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Other games?
Forum-Index → General Discussion → Other games?pokefarm
train my starter!
I downloaded a mod for new tractors and improved textures - just super. There are also mods that add new maps and expand the capabilities of the equipment. This helps make the game unique.
Besides FS25, try Cities: Skylines or Planet Zoo. You can also build, develop and manage in them. The main thing is that they are just as meditative.
A few Legend of Zelda games
Pokemon (Legends Arceus, Scarlet, Sword)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (As many as I can but Red Rescue is best <3)
Pixel Cat's End (browser game)
Roblox (Horse Life, WCUE, Griffin's Destiny)
Animal Jam Play Wild
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
And more I prob forgot lol

Else I’d say battle cats, idle leaf blower, or maybe even bopl battle or slime rancher on steam.

Me: *at school*
My dad: *checks grades*
My dad: *sees an A-*
My dad coming to beat the shell out of me