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Trainerlevel: 31

Trainerpoints: 979/2,913


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
60661,486 / 1,306,137
Cornlet1045 / 182
Combee10 / 9
Combee10 / 9
(Chimecho (Nightmare))
297112,257 / 212,415
(Festival Kirlia)
1374,217 / 70,899


Credit to Maskyzeno

Cretit to ~FruitCakes~

Pokeheroes Memorial

We will miss you all.....
(┬┬﹏┬┬) ( ´・・)ノ(._.`) ಥ_ಥ (T~T)😭😥😢

Goodbye, My Dearest Friend
By Leilani Hermosa Petersen

The hardest part of any friendship
is when it is time to say goodbye,
and even though I wished I could make you stay,
I know I have to let you spread your wings and fly.

For life is a journey that needs to be traveled,
and I am certain you'll make it through.
I just want you to know and never forget
that I will surely miss you.

So follow your heart and never give up,
as dreams and wishes do come true.
I know that someday we'll meet again,
so never forget I will be praying for you.


Please contact me if you would like me to add anybody

Shiny Hunt

~litten~ is currently hunting Combee.
Hunt started: 08/09/2024

Chain: 133


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
~litten~ 1 Day ago
Nisora 2 Months ago
Mouse_the_puddle 3 Months ago
alcremiemoca 3 Months ago

Last Visitors

RiodiseWed, 26/Mar/2025, 21:30
CharmanderesTue, 25/Mar/2025, 23:54
VinderayTue, 25/Mar/2025, 23:17
Espy2015Mon, 17/Mar/2025, 19:55
GreenTaurusTue, 25/Feb/2025, 04:47

Game Records

Trainer ID: #694564956
Registration: 30/05/2023 (1 Year ago)
Time Played: 342:04 Hours
Total interactions: 81,464
Money: 15,048
Starter Pokémon: Serperior


hi, might be on and off for a while, see everyone later.
1 Month ago
sending prizes
3 Months ago
#christmasgivvey is ending
3 Months ago
3 Months ago
Black Friday offer!!!
3 Months ago
givvey. like feed to join. shar hashtag #christmasgivvey. ends onn christmas. 3 winners. 1. art of combat, 2. cold rock. 3. vortex of time map
4 Months ago
hi, been off 4 a while...miss anything important?
4 Months ago
By Rabdom - 1 Hour and 22 Minutes ago.
Ok, so. I was gonna do this a long time ago but obviously put it off. I've decided to do a giveaway! Given the main prize is a shiny Mudkip, all you have to do is like this and share #iliekmudkipz to enter! I'm not doing this for any reason other than I figured I've been back for almost a year after ignoring this game for almost seven years. 🤣

Along with Pokemon for the winners, they'll be receiving some Poke and some nuggets. I've chosen Hoenn starters for the Pokemon, as Pokemon Ruby was my first Pokemon game -- almost 22 years ago! (Dang, I forgot how old that game is.)


1st Place - Shiny Mudkip, 250k, 50 Nuggets
2nd Place - Shiny Treecko, 150k, 25 Nuggets
3rd Place - Shiny Torchic, 100k, 15 Nuggets

How It'll Work:

Once the giveaway ends, I'll assign each entrant a number. I'll use random.org to then choose three numbers; that way it will be fair for everyone involved.
4 Months ago
By OMFG_HE - 6 Hours and 43 Minutes ago.

》Winners will be announced on 20th November
》For shiny giveaway, all 12 winners can select only 1 per winner, rankwise. Shinies available as reward are in Shiny box
》Another round of giveaways will include legendary, mythical pokémon and pd+nuggets and will be announced soon
4 Months ago
Hi, could everyone click?
The contest of the Profs

Hey, ~litten~!

How is my Onix doing? ... ... Oh, it's currently on Level 10, I see.
Well, according to some friends of mine, Prof. Oak's Onix is on Level 36, so you have to work even harder! But I'm sure you can do it.

Remember that I'll reclaim my Pokémon this Sunday at 8AM. Its level has to be higher than Prof. Oak's Pokémon by then.
Please keep it in your Party or in one of your Storage Boxes in the meantime.
4 Months ago
#1: Cherry_Blossom
#2: quilavant
#3: chawyhang204
4 Months ago
new giveaway
4 Months ago
By Gilded_Ash - 7 Hours and 53 Minutes ago.
In 3 days on the 22nd is my birthday. SO as a giveaway I'm going to shiny hunt 1 Pokémon for whoever wins (1 winner)
Like this feed and share the feed and join this giveaway and comment what shiny hunt you want in order to enter! ends on the 22nd
if this doesnt work like the last 5 other uploads im gonna cry
5 Months ago
5 Months ago
so hows everyone?
5 Months ago
Hey, ~litten~!

How is my Hatenna doing? ... ... Oh, it's currently on Level 21, I see.
Well, according to some friends of mine, Prof. Oak's Hatenna is on Level 25, so you have to work even harder! But I'm sure you can do it.

Remember that I'll reclaim my Pokémon this Sunday at 8AM. Its level has to be higher than Prof. Oak's Pokémon by then.
Please keep it in your Party or in one of your Storage Boxes in the meantime.
6 Months ago
plz interact thank you
6 Months ago
By maskyzeno - 38 Minutes and 32 Seconds ago.
Hey everyone:)I am doing a b-day giveaway.

To join pls:
1. Join the Giveway!!!
2. Interact with my party:)
3. Like post and share the post with hastag

1st place gets 100k + some gems
2nd place gets Retro Bellossom + megable beedrill
3rd place gets Megable beedrill + map

Giveway ends on my birthday 30 Sept. Good luck:D

And make sure to join#kisukeBdayfullOfFun his bday is 30 Sept aswell:D
6 Months ago

About me

Gender: Female

My sale box: Any pokemon should be free, just ask me incase I misplaced it

Name: Razor
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage

IV leaderboard
Carbink with 3 gold stars!


You have a deep appreciation of science, and others find out the hard way not to push your buttons. You are definitely a cat person.

<a href="https://www.dragonflycave.com/quizzes/what-type-are-you/ice"><img src="https://www.dragonflycave.com/typequiz/ice.png" alt="Ice" title="I am a Ice-type!"></a>


Visit Gdalt54's shop!

Collecting Normal Gems!

PM/PP to offer!

1305/10,000 for Ditto/galar map

If you would like me to advertize your shop, just PM/PP me!



Last Action
At the Fun Fair (1 Hour ago)