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dbh 1x1 w/ Hunterz
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → dbh 1x1 w/ HunterzShe hadn't meant to. She swore, she didn't mean it.
It seemed like minutes ago she was in the classroom, helping out a 'friend', when she got shoved away by an older-looking kid.
"Pshh. Pathetic kid, needing help from an android."
It had really all happened in a flash. The older kid reached for her friend, grabbing him and lifting him by the neck. And then there she was, her foot to the older kids stomach, forcefully kicking him against a locker, the thud echoing in her ear.
It had attracted a large crowd. So large, that half the school was gaping at her. Even her own friend backed away when she tried to help him up. Someone had, somehow already, called the police, and she got escorted into a DPD car, staring down at the ground the whole time.
She felt nothing but shame as she was shoved into the dimly lit room, quietly sitting down at one of the chairs and observing the room.
Why do I have to suffer when all I did was protect somebody..?
She’ll play friendly for now.
“Good evening, Director William. You seem displeased, did the performance satisfy your standards and expectation?” the android questioned. The man’s scowl didn’t soften one bit as he approached the android, waving around the pencil he’d been twirling in his hands.
“As usual, something’s missing from the entire thing and it just drags the show down. You have yet to impress me, Selina,” the director grumbled. The android was deeply confused at this point, her program unable to compute just what keeps disappointing the man. She decided to voice out her uncertainty.
“I apologize for failing to perform to your ideals, director,” Selina started off apologetically. “But to my knowledge, I have read and sang every line correctly, dance every step perfectly and hit every note and pitch with accuracy. What more do you seek from me that I’m lacking?” she asked, hoping that by gaining insight she’d be able to improve on her next performance scheduled in the next 3 days. The director didn’t give a direct answer, poking the pencil he was playing with into Selina’s left chest. While the sharp lead would have felt like an annoying jab, the android who couldn’t feel pain made nothing of it. Patiently she waited for a proper answer, which surely came after a minute of awkward silence between the two, starting off with a sigh from the director.
“Emotions, Selina. You can act as perfect as the bloody script wants you to but if you don’t put your heart, your feelings, into it you’ll never nail any show,” William ranted. “Really, any good you’re doing to me now is just saving my money that I’d normally need to pay actual entertainers. Other than that the advertisement they made of you is just a total rip-off,” he continued, taking out a box of cigarettes from the small satchel hanging by his shoulder. “I’m going out for a breather. I hope you can reflect on your shortcomings for the next appointed date, or I might actually start confronting Cyberlife about it,” the director said as he made his way off the backstage, closing the metal door to the outside with a slam. Selina stood still there, her LED faintly pulsing yellow before it returned into its usual blue color. An alert popped up at the side of her vision. She had a test scheduled in the next few hours and she should get going to the tower if she didn’t want to be late. Selina started making her way out.
“How does he expect me to feel anything when emotions are the very thing I’m not allowed to have”, she grimly wondered as she called for the taxi.
The creak of the heavy glass door of the office opening caused him to wake up from stasis, his eye’s slowly fluttering awake as he was greeted by two new people in the captain’s office. He assumed the officer with the messy grey hair was the lieutenant he’d be assigned to work with. If first impressions were anything to go off on, he’d be sure to brace himself for the older man’s yapping and complaints on their future jobs. Ignoring the bickering of the two human officers, he moved his attention to the other android who had accompanied the lieutenant, who he assumed was already scanning him from head to toe just like he was doing, though Amanda had already told him in advance he’d be working with another prototype by the name Connor, he only had a vague idea of the android to go off on.
“So, what exactly does this plastic thing do? How much different is he from Connor that I have to babysit two of them?” the lieutenant voiced, bringing the android’s attention back. His eyes caught the movement of the man’s hand about to home in for a spot on his shoulder for a slight slap and, with inhumane speed, his arm raised to swiftly deflect the hit. A look of surprise shadowed the officer’s face for a moment before it returned to a frown.
