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Forum Thread

Display Egg Group In Pokemon Summary Screen

Forum-Index Suggestions Display Egg Group In Pokemon Summary Screen
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 251
Posted: Wed, 11/09/2024 10:19 (13 Days ago)
For a site that is focused on hatching eggs, it is baffling to me that the egg group value is so hidden. I understand that the culture of shiny hunting means many players will opt to breed pokemon only with their own species or Ditto, but there are various reasons why players may want to breed two different species. It is frustrating, then, that the only on-site resource for egg groups is an inaccurate and outdated forum thread. With that setup, the thread has to be updated every time a new pokemon is released, which we have witnessed not being sustainable in the long run. I propose something like this:

(I have replaced Pokedex Number in the mockup since it is not very important for gameplay, but it could be shifted downwards instead of replaced.)
Trainerlevel: 102

Forum Posts: 8,499
Posted: Sat, 14/09/2024 19:52 (10 Days ago)
Thread has received Mod approval and is now open for discussion.
Credits for avatar to ~Cookie~

Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
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(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
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