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Land of Soulien, Hidden Past

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Land of Soulien, Hidden Past
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 5
Posted: Thu, 21/09/2023 15:09 (1 Year ago)
"A new region...A new journey...How will your story unfold?"

A new region was recently opened to the public, the region of Soulien. A region thriving with life and technology. Will you explore? Make friends? Start a catching spree? Or uncover the mysteries that rest under the cheery cities and smiling faces...

The region of Soulien is a bountiful land full of life, joy, and mystery. Ruins from a past marked as tall-tale lie in the center of the region, ruins of a past the inhabitants seem keen to keep down...You, a travelling trainer exploring the world / an inhabitant who's lived here their whole life / for [x] years], have finally begun your Pokémon journey in this region. Try to do as you wish, explore, make friends, battle...just don't mind that pair of eyes watching you in the dark...

The tourist ship was finally reaching the island...In the distance you could see the first signs of land, along with a few buildings rising up amidst the wild of the new region...The ships horn sounded loud and long, signaling land was nearby.
Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 198
Posted: Thu, 21/09/2023 15:57 (1 Year ago)
As the tourist ship reached the island of Soulien, its horn sounded, drawing the attention of many on the ship and on the shoreline. One of which was a figure cloaked in dark fabric, despite the sunny weather. They had been digging in the sand of the shore, where the waters brought up many items and many people absentmindedly dropped stuff of value. The cloaked figure looked up from where they were digging, revealing beneath the hood a pair of golden eyes, which widened in surprise as the ship landed at the docks.

Eris the Shiny Froslass quickly got up from where she had been kneeling in the sand. The ship meant tourists, tourists meant trainers, trainers meant the possibility of being captured. Being a Pokemon, and a Shiny Pokemon to boot, was dangerous whenever new trainers arrived. Many of the region of Soulien feared the 'Golden Frost', a nickname Eris had earned from her time in the region. However, this was fresh faces, newbies who weren't familiar with the region. They didn't fear what they didn't know. Thus, Eris abandoned her digging to flee...
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 5
Posted: Thu, 21/09/2023 16:12 (1 Year ago)
As Eris fled she could see a pair of narrowed, glowing white eyes watching her through the shadows of the trees, then they turned their gaze to the arriving ship...It was watching the humans with mild annoyance...

The ship docked at the pier near the city and the crew began preparing it for the passengers to depart from the ship. The eyes vanished into the forest, having seen enough for now...
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 210
Posted: Thu, 21/09/2023 22:40 (1 Year ago)
As Tokage sees the ship he quickly hides in the shadow somewhere near the trainers waiting for a time to strike them with a horror experience for them
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 276
Posted: Wed, 27/09/2023 14:07 (1 Year ago)
The pier is near from a forest...and inside the forest there is a anccient cave...some trainer/people say there live a dangeorus pokemon...they didnt know what pokemon is it...but sure the shape is like connected....some say long ago a trainer try to catch it...but its always fail...until now no one cant tame it..

As something/pokemon see trough the forest....its staring at ship...with two pair of white eye from inside the dark forest...and then that pokemon go into the forest again...wonder if the people/pokemon come to forest
Tnx visiting ^^
~ An Hiatus Commish Artist ^^
~ Protogen OC
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 53
Posted: Fri, 06/10/2023 15:41 (11 Months ago)
Angelo sighs and walks through the town, glad he moved to somewhere with more opportunities for a living. After all, life was getting a tad boring back in Unova, but then again, anywhere can get a tad boring when you haven't caught one Pokemon yet. He went to the docks to greet the tourists, since it appealed at the time.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 5
Posted: Fri, 06/10/2023 15:49 (11 Months ago)

The ship sounded its horn as it docked, signaling it had arrived fully in the pier

Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 210
Posted: Sat, 07/10/2023 00:44 (11 Months ago)
Tokage quickly turns into the shadow and hides on one of the trainer's shadow. Wondering how would they react to him
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 5
Posted: Mon, 16/10/2023 18:52 (11 Months ago)
The tourists filed off, showing their passes to the guards, all laughing and chatting, a few taking pictures already