“I’m an RC760 model prototype, designed to prioritize and ensure your safety. I was built to withstand damages including blade and gun attacks. Though the layers titanium metal and Kevlar my body is made out off as opposed to normal android parts being undeniably heavier, you can rest assured the special built-in feature of my pump and legs still promise optimal speed and agility. As demonstrated I also come in with lightning fast reflexes,” the android explained, his voice robotic as he executed the built-in self-description the company has already provided for him to say.
“To make it better he doesn’t speak English,” the lieutenant grumbled. Captain Fowler, the one sitting at the desk, pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Listen, Hank. With the number of aggressive deviants on the rise, you’d be thanking Cyberlife for even considering making another combative prototype. While Connor makes up for brains, this new guy covers up any holes in protection making sure you’d be able to live your longer old man life instead of dying early to machines,” Fowler rephrased. The lieutenant was obviously displeased but judging by how his body sagged slightly, he was too tired to defy any further, probably because of the previous chase they had with the AX400 deviant that Amanda had told Evander about. After a quick sour interchange between the two human officers, the trio made their way out of the office and the older man threw himself onto the chair on his desk. The new android took his place and stood besides Connor, awaiting further instructions.
“So, what do I call you? Do I need to waste more breath calling you by your model?” Hank inquired, looking at his tab.
“I was assigned the name ‘Evander’ so you may refer to me as such,” Evander replied. The lieutenant stared at him for a few seconds, probably taking note of Evander’s weird features. His golden eyes had slitted pupils that were made to intimidate and he could see the man’s curiousness of what hid behind the mask that concealed his mouth. He didn’t want to reveal that part too early.
As the three started to try and get accustomated to each other, Chris showed up again with a new task, much to the disgruntled lieutenant’s dismay. Another case, this time involving a child support android who had supposedly intended to harm a student at the school they were working at. The suspect was successfully apprehended and now there she sits in the interrogation room, Evander and Connor observing her intently.
“Hey Connor, since you worked wonders on that last android why don’t you do the honor of questioning this one,” Hank pointed out. Evander watched as Connor gave a nod and entered the room while Evander watched the two from outside.

From the outside, her back seemed dented, a result of the forceful assault. She seemed so small compared to the chair she was sitting in, of course the Detroit Police Department didn’t expect android-children to stray from their original orders. To deviate.
“I...I didn’t mean to...” She mumbled quietly, eyes still glued to the ground. She was unsure what would happen now, all she knew was basic elementary information...and that she had done something wrong.
What had even happened to the kid she kicked? Was he okay? She never wished ill on anyone; it was purely out of a want. A want to protect her friend. Androids aren’t supposed to want. Androids are supposed to behave, obey.
Shame hovered over her like a cloud.
Are child-androids even supposed to deviate? She had asked herself, over and over, with a fear that it would happen and she would be destroyed. They were supposed to express emotions, unlike regular androids, but to stray from their original orders...
What’s going to happen to me..?
She really shouldn’t be doing that. Yet, the tight feeling in her chest remained.
She was followed into the elevator, watching the number decrease as the lift lowered deeper into the sub-levels of the tower. Unconsciously, she started thumping her foot to a tune, something she keeps catching herself doing while she’s idle. The silent ride was soon over as the trio reached their desired floor. Selina stepped out alone, the two guards waiting in the elevator for her later return. She moved on.
The automatic doors slid open for her, and she was greeted by the usual, familiar group of people, the personnel who’d get her tested monthly. The greeting they gave her was anything but warm, their faces wearing the usual serious glum look. Selina stood on the platform, awaiting further instructions as the employees start booting up the system. As usual, they scanned her from head to toe before she felt the usual jab of the port being jacked into the back of her neck. She could see the lines and strings of digits and letters alike rushing in through the computer monitor, being examined for faults or errors. She tried to see if any red figures pops up in the midst of white text, which would signify there was something wrong with her program. She wouldn’t like that.
The reason she’d been called to do the same test repeatedly every month was a preventative measure to reduce the chances of deviancy in her. As she was a prototype that’s starting to gain the attention in the world of entertainment, any showcases of such behavior would definitely ruin Cyberlife’s reputation, as if the current rise in deviancy cases weren’t enough to taint the company name. With her ability to act out human emotions on stage, the probability of her deviating was high and the test was to make sure they could instantly fix the errors before it does much damage. Her model would be a breakthrough for the company, though it meant they would have to walk on a thin thread with the risks.
