Forum Thread
Deccennary RP
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Deccennary RPIt was quite early in the morning. Niya couldn't stand another stormy day outside. She was trying to survive the harsh climate of that rainforest and the weather has found a perfect opportunity to ruin her day. Like always, she went out of her cave and started searching for some fruits to eat or some smaller Pokemon to hunt down. She did what she did every day; coming to the nearby berry bushes and collecting some Oran Berries for herself. But this day was different. She once again saw that wierd cave entrance, always blocked by a large pile of rocks. She through;
"Why did I never notice this? I should have seen it wasn't just some regular pile of rocks... I feel like something is hidden behind... Maybe I should check it?"
She came closer to the boulders covering entrance of that cave, suddenly feeling something behind her. At first, she didn't really care, but when the noise was getting louder and louder, she turned her back to the source of wierd sound.
"GAH! What was that!?"
She screamed. Not knowing what to do, she attacked the wierd thing hiding in the tall grass with Thunderbolt, hoping to stun it. But it didn't worked...
"What are you?! Show yourself, pest! If you really want to fight, come out and face me!"
Sobble walks out of the bush and looks at Niya, the scarf he's wearing is a bit old and worn down. "I'm Sobble, nice to meet you, I know I'm not one genetically but I like calling myself that." He looks at Niya, curious about what pokemon he's looking at right now. The wind blows around Sobble and the sun's blinding light is present. Sobble looks around once more, probably because he's thinks there might be a chance others are around.
Something blue catches his eye, a scrumptious Oran Berry. He hastily climbs up the tree, not worrying about the consequences of falling and starts punching the berry. "Please fall down I need this more than you do berry, you are meant to be eaten." The berry to Sobble's surprise, finally wore out and falls to the ground. "That was quick, hey do you want a berry?" Sobble looks at Niya.
"Do you realise there are PEOPLE TRYING TO SLEEP AROUND HERE?!"
It sighed and took a step forward, out of the shadows.
It was just a teenager.
He blinked and stared at the Zeraora who had just electrocuted him.
"Where are my manners? Names Glitch! You seem highly angry; I guess you're the one who just zapped me!"
He held his left arm in pain and winced, still trying his best to smile.

"OK, OK, JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!! I am trying to solve a mystery here and you are not helping me at all! You just came to sneak up on me like that and do nothing useful!! Hm... if you really want to help... maybe you two would like to join me? I doubt I'd move all those rocks out of the way by myself and I do not thing we will get along otherwise, especially considering I am not a very social person... or Pokemon.
She tried to hide her frustration by the two, who suddenly jumped out of a bush.
"So you guys have names? I'm Sobble, literally a Fidough unfortunately." Sobble tries to figure out small talk to use. The trees shade the group, it feels like the cooling of night.
"It's body looks like it hasn't been fed properly in a long time. I feel that if I touch it it will just crumble into dust but that wouldn't be a good idea. I suggest we do my favorite strategy... run away while we have a chance." Sobble seems ready to run, already facing the opposite direction and backing away slowly.
"How can you even doubt that the Elektrike over there that smells of both death and dead bodies is friendly!? I don't even know how you can smell like death but that thing... It just smells of it."

Sobble turns around and looks at the Elektrike, then quickly looks to his right and left. Thinking that there is another presence around, he assumes a battle stance. He shakes while looking around frantically to see if he can find the second entity.
Sobble retracts his hand and distances himself. With the berry in the pokemon's mouth, Sobble felt a wave of adrenaline. "Man, I can't believe I did that so quickly. I feel like someone in one of those action movies."
She ends up accidentally teleporting herself to where the others are
Ruh roh…”
She goes into a deep sleep after hitting a tree nearby
-Zenitsu Agatsuma, Demon Slayer
“The trees can’t be harmed if the Lorax is armed”
“You touch my trees, I will break your knees”
-The Lorax, 2023
“I see now that one's birth is irrelevant. It's what you do that determines who you are.”
-Mewtwo, 1998
"This will probably rot soon, I guess. Anyways I'm glad that we're ok but it would probably be wise to be more careful." Sobble glances at the berry scraps, it feels as if it will crumble into dust if he touches it. The tension is lowered as the Elektrike goes to get water but Sobble gets thoughts about how it may return.