmth that captivates those around her, drawing them into her enchanting world.

Her russet hair, a playful fusion of brown and warm tones, flows in soft waves, reflecting her vibrant personality. Each strand catches the light, hinting at the original black that rusted at the roots from the sun's playful embrace. The pearl necklace she wears adds a touch of sophistication, perfectly complementing her preference for white or light blue attire. Yet, when she steps onto the stage for her concerts, she dons a sleek black outfit, embodying both mystery and allure.

Ray's style is unapologetically chic; she has an innate eye for luxury, often admiring the finer things in life even if she chooses not to indulge. Her youthful aura belies her true age, leaving those around her guessing. With an extroverted charm, she flits from one person to another, making every interaction feel like a fleeting moment of magic, while her mask—adorable and mysterious—serves as a playful reminder of the many identities she embodies in her artistic journey.

★ MBTI: ISTP-A | ★ Star Sign: Gemini | ★ Enneagram Wing: 3w2– The Enchanter | Alignment: True Neutral | ref, ref, ref
Inherently sociable, Dezerae has learned to turn her winsome disposition into a mask. Her machavellian psyche evolves out of a need to compete for every ounce of attention given. Her skills with conversation and social etiquette have only increased with age, a silver tongue melting walls and warming the senses. She enjoys the art of threading through silken words and polite niceties to reveal intentions and motivations and is patient enough to wait for the right opportunity to strike before pitching in.

Well-versed in the dance of smoke and mirrors, Dezerae is guarded. She keeps her own counsel when it comes to private affairs. For someone as suave as her, airy deflections and harmless lies come easily, a beatific smile or a harmless shrug inserted in conversations when the topics swing too close to home. In the practice of retaining her facade, her artful demeanor helps her remain somewhat detached from her actions — monitoring a situation objectively and neutrally for the best outcome. Unfortunately, over the years, Dezerae has become so well-versed in deception that she cannot even be honest with herself. Her artifice and silver tongue are not infallible and when she senses that others are prying too close to the truth, she'll shut down or abruptly redirect the conversation.

She believes that to approach a situation rashly and without deliberation is to set yourself up for failure. Everything is a practiced act, from her outfit to the down-to-earth manner in which Dezerae conducts her analyses, inferences, and deductions. Saccharine smiles are all but absent from Dezerae's vocabulary when she gets into the heart of the matter, relying instead on insight and intuition. Politicians and colleagues alike occasionally consider her honesty snide and disrespectful, but she does not dwell on such matters. Whatever she has decided on, she'll carry out to the end and her determination waits on no one. Similarly, Dezerae is rather grounded in her faith and refuses to trust her fate in a superstitious manner. She believes not in the blessing of a bloodline or heritage, but rather in the glory and riches crafted from her own hands. Disillusioned from a youth where the affection she was granted was mostly withheld, she trusts in a world where she crafts her own fate. This discontented manner of thinking drives her mind to consciously seek out that which she desires without waiting for others to beckon her.

Dezerae is decidedly her own judge and jury, and will never take the assumptions and beliefs of others for granted unless it benefits her. A listener rather than a talker in conversation, she spends most of her time listening and digesting the words of others before pitching in with insights of her own, seeking to cut incisively and deeply with each word she speaks. And when the tides of favor swing against her, Dezerae prefers to withdraw rather than bluster on with vainglorious heroics; a calculating mind already brewing with cunning comebacks and icy jabs.

Basic Fear(s): Of becoming someone truly unworthy of recognition or love due to failing to meet expectations
Basic Desire: To find a 'family' that will accept her for who she is. No matter the means
Key Motivation: Pantalone's approval and Estella's love; in short convincing her 'dad' this was a good idea.

Early Life: tw for child emotional neglect: - timeline
Among the high elite of Shanghai stands Dezerae's family, an esteemed line of aristocrats and businessmen who enjoyed the trappings of their polished reputation. Under the gilded veneer, however, the family's internal functions left much to be lacking. Tall their house stands, but four walls do not make a sanctuary where love is lacking. Dysfunctional at its core, members of the Li family grew up believing that they were no greater than the roles they were to play, whether they were to uphold the family name when the mantle passed to them, or to marry well among other blue-blooded houses. Without true warmth or trust between kin, the Li family became a breeding ground for deception and secrets to run rampent as each generation grew farther and farther apart.