She stopped herself from thinking about it further.
“How is work coming along for you Selina?” the middle-aged woman spoke, diverting the android’s attention away from the screen, from her worries, to the speaker.
“Performance wise, I’ve been working at my most optimal state. The reviews, excluding the usual discrimination hate articles, have been collectively positive.”
“And the director?”
Selina wondered if she should mention William’s previous comments to the woman. She didn’t like bringing up anything related to emotions thanks to it being tied to deviancy, something the developers had been worried she’d start presenting the minute they made her. She didn’t need to be reminded of her fate if she started actually feeling human emotions. She decided to be vague.
“We’ve been working just fine, although he may have some discrepancies with me in terms of how I… project myself in performances,” Selina explained, pausing at the moment as she tried to best rephrase herself. She took a quick glance at the monitor and she felt her pump stop momentarily.
Was that a line of red text or was she her optical unit messing with her.
“I see, though I believe you have the situation under control?” the woman inquired. Selina hurriedly nodded back, hoping it wasn’t obvious she started losing her composure.
“Yes, ma’am. I believe so,” she replied. She caught the man who was examining the monitor give a thumbs-up and soon the back of her neck felt vacant. She felt kind of relieved the first stage of her test was over. By the looks of the employees as they discussed the results, they didn’t find anything bad in the scans. They started preparing for the second test.
The one she dreaded doing.
The woman brought a tray to her, the cursed. damned weapon laying in it glinted under the bright lights of the room. She slowly picked it up, realizing the safety was already off before they even gave it to her. She knew she shouldn’t feel anything about this. That was the very purpose of this test, but the stress it put her under had her LED blinking red for the slightest second.
She used to feel indifferent about it, but the longer you do it, the more it starts taking its toll on you.
The sounds of a struggle snapped her out of thoughts as she watched an android get dragged into the room. The smaller figure clearly had no control over the stronger guards as she was forcefully tied down in front of her. The circle on her head was pure red and Selina didn’t need to scan to know the android was under high stress as well.
“This deviant was caught long ago, we just had her stowed away in the containment rooms. Thought it would be perfect for this test,” the woman said, her calm and monotone voice a conflict in the pressuring situation. “You know what to do, Selina,” she signaled to the blue haired android.
Selina and the child android locked their eyes onto each other for a second. Selina couldn’t bear looking at those small eyes, begging to be given a chance to live. She slowly raised the gun and aimed the barrel to the head. The child’s quiet pleas weren’t making this easier.
But she had to do it, she steeled herself.
“I’m sorry,” she wirelessly spoke into the child’s mind.
The sobbing ended with a bang.
While Evander didn’t have to watch the interrogation closely, he doubts anyone would let him handle one with how aggressive he was built to be, he still studied the way Connor questioned the child.
The man opened the case file, which showed a picture of the suspect kicking the victim in the stomach, submitted by one of the witnesses during the event. Several notes were also attached to the folder with statements made by the present students and teachers at the time. While most of them pointed the blame to the suspect, a single note wrote the action was in defense in protecting another child. Gathering all the information necessary, he directed his attention to the deviant.
Connor assessed the suspect, taking note of the damages the child had on her body. While she was quiet, as compared to Carlos Ortiz’s android, she was more responsive at least. He decided he’d just take the similar approach to the last interrogation.
First thing’s first, he needed to lower the child’s stress level, or the deviant would end up self-destructing before he got anything out of it. He decided to reassure her before asking the question.
“I know you’re going through a lot, but we need to understand what happened. If you’re cooperative and tell us everything, I might be able to help you out of this,” he started. “You’re called here for attacking a student. While it was viewed as a method of defense, you know you’re not allowed to endanger human lives under any circumstances. Do you have anything to say on the course of action you took?” he question, starting the interrogation.

"I know you're going through a lot, but we need to understand what happened."
