Forum Thread
event distribution points messed up
Forum-Index → Bug Reports → Resolved → event distribution points messed up1. everyone - hourly limits do not show your current progress, but they do still prevent you from going over them
2. everyone - if you max out one category (e.g. interacting), and then you do a single action for another category (e.g. fishing, opening a treasure chest, etc), it will reset your points of that hour to the max limit of the second category
3. most people? - points from previous hours seem to be safe from this reset (so far) (e.g. if you got 750 interaction points last hour, and then another 750 interaction points this hour, but then opened a treasure chest, your points reset to 800, not 50)
3.1 some people? - (unconfirmed) it can apparently reset back to a number before the previously thought 'safe' points (e.g. you had 1500 points at the hour mark - it will now reset with 1500 as base. except in some rare cases where someone might end up with less than 1500 points somehow)
4. some people - apparently they can reset at the hour mark for no reason (in which case you're stuck with the newly resetted points), possibly related to 5. this can even happen to people it did not happen to before! (i.e. if your points did not reset at the hour mark for you at 2 am on the dot, they may still do so at 3 am on the dot!)
5. some people - for some people, it seems to reset at least once, possibly more often, with no known cause such as performing an action from another category
6. everyone - taking the egg takes away some points as you claim the egg, not when hatching it (it seems to always reset to 1700) (but at least there's no concern about people being able to claim the eggs multiple times due to the resetting points)
7. some people - some people seem to get stuck on random numbers for a while (unrelated to the hourly limits as it may happen for e.g. two hours)
screenshot of the first thing happening:
screenshot of the second thing happening (took the second screenshot at 0:22 server time, the first when i made this post):
screenshots of the third thing happening:
screenshot of 1500 points after 1 am server time:
screenshot of them being reset to 800, not 50:
screenshot of 6. happening
old, kind of messy, full report in the spoiler

there's two things happening in the
just now published event distribution
1. the hourly limits don't fill up at all, they just stay at 0/x
they still prevent getting more points than their respective limits though (at least the interaction one does)
(i.e. i can't get more than 750 interaction points, even though the hourly limit shows i have 0 points there)
2. the points... disappear?
i had 750 points made through interactions (mostly with berries)
then it dropped to below 350 and i could re-make the interaction points to 750 again
EDIT: you can apparently trigger this by doing another hourly category! e.g. i triggered it by getting interaction points and then fishing
but it also happened to me when i was not doing anything other than interacting (and i have not been able to replicate that one), so it might still happen regardless of doing multiple categories (but doing a second category seems to trigger it happening (possibly every single time, at least every single time i've tried it))disregard that, i probably opened a treasure chest and forgot
about it disregard the disregard, at least one other person has
also experienced this, so it's still possibly happening to people
without doing a second category
the points also seem to always drop to 200, at least i haven't
seen anyone say something different this also seems false, the
points just dropped to 50 after opening a treasure chest
EDIT: it seems to set it to the maximum of the second category's hourly limit (e.g. fishing is in the other category, so fishing resets it to 200; treasure hunt's hourly limit is 50, so opening a treasure chest resets it to 50; etc)
UPDATE: the points of the first hour stay even if the points of the current hour reset to [points obtained before this hour started] + [hourly limit of last category you did (if you maxed the category before)]
i've seen at least three users (including me) talk about the same things happening to them, so i figured i'd report it
one person mentioned the second thing happened to them multiple times
1. the hourly limits don't fill up at all, they just stay at 0/x
they still prevent getting more points than their respective limits though (at least the interaction one does)
(i.e. i can't get more than 750 interaction points, even though the hourly limit shows i have 0 points there)
2. the points... disappear?
i had 750 points made through interactions (mostly with berries)
then it dropped to below 350 and i could re-make the interaction points to 750 again
EDIT: you can apparently trigger this by doing another hourly category! e.g. i triggered it by getting interaction points and then fishing
but it also happened to me when i was not doing anything other than interacting (and i have not been able to replicate that one), so it might still happen regardless of doing multiple categories (but doing a second category seems to trigger it happening (possibly every single time, at least every single time i've tried it))
EDIT: it seems to set it to the maximum of the second category's hourly limit (e.g. fishing is in the other category, so fishing resets it to 200; treasure hunt's hourly limit is 50, so opening a treasure chest resets it to 50; etc)
UPDATE: the points of the first hour stay even if the points of the current hour reset to [points obtained before this hour started] + [hourly limit of last category you did (if you maxed the category before)]
i've seen at least three users (including me) talk about the same things happening to them, so i figured i'd report it
one person mentioned the second thing happened to them multiple times
What's that Pride Flag? (with gem prizes)
train my friends?
i obviously do unreturned favours
if you have any further info please tell me so i can include it!
What's that Pride Flag? (with gem prizes)
train my friends?
i obviously do unreturned favours
Edit: did more berries. It appears that the number is overwritten with the new one if you hit the cap, or surpass the number from the other type. Once I hit 750 points from interaction, it reset from 800 to 750
the hourly limit of the other category being what it's set to seems to be what's happening here (at least the numbers make sense if that's what's happening)
also huh, i've not been able to surpass 750 at all since it's the highest hourly limit and i can only get points for one of them at a time
i'm waiting in suspense for the next hour to see if we can at least stack the hours' hourly limits (i.e. get to 1500 by making more interactions) or if it resets the same way
What's that Pride Flag? (with gem prizes)
train my friends?
i obviously do unreturned favours
cause then they might reset without doing anything at least once per user after all
What's that Pride Flag? (with gem prizes)
train my friends?
i obviously do unreturned favours
added it back to the post and i'm like 80% sure the same happened to me the first time the points reset (i just thought i did something else and forgot about it lol)
did this happen to anyone else, too?
maybe we can find a common denominator here, too!
What's that Pride Flag? (with gem prizes)
train my friends?
i obviously do unreturned favours
that is bad news for anyone trying to get the events as soon as possible
@Flame_Queen huh
can you update me in a couple minutes if your points go above 750 then? (because of the new hour)
thanks for the info!
i have no idea what went wrong there yet, but it seems points from previous hours are not safe!
What's that Pride Flag? (with gem prizes)
train my friends?
i obviously do unreturned favours
yep, and since it's currently 4:30 AM, that might not be too soon lol
also! i updated the post with this already, claiming an event egg resets your points to 1700
i am unsure why it does that at this time, because claiming the event egg doesn't usually give you points from the 'other' category, so why would it reset to that specifically? (it was 1700 for everyone i've seen talk about it)
i don't remember if hatching it reset it again, but i know for a fact that it was claiming the event egg that reset the points, not hatching it (because the points reset while claiming it, as seen in my screenshot)
What's that Pride Flag? (with gem prizes)
train my friends?
i obviously do unreturned favours