Once overshadowed by the brilliance of her older brothers, Ray, known to many as "The Ghost," navigated the shadows of a sad, ignored existence. While she snuck in lessons with her brothers, honing her skills in various musical instruments—guitar, piano, and clarinet—she often found herself grappling with a deep-seated anger and sadness. Why was she always the unwanted one, for Celestia's sake? What had she done to deserve this? Despite her turmoil, her hidden talent for singing emerged, and she proudly self-taught herself to perform, hoping to carve out a space for herself in a world that seemed indifferent.

At the age of twelve, her path crossed with Pantalone's when she received a business card from him. Although their meeting was brief, he quickly realized her family's business ties, yet he soon discovered that she had no interest in that world. Intrigued by her ambition, Pantalone learned about her aspirations to profit from her singing talent, and he found himself hooked by her determination. Their relationship deepened as she began running errands for him, with bribery from her family aiding their transactions. School became a fleeting dream, as the Fatui swiftly pulled her away, signing her off from the traditional path that others followed.

By fifteen, she had moved out, fully embracing life with the Fatui. However, this new chapter came with its own set of challenges. Pantalone, while charismatic, was not forgiving when crossed, and the moral trauma of her actions weighed heavily on her. On foreign missions, she tested her loyalty, often bending under Pantalone's gaslighting. Despite the tumult, she found herself utilizing her family's resources, sneaking back into their estate at night to copy sensitive information. To her surprise, Pantalone began paying attention to her in ways she hadn’t anticipated, fulfilling the role of a mentor and protector—a sugar daddy of sorts. With her burgeoning charisma and newfound fame, she earned a reputation as a skilled foreign retainer and liaison.

As she matured, Ray was crowned Harbinger #10 at just nineteen years old, embracing her new identity as Brighella. Her responsibilities grew, and she took command of the Ministry of Inter-Regional Affairs, opening a new department focused on regional integration, where she aimed to foster cooperation among neighboring nations. Pantalone, ever the pragmatic partner, kept her official certificate tucked away in his office—a symbol of her achievements and the first steps in her corporate journey. Yet, beneath her accomplishments, the longing for her girlfriend remained a constant ache, urging her to balance ambition with love in a world that often seemed at odds with her desires.

About: (GUILE)
detachment... unstable self-image... melancholy... emotional neglect... obssessive thoughts
Dezerae lies as easily as she sings, weaving narratives that combine lie with truth. The story often changes and one can easily find themselves lost within her web of lies should they ignore the consistencies that are ever present within. Detaching from one's self allows Dezerae to escape remorseful feelings and sleep at night as she's usually convinced the person she lies to were either too naïve or too defiant to warrant sympathy. Dezerae is a remorseful and humane person at heart, having to suppress her tender tendencies for the sake of efficiency.

Long ago, Dezerae was haunted by these questions. In her deft manipulation of fate, she finds herself both master and prisoner, the very strings she once used to sever herself from divine fate now anchoring her to her fate. Through the Tsaritsa's benevolence, the chains of choice and fate are one and the same. Not witholding the collective reprisals she would face from her the other Harbingers, her political chains are nothing compared to those ingrained in her very being. Rather than rebel against the chains imposed by the Fatui, Dezerae has all but accepted it; the destruction of her past self ensuring that the Tsaritsa controls what remains. An identity sealed in ice. Once an isolated child forced to beg like a street dog for recognition, Dezerae has finally received a family who will never abandon her again: a self-imposed prison where control masquerades as benevolence and defiance against divine law draws the chains ever tighter.

Additional Info
★ The manager of Illusion Studios eight models, Dezerae works closely with both the top echelon of Illusion Studios' employed and the models themselves to punch out a schedule, one week at a time. Though she's fond of public appearances and social gatherings, Dezerae keeps a low profile in public and avoids garnering attention and press. Much of her tasks involve basic supervision, timekeeping, and the occasional shoulder to cry on. If anyone asks why the Songbird is suddenly so prone to introversion, she merely shrugs and replies that the models are adults and should be responsible for their own devices. Those who are able to read through the lines will find her hidden in the shadows whenever possible, glad to catch a brief break from the invasive pressure of cameras, reporters, and over-enthusiastic fans.

★ Formerly a prolific singer proud of her voice, Dezerae's singing days are long over and bringing it up makes her sigh in chagrin. She even becomes extremely self-conscious when her songs are on Estella's car, even if she is secretly flattered her paramour cherishes her voice so. To most, Dezerae's unusual quirk is chalked up to modesty and the earnest self-deprecation of an artist. Only those who look closer will see the signs of burnout as Dezerae attempts to erase the career she now sees as a glorified fairytale.

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