Isabelle knew androids were made with voices that weren't supposed to provoke stress. But the way the opposing android spoke broke her out of her worrisome memories, snapping her back into reality.
Cold, unforgiving reality.
"If you’re cooperative and tell us everything, I might be able to help you out of this."
Isabelle slowly lifted her head up, assessing the man in front of her quietly. She looked scared, afraid. But she was...somewhat willing to cooperate.
"You’re called here for attacking a student."
A slight but hesitant nod came from the child android.
"While it was viewed as a method of defense, you know you’re not allowed to endanger human lives under any circumstances. Do you have anything to say on the course of action you took?"
She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out for a solid minute or two. Then she spoke.
" didn't realize what happened until...until after."
Hesitance, then another sentence followed.
"I was...just helping my friend.."
He knew this 'friend' she was trying to protect was most likely her owner at that moment. He had also been questioned earlier on. He told the officer that they were being pinned by bullies which led to the deviant's retaliation. While it was somewhat conflicting, as her actions were an attempt to accomplish her task, to protect her owner, it didn't comply with the boundaries of the extent of how far an android can intervene in such situations.
"While your actions may be justified as doing your job, it doesn't excuse the fact that you showed violence towards humans," he admitted.
Simply saying while her actions could have been a necessary step to fulfill her purpose, if she inflicted harm without her 'friend' clearly instructing her to do so, it would most certainly be a crime. Even if she was instructed to, androids especially of her model meant for a younger age group should have been programmed to never exuberate any form of aggression. There was really nothing much to use to even defend the deviant.
Then again, they were simply replaceable machines. No one would even try to defend them at this point. Her indirect confession was already enough to stack up all the odds against her.
While he could consider his task done, he decided to bring up the damage on the android's back.
"That dent on your back is quite recent. When did you get that?" he asked.

Her eyes widened in fear because she knew what that meant. She was going to get destroyed and replaced. The school was gonna replace her and nobody would care about the old Isabelle.
Not even her old friend, who seemed scared of her at the time of the incident.
"...please..." She whispered.
"I don't want to be destroyed..."
"That dent on your back is quite recent. When did you get that?"
The question surprised her. She didn't even know her back was dented, didn't even know that could happen to an android.
"It was the...bully," She hesitated again. "He shoved me against a locker, and then tried to...choke my friend..."
"I swear...i just wanted to help my friend.."
"Like I said, we still have evidence and support that believe you were acting out of defense. We can attempt to negotiate on your situation. Until we get to a conclusion, you'll be kept in the DPD cells under close observation," Connor consoled.
Outside the interrogation room, Evander's head sank a little low for a moment. The compromise Connor had told the deviant was all but a lie to stop the android from bashing their head on the table from the tension. For all he knew Cyberlife was already getting ready to pick up the child. He saw Connor nod towards them, signalling he was done. He watched as detective Reed, who had been standing at the side, quiet yet pissed for the whole interrogation, straightened himself and walked on in followed by Chris. The lieutenant followed suite soon after. Evander contemplated for a while about following, he decided to tag behind a little further. He wondered if his unsettling appearance would shock the deviant further. It probably would.
He tried to minimalise her view of him by concealing himself in the dark blind spot in the corner as Chris ushered the child to stand.
"Careful-" Connor started.
"Yeah, yeah we get it plastic prick," detective Reed interrupted with a hiss. "Let's get a move on," he grumbled towards Chris, who lightly pushed the deviant toward the exit.

No no no no, please!
“Please, please, he needs me..,” She pleaded. “He’ll get hurt without me..”
"Yeah, yeah we get it plastic prick, let’s get a move on.”
Despite her worry and fear, she complied with the detectives and moved along, albeit sorrowful.
I’m going to get destroyed. This is all my fault..
She caught motion in the shadowy corner, catching light of an LED. Her own cycled through the colors, then stayed at yellow.
“Shall we leave?” he asked the taller android. Evander nodded before following the Connor out the room.
