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Fluffy's Cozy House (OPENish)

Forum-Index Global Trade Station Fluffy's Cozy House (OPENish)
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 114
Posted: Fri, 01/12/2023 01:09 (7 Months ago)
You see a sign that says;

Welcome to Fluffy's cozy house!

Quote from the shop ownerHello young (or old) one! How are you on this fine day? Welcome to my humble cottage! Here, almost everything is FREE! You are welcome to walk around. Just beware of Jeffery the Milcery! She'll pour creme down your back!

The Giftbox

Hi, I'm fluffy. This forum is if you want/need something. I will give y'all exess stuff from my inventory. PH rules apply, and gifts will be taken back if not claimed within a week.

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Hey fluffy! Can you give me
Form of gift: (pokemon, item, plush, etc)
Anything specific 'bout the gifts? (Type of plush, pkm rarity, gem, etc.):
I want/need it because:

Workers: GoofyandroidNPC, foxyd0pe12

Also, if anyone is interested, they can volunteer here. There will be no pay, because I do not charge money. You can pp, pm, or post on this forum. :D
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Hi fluffy, I would like to volunteer
I can offer:
Anything else?

Pokemon: all from this box are free

Items available
please excuse me if this is not updated (namely boxes and gems)
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Poké Ball 1 Gems
Bug Gem 1 Give item
Electric Gem 3 Give item
Fighting Gem 2 Give item
Flying Gem 1 Give item
Grass Gem 3 Give item
Ground Gem 3 Give item
Poison Gem 29 Give item
Rock Gem 6 Give item
Water Gem 2 Give item
Ghost Gem 9 Give item
Ice Gem 3 Give item
Psychic Gem 8 Give item
Steel Gem 5 Give item
Aspear Berry A berry for feeding Pokémon. It has a sour flavour. 75 Give item
Pomeg Berry A berry for feeding Pokémon. It has a spicy, sweet and bitter flavour. 14 Give item
Tamato Berry A berry for feeding Pokémon. It has a spicy and dry flavour. 21 Give item
Cornn Berry A berry for feeding Pokémon. It has a dry and sweet flavour. 20 Give item
Magost Berry A berry for feeding Pokémon. It has a sweet and bitter flavour. 27 Give item
Nomel Berry A berry for feeding Pokémon. It has a spicy and sour flavour. 17 Give item
Rabuta Berry A berry for feeding Pokémon. It has a bitter and sour flavour. 18 Give item
Honey A sweet honey with a lush aroma that attracts wild Pokémon when it is used in grass, caves, or on special trees. 45 Give item
Lemonade A very sweet and refreshing drink. You can mix it with berries to improve the flavor. 6 Give item
Soda Pop A highly carbonated soda drink. You can mix it with berries to improve the flavor. 6
Mystery Box (Green) A mysterious Box that may contain some very rare items. It can only be opened with a green key. 2 Give item
Mystery Box (Purple) A mysterious Box that may contain some very rare items. It can only be opened with a purple key. 1 Give item
Mystery Key (Light Blue) A mysterious Key that can open a light blue mystery Box. 1 Give item
Mystery Key (Pink) A mysterious Key that can open a pink mystery Box. 1 Give item

1 fossil
old vynil

You follow your nose to a small corner of the shop. You spot a small stove and some Milcery floating around.

The Milcery Wheel

I'm not gonna do evo for milcery. I'm offering something else.
U get items there too. Pay me ....0 pd and i'll spin it for you.
Thing you can get
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Mystery box/key
Old vinyl
random sweet
evo stone
game chips = nothing

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Hey fluffy!
Can I get (insert # of spins here) spins?
Payment: (pd, gems, etc.)
Anything else?

Please note: I can only spin the wheel once every 6 hours.

Giftbox Section 3

Welcome to the mystery fishing hole! I have a good rod, old rod, and super rod! I will randomly go fishing for you, and you can send a bait if you want. The maximum is 6 tries, so thanks! I will tell you what i fished up, and you can choose what to keep. First customer gets water stone. This service is free. Please note that i cannot fish during a thunderstorm.

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Hi fluffy
can you try to fish (this many) times?
i will include (add any baits)

Rule: A person (or pokemon) cannot order more than

once in....a week, thanks! (whole shop)

Waiting list

Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Fri, 01/12/2023 12:41 (7 Months ago)

Hey fluffy! Can you give me
Username: Galactica08
Form of gift: items
Anything specific 'bout the gifts? (Type of plush, pkm rarity, gem, etc.):gems or other stuff??

