Forum Thread
Heathers but La La Land ? (placeholder title)(w/ Seren)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → Heathers but La La Land ? (placeholder title)(w/ Seren)Jackson leaned back, against the wall, blanket wrapped tightly around him. He flipped through his script, muttering to himself.
he sighed.
He was worried. That much was clear. Which was insane, to be worried about Persephone of all people. But... What could he do? She wouldn't listen.
Or is it
You decide.
Persephone was pretty sure she was gonna die here, but at least she'd go with some dignity. Huffing, she pulled the sweater tighter around her, eyeballing the window.
Who thought it was a good idea to reinforce glass... and then conveniently forget to insulate the walls? There were some serious design flaws here. She'd have to find whichever idiot engineer botched this job and send them all the way to engineer hell. (Normal hell. All engineers went there, so they just made up most of the population.)
Oh, Persephone. A gentle laugh rang in her ears.
She jumped.
For a second... she thought she heard Vivienne's voice. Was that a symptom of hypothermia? Hallucinations?
Or am I just going crazy?
Well, she was sitting in a closet at midnight, fantasizing about her dead sister, so that probably would've landed her someplace if she brought it up to a professional.
"Get up and moving," she muttered to herself, forcing her feet to move under her. She staggered up. "There's gotta be a way out."
And if she found an exit... she could hold that over that guy, couldn't she?
he heard footsteps.
It wasn't loud, but he definitely heard shuffling.
It was her. Of course it was.
He sighed, as he slowly got up. of course that moron would be wasting her energy like that.
He stretched, pulled the blanket tight arouns his shoulders, and exited the drama room, to look for Persephone.
Or is it
You decide.
The gym was even colder than the closet, somehow. Shouldn't it be warmer? In the day, it was usually so sweaty that she imagined hell was probably colder, or at least less humid.
She tested the eastern exit, that went out onto the football court.
The door was weak, ceding under her touch. She could probably break it... but the legal fees, the property damage...
That'd be a lot of money. Was her potentially freezing to death worth it?
He slowly trekked through the halls. It was cold as shit.
he sighed deeply, pulling the blanket tighter around himself, as he made his way over towards the gym.
There she was.
"... Persephone. Done sulking?"
Or is it
You decide.
The clock over the court ticked to midnight, and Persephone found her hands curling up into fists by her side, cold anger soaring anew. "Sulking?" she echoed. "Is that what you call it?"
He looked down on her.
Take this sweater, take some water, stop SULKING... The whole thing just made her sick. He pretended to be kind, just so he could make himself look better. Maybe he thought he was good, but she saw through that. She knew that deep inside, he was just as screwed up as the rest.
Treating her like a little kid who just didn't know better.
Oh, screw it all. She was done with this bull. She should've been done hours before. Where the hell had her O'Couna pride been in all this?
With all her strength she gave a yank and tore the door right off the hinges.
"Oh, so there is something going on in that pretty little head of yours," she sniped back. "I'm amazed you have time to run cost calculations while... you're going around tearing off doors." The idea slowly dawned on her, and she found herself genuinely excited for the first time that night.
Giving him a cold smile, Persephone pointed at the spot where the one gym camera had been... knocked off earlier today by one of those idiot jock boys.
"I'm afraid I couldn't really stop you. You were too strong and angry about being locked inside..." she tsked. "Oh well. All's well that ends well, huh? I'm sure your family will be able to pick up the costs for this one little door, right?"
Persephone laughed slightly. "Oh, so it's me then? And who'll believe that little tale?" She tilted her head to the side. "My record's clean. I come from a decent family. How's yours, Jerry boy?"
Her smile was mean, cold. Controlled as she should always be.
This was the way people were meant to treat her. With fear. And though this kid hid it under an impressive veneer, beneath that calm, no doubt a storm was rising.
My storm.
"I can ruin your life, and you'll thank me for the favour." The words echoed in her mind. Somebody told her that once. Not Vivienne, though it seemed like something she'd say. Somebody else. Somebody who taught her the way things really were in this world. Dog-eat-dog, and she was no mutt to die on the streets.
He paused.
he stared at her for a minute. Then two. Then...
"...This is why nobody likes you."
he said, simply. He said it like it was just a simple fact.
he shrugged.
"Alright. if that's what you want, alright. That's fine."
Or is it
You decide.
The words echoed in her ear, but they were hollow, meaningless. No doubt he meant them to sting. Maybe they would've... but... "If I cared about your opinion, maybe I'd give you a treat for that little trick, puppy," she sneered. "But you'll have to do better than that."
Turning on her heel, she left, but not before ripping off his sweater and throwing it to the ground. It hit the mud, stirred up red track dirt that would no doubt leave the pretty white sweater with a permanent stain.
Good. She hated prissy things.
And then she went home. The rain was coming down heavy now, but her pride, burning deep inside her gut kept her going. Her anger.
This wouldn't end with a little of his pocket change. No, the door thing was just the start of it.
She was going to ruin his life.
For looking down on her.
For looking at her with those judging eyes.
For pretending to like her.
Persephone stirred awake to a beautiful Saturday morning. Ahh, the sweet smell of flowers, the warmth of her blankets, and the satisfaction of having punished the annoying brat in drama.
She could get used to this.
Stretching luxuriously, she sat up, eyeing her pale wrist, smooth and clear of any scars or blemishes.
Perfect. As all things should be in life.
Nobody really saw Jackson for about a week.
When he came back, he was... different.
There was something about him, still light-hearted and cheerful, but something heavy was behind his every action.
Everyone knew the situation, about how strict his parents were.
It came through especially in Theater.
Or is it
You decide.
"You're not very good at this, are ya, Julian?"
They were resting after the past hour of listening to their teacher yell at Jackson for 'not putting enough FEELING into his lines'. Persephone of course, had nothing but praises, which was pretty easy considering that her character was written to be 'witty', which she managed very well, actually enjoying her little jabs instead of the obnoxious sappy lines Jackson was stuck with.
Smirking, she leaned against the wall, flipping through her book bag.
"Honestly, I'd say you weren't trying, but I know you better. Little suck up try hard you are, I doubt it's in your vocabulary. So your failure's all you. That must sting."
He shut his scriptbook, continuing to eat his energy bar that always seemd to be right there when he needed it, in his bag,
There was no acknowledgement of her exitence, just a quiet pondering in his stillness.
his hair was more tousled, unkempt than it was usually. His clothes were baggier. There were bags under his eyes.
Or is it
You decide.
Persephone continued, a note of pleasure in her voice. "Hm, not talking, huh? We're trying something new then for once. I didn't know you had it in you."
She smiled.
"Well, lightning can strike twice sometimes. Maybe you'll keep it up for the rest of the day."
Persephone's hand paused, hovering over her bag. For a second, she was just still- frighteningly still, her face still stuck in that frozen smile, eyes darting back and forth...
"You're sorry? For what?"