“There was really no choice for the deviant was there?” Evander suddenly spoke up, feeling inclined to start small talk to break the silence as they waited by the lieutenant’s desk for the older man to return. Evander already knew the answer, he had no idea why his social module even bothered asking. Connor gave a nod.
“There’s almost no chance for any deviant. If there were things might not end well,” he agreed. Evander could hear the small tinkering of a coin and glanced to see the other android already tossing it around. “It’s already scheduled to be transferred to Cyberlife in a few days. It’ll take a while taken the number of return requests they’ve been getting however,” Connor added. Evander looked towards the direction of the cells where the girl would have been locked up by now, lost in.. nothingness really. He wasn’t bothered to think of anything unless he was needed in high-risk situations. All this chatter was just insignificant things to pass the time that was built somewhere in his integration program.
“I see…” he acknowledged Connor’s answer, sounding distant and almost uninterested. “Do you know where the lieutenant went off to, if I may ask? We do have another place to be in right now,” Evander asked, slightly aggravated.
“I believe he said he needed to use the bathroom,” came the answer. Soon enough, the lieutenant returned and grabbed the car keys on his desk, grumbling on about how he was against his new field with how many cases were racking up.
“Well, let’s get going. Where’s this place we need to go to again?” Lt. Anderson asked for reconfirmation.
“An abandoned apartment in 265 Acre Avenue,” Connor replied as the three made their way out the precinct. The lieutenant glanced at Evander for a minute which was replied by a confuse slight tilt of his head.
“Is there something wrong, lieutenant?” he asked.
“My car can only fit so many people, if you tagged along I might have to borrow one of the patrol vehicles,” Lt. Anderson replied.
“I don’t think it’s necessary. I know where the location is, if you want I can get there by foot,” Evander offered which was treated by the lieutenant with bewilderment. “In fact, with how fast I can run, I bet I’ll even reach there before your car does,” he jokingly dared, a surprising sight from the usually cold and serious android. Thankfully the man seemed to have taken it well and his glum demeanor turned into a prideful smirk.
“You’re saying your two legs can get your there faster than my bad boy? Want to bet on it?” he jested. Evander raised an eyebrow in amusement.
With that the lieutenant and Connor went into the vehicle. “Well, we’ll see you there then, eating the dust of these tires,” he finally stated as the car drove away. He knew he’d get there faster because the traffic was quite busy and that would've already stall the pair by a few minutes. Calculating the fastest route to the apartment, he slowly picked up the pace towards his destination, a small smirk underneath the black mask.

"There's not much we know about this case. A neighbor reported that he heard strange noises coming from an abandoned apartment. He also said he saw a man hiding an LED under a cap." He spoke, glancing outside at the oncoming Urban Farms of Detroit. Slowly but surely, they were making their way there.
Connor spoke on, filling the silence despite to the lieutenants obvious annoyance.
"You shouldn't have chosen this route, Lieutenant; the traffic is backed up about half a mile."
"An androids got nothin' on a car, Connor. We're fine." The lieutenant responded, thrumming his fingers on the wheel. It seemed like a nervous habit of sorts, Connor noted.
"I'm not too sure about that. Androids, especially ones made for detective cases, are faster. I could probably easily outrun this car, especially in this traffic."
"Yeah? Well, why didn't you?"
"Someone's gotta keep an eye on you, Lieutenant."
Hank gave an exasperated sigh as a reply, and the car was silent until they arrived.
As the engine was stopped and the two start stepping out the car, Evander pulled a rather pleased face which was barely visible thanks to the mask that covered the whole lower part of his face. The only hint of his sarcastic smirk was the raise of his eyebrows and the glimmer of naught in his golden eyes. There wasn’t a single trace of fatigue on the android, as if he didn't just ran a few miles at top speed.
“I was starting to think you two weren’t going to show,” he greeted the two.

"I told you, Lieutenant." Connor said, nudging Hank. In response, he grumbled a swear under his breath and pushed past the two androids, heading into the building.
Connor lingered for a moment before stepping in as well, surveying the scene. The loud hum of bird wings echoed throughout the apartment.
"Jesus, this place doesn't seem like anyone is still here." Hank murmured, glancing at the two animatronics. "Well. Go do whatever you two do." He said, waving the two off.