My Starter and My 1st Mega-able :
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Fri, 01/12/2023 13:03 (7 Months ago)
Hey fluffy! Can you give me
Form of gift: items
Anything specific:normal gems :D
“I always come back.” - RyanTheGoofyGoober
Train these!
Name: The silly
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage[/align]
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 665
Posted: Fri, 01/12/2023 13:16 (7 Months ago)
Hey fluffy! Can you give me
Username: Drakonia
Form of gift: Item
Anything specific 'bout the gifts? Ghost gems please, I wanna get Spectrier
"What you do with the gift of life determines who you are" - Mewtwo
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 114
Posted: Sat, 02/12/2023 02:35 (7 Months ago)
@Galactica08 - CHRISTMAS!!!
@RyanTheGoofyGoober accepted!
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 104
Posted: Wed, 06/12/2023 02:31 (6 Months ago)
Can I get the normal gemsainly and any other gems please and thanks :)

Form: Bretty
Hey fluffy! Can you give me normal gems please
Username: Bretty
Form of gift: (, item, )
Anything specific 'bout the gifts? (Type of plush, pkm rarity, gem, etc.): nope
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 131
Posted: Wed, 06/12/2023 02:42 (6 Months ago)
Hey fluffy! Can you give me: Items
Username: TuxedoMon
Form of gift: (pokemon, item, plush, etc)
Anything specific 'bout the gifts? (Type of plush, pkm rarity, gem, etc.): Any mystery boxes u don't need. Please send in gift form. Thank you!
Please Berry my Lunala! Trying to get it to level 1000!

Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 114
Posted: Wed, 06/12/2023 02:44 (6 Months ago)
@TuxedoMon Accepted!
@Bretty please use the form, thanks!

Traim my little kitties pls
Also avaliable: Giftbox
😃 This is Bob! Post him around PokeHeroes to explore the
-|- world! I want Bob To have a good time exploring so help
/ \ Him explore! Users chain: Blaziken_90 Pikachow berrypass Drakonia $hinyDONuT Imbored fluffybunny2023
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Wed, 06/12/2023 02:45 (6 Months ago)
Hey fluffy! Can you give me items
Form of gift: item
Anything specific 'bout the gifts? (Type of plush, pkm rarity, gem, etc.): Mystery Box (Brown) and Mystery Box (Red)
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 114
Posted: Wed, 06/12/2023 02:47 (6 Months ago)
@NoOneTYS, srry, were out of brown boxes, i'll give you the red one, would you like anything else?
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Wed, 06/12/2023 02:48 (6 Months ago)

unless you have other mystery items
which i think there's no more?
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 146
Posted: Wed, 06/12/2023 04:59 (6 Months ago)
Hey fluffy! Can you give me
Form of gift:Item
Anything specific 'bout the gifts? All gems (I am collecting gems for my shiny zygrade hunt)
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 325
Posted: Wed, 06/12/2023 22:01 (6 Months ago)
Hey fluffy! Can you give me
Username: ThatCatKid
Form of gift: pokemon
Anything specific 'bout the gifts? (Type of plush, pkm rarity, gem, etc.): Retro Haunter plz and thank you
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 114
Posted: Thu, 07/12/2023 00:06 (6 Months ago)
@Dark_Fire accepted!
@ThatCatKid accapted!

Traim my little kitties pls
Also avaliable: Giftbox
😃 This is Bob! Post him around PokeHeroes to explore the
-|- world! I want Bob To have a good time exploring so help
/ \ Him explore! Users chain: Blaziken_90 Pikachow berrypass Drakonia $hinyDONuT Imbored fluffybunny2023
Trainerlevel: 46

Forum Posts: 770
Posted: Thu, 07/12/2023 00:31 (6 Months ago)
Hey fluffy! Can you give me
Username: Pikachow
Form of gift: Items...
Anything specific 'bout the gifts? (Type of plush, pkm rarity, gem, etc.): Any THANK YOU!!!
Click Please?
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 114
Posted: Thu, 07/12/2023 00:34 (6 Months ago)
@Pikachow accepted!

Traim my little kitties pls
Also avaliable: Giftbox
😃 This is Bob! Post him around PokeHeroes to explore the
-|- world! I want Bob To have a good time exploring so help
/ \ Him explore! Users chain: Blaziken_90 Pikachow berrypass Drakonia $hinyDONuT Imbored fluffybunny2023
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 07/12/2023 14:02 (6 Months ago)
Hey fluffy! Can you give me
Username: EeveeLover24
Form of gift: gems
nything specific 'bout the gifts? i would like normal gems if u have any left, idk if theirs a limit on how many so how ever many you want. THANK YOU.
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Thu, 07/12/2023 14:10 (6 Months ago)
Hey fluffy! Can you give me
Form of gift: item
Anything specific 'bout the gifts? (Type of plush, pkm rarity, gem, etc.): 50 random berries ,1 weather balloon , 1 washing machine, and 1 purple mystery key

Sorry if it is a bit to much I am really sorry and thank you

I currently have 64 out of 8000 nuggets.


Gift some

Credit by : @ AlexCartman
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 114
Posted: Thu, 07/12/2023 18:26 (6 Months ago)
@EeveeLover24 accepted!
@Noob12234 accepted!

Traim my little kitties pls
Also avaliable: Giftbox
😃 This is Bob! Post him around PokeHeroes to explore the
-|- world! I want Bob To have a good time exploring so help
/ \ Him explore! Users chain: Blaziken_90 Pikachow berrypass Drakonia $hinyDONuT Imbored fluffybunny2023
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 13
Posted: Fri, 08/12/2023 20:39 (6 Months ago)
Hey fluffy! Can you give me
Username: Chilled472
Form of gift: items
Anything specific 'bout the gifts? green key and pink box

sorry green box and pink key