Forum Thread
Mewtwo's Rage- RP Thread
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Mewtwo's Rage- RP ThreadEveryone has heard the rumors. Even neighboring regions are concerned. A dangerous, scientifically modified Pokemon known only as Mewtwo has been ravaging the Kanto region. Earthquakes, droughts, strange behaviors in wild Pokemon... Oak will say it's "the planetary rotation," "Groudon and Kyogre fighting in Hoenn again," or some other scientific mumbo-jumbo, but the gaping hole beside Cerulean Cave says otherwise. You know this won't be a normal Pokemon Journey.
Professor Oak looks jovial as ever as he hands each trainer their very own Trainer Card and PokeDex. "Aaaand one for you, and for you, and for you, and for you!" The card itself is well-made, it's a strong plastic base with the trainer's name and the date, with 8 slots on the bottom of the card to put future gym badges. The PokeDexes are nice too, clearly Oak had the funds to invest in some nice material. A little button on the side flashes green to show that the Dex is working properly.
"Well, you lot, get out there! Explore the wonderful Kanto region!" he smiles widely, before returning to a more serious expression. "...Just, avoid Viridian Forest for now. There's been a..." his look grows concerned. "...a Weedle infestation that we're trying to clear out. It's just that time of year, you know? Go through the detour, and you'll be well on your way to Pewter City for your first badge!" Oak exclaims. He pulls out a spare PokeDex to demonstrate its map feature, carefully going over the detour in immense detail. His long, drawn-out speech is finally interrupted by one of his aids beckoning him to one of the monitors off to the side, and so he finally walks away, not without one more well wish for the group of trainers.
Current Trainers:
Marcia: Squirtle, Weedle
Luna: Cyndaquil
Indigo: Eevee
Umbro: Eevee, Nuzleaf, Magikarp
Dakota: Hisuian Growlithe
Ronno: Pikachu
Pheobe: Piplup, Nidoran (F), Bellsprout
Teo: Bulbasaur
Darryl: Frigibax, Mankey
Marcia looks around at the fellow trainers in front of her, then down to her new partner Pokemon, freshly out of her PokeBall. "Hello, Squirtle! Or maybe I should nickname you..." Marcia's eyes dart around the room for some kind of inspiration, until she finally lands her eyes on one of the many seashell necklaces she was wearing. "Shelly! How does that sound?" the Squirtle, content with its new trainer, lets out a few bubbles of approval. "No Pokemon of mine is complete without... a matching accessory!" Marcia joyfully exclaims. Taking the necklace off of her own neck, Marcia places the seashell necklace onto Shelly's neck with a warm smile. The little turtle Pokemon adjusts its new accessory to fit comfortably on her neck. "We're gonna go far, little Shelly!" Her voice gets a little lower, as not to alert the busy Professor. "Starting with Viridian Forest..." Marcia smiles mischievously.

He is not a gossip. Simply... Overhear-er by the trade, more or less. Can barely be faulted, when that is how most of the best stories were learned and scribed down. It's the poet in him.
And with that, he wheels around to face the Marcia, with expression of genuine shock on his face and a dainty hand pressed against his heart, the perfect picture of pure concern.
"Viridian Forest?!" He squeaked, his pitchy tone luckily hidden from the Professor's ears by a sudden, even pitchier beeps from one of the machines.
"And brave the weedle infestation? Goodness me, didn't you heard. Their barbs can cause rashes, and I heard their Beedrill sires can liquify skin and meat when in droves. Sting and poke, slurp up people like nobody!"
Ronald's Pikachu- nicknamed Juliet, then promptly renamed Julka, and now tentatively called Jolyne- simply buried her face deeper into the crook of Ronnos's neck, her bigger build balancing precariously on top of his shoulder. Fresh out of Pokeball, not even she was about to give the Beedrill that much credit.
But Ronno, he looked genuinely fearful for Marcia's life. No one with such good taste in jewelry and its appropriate amount deserves a fate like that and... She looked kindly. Sparkling, even, with her hair and with how the artificial lights around them sometimes revealed the little rainbow layers on the inside of her sea shells...
She looked like bottled summer. No good, to let someone like her face doom so early, so much earlier than the rest. To be taken out by Weedles, before Ronno will even start composing his Doomsday poem...
What a horror. A tragedy! No, no, Ronno simply cannot let that slide.
"Nasty crowd, I plead you! Early pidgey gets the early gym badge, so on, so forth. Involving weedles right off the bat is a little extreme, isn't it. We all ought to wait to involve weedles till our Pokemon unlock their next forms- in three months or so, if the sights will be auspicious.... "

"What're you guys so concerned about?"
And leave the dying to the dead
If your flame is burning strong
Why watch the shadows on the wall instead of
Living life without regret
So you can see what lies beyond
The border when you're gone
Noticing the newcomer, he decides to fill him in. "We were discussing whether or not to head to Viridian Forest to train our Pokemon. The professor says there's a Weedle infestation," he explained, balancing his dozing starter Pokemon in his hands as he spoke.
Marcia looked at Pheobe with a disappointed gaze. "Well, if you say so... but I'm still going!" Suddenly as she's about to pack her things and leave, Marcia turns her attention to the new trainer. "Oh, well hello! No, you don't seem too late to the party. As the fine owner of that sleepy Bulbasaur said, Professor Snoozeball said we can't go through Viridian Forest, on account of the Weedle infestation. But me? I'm looking for a challenge for me and my pal Shelly!" Shelly puffs her chest up in an attempt to look as confident as her trainer. "Anyway, that's what everyone seems to be concerned about. But me and Shelly? We're ready to face the challenge, right Shelly?" Fidgeting with her new shell necklace, Shelly gives a nervous yet hopeful buzz of approval.

And leave the dying to the dead
If your flame is burning strong
Why watch the shadows on the wall instead of
Living life without regret
So you can see what lies beyond
The border when you're gone
"Poisonous companion... That is just a thinly veiled synonym for 'backstabber'! A flesh eating traitor in the midst! Jolyne and I would never abide such foul creatures, I fail to see why you'd be so eager to-"
Jolyne interrupted Ronno with a sudden stretch, the shifting weight effectively knocking him off balance and sending him swaying on his feet in a fight to regain his footing.
Once the poor boy stopped swaying, Jolyne seemed to take a good look at the party- even with her eyes covered, it was clear she decided to take Ronno's fate in her hands, head turning left and right to look after Pheobe's exit, and the other trainers still present..
And when she spotted the sleepy bulbasaur, she let out a sweet, melodic 'mirrup' in greeting. Immediately after, sending poor Ronno once again wobbling as she lazily nuzzled her cheek against his face, apparently in a show of solidarity among the sleepy.
Once he got the hold of himself, Ronno sighed loudly, his hand reaching behind his head to card through his ponytail, as if his little chicken dance frizzled it's strands. It didn't- it was, actually, the electricity produced by Jolyne, and there wasn't much he could do about that.
And that was exactly the point, wasn't it. No matter his own, well-aimed, well-bred self-preservation, he isn't the only one making the choices here anymore... And if the summer-trainer promises antidotes, then maybe. Maybe.
"But we'd like to associate with the... With the you's, so if that is what the tally calls for... I'll hand my life over for a call to adventure, might as well."
His hands stopped carding, now only holding the strands colored yellow, seemingly just to have something to hold onto. It might have been a trick of the light, or just the kicked purebred puppy demeanour he seemed to exute when denied anything, but his face suddenly looked a little pleading.
"Just collectively all promise me to ship my remains back to Lavender Town if something poisonous does go belly up. It would be utmost unbecoming to be tardy."

And leave the dying to the dead
If your flame is burning strong
Why watch the shadows on the wall instead of
Living life without regret
So you can see what lies beyond
The border when you're gone

By now, the sun was setting. The lights of the Viridian City Pokemon Center and Mart beckoned weary trainers towards its sanctuary.

Borealis: "Baxxx!"
"Knew it buddy!" Darryl said happily, "wonder if it's time we call it a day". Just as Darryl was about to head up to his room in the PC, a trainer walks in with a Piplup. "Huh, a Piplup? I've read about them but I've never actually seen one! I suppose bedtime can wait". Darryl proceeds to greet the new trainer "Hello there, my name is Darryl! What's yours?", trying and failing to hide his obvious interest in the Piplup