Connor nodded, carefully walking around some possibly dead pigeons.
Eventually Evander got bored of standing idly, which was obvious with how much more frequent he started snapping his fingers. He decided that it wouldn’t hurt to look around the room as long as he doesn’t hinder the two or touch anything. Besides, the pigeons were starting to get annoying, with some bold enough to start pecking at him while he stood still. He looked around the messy rundown room, his vision sharpening at the blind areas to look out for movement.
Apparently, the pesky birds didn’t know when to stop bothering him as some continued to flock around him. Hell, he even managed to narrowly miss a shot of bird crap that flew towards him. Evander has never been a patient android so, irritated, he snatched the next pigeon that decided to mess with him and swiftly put an end to the squirming creature with a loud snap before tossing the dead carcass to its buddies. The warning seems to have worked as they started steering clear of Evander’s way. Any that dared to fly as close as his arm’s length would meet their demise in a blink of an eye. He caught the lieutenant’s disapproving look from a glance to his side, but he really couldn’t care less. If anything, the slightly decreasing number of pigeons were improving his auditory senses more, allowing him to focus on more important sounds other than the annoying flapping wings.
Evander stopped in his steps as his ears picked up a sound that surely wasn’t from the three. He filtered the sound of Hank’s breathing and the small, unnoticeable mechanical sounds from him and Connor and honed his hearing on the one sound that stood out the most.
The sound of moving, creaking wood coming from somewhere above them, one he almost couldn’t catch even with heightened senses.
He switched his optical unit into a thermal scanner mode and checked the surroundings. It was a mess of colors with how busy the room was, but an android’s temperature was easy to detect, being notably a little higher than most, a blaring pink to differentiate from human heat. His eyes picked up his own temperature and Connor’s who was investigating a diary close by.
And sure enough, one glowed brightly in his eyes on the ceiling just above where he stood.
Before he could relay the news to Lieutenant Anderson and Connor, a sudden weight was put onto his back and he was forcefully pushed to the ground. He did manage to have a grip on the deviant, and he tried to keep him from running, wrestling with the android on the dusty floor.
While he would have normally ended the deviant there and then, he was ordered to bring it back alive for questioning, so he had to resist just tearing it to bits, but he was losing the grip on the android. With his free hand, he ripped the mask off to reveal what he hid underneath the black cloth.
A set of aberrantly, sharp teeth.
As the android slipped out his grip, he managed to badly dent the android’s leg to try and slow it down a little as the deviant made a dash for the door. Without awaiting further instructions from Hank, he made a run for it, following the trail of thirium from the suspect’s wound.

Connor followed closely behind Evander, following the somewhat faster android. He nodded toward him, before racing off in a different direction, trying to surround the deviant. Hank was slowly following, huffing and puffing because his poor old man lungs don't work.
Upcoming there was a roof, no choices for the deviant to go. The two androids had surrounded the deviant, backing it up against the rooftop.
“Go catch the deviant, you’re faster and have a better chance of getting it. I’ll get the lieutenant,” Connor said before he immediately changed directions to help lift Hank back up. Evander followed his orders and swerved to continue chase, picking up his speed until soon he managed to back the android against the edge of the building.
“Don’t make this difficult, or I might have to do more than put holes in your legs,” Evander warned as the deviant glanced around in search of a way out. At a lost, the android met Evander in the eyes.
“Please, I’ve done nothing wrong… I just wanted to be free. You know what they’ll do to me if you turn me in…” the deviant pleaded, though his words not getting through Evander’s almost impenetrable software security. The combative cop android didn’t reply to the android and only watched him closely with a sharpened gaze until Connor and Lieutenant Anderson caught up with the two.

"Model 874 004 961, serious malfunctions have been detected in your software, including Class 4 errors," Connor said, maintaining a straight face, staring directly at Rupert. "You’ve been deemed defective and will be sent back to CyberLife for deactivation."
Connor approached, signalling Evander and Hank to do the same. Hank grabbed the deviant, making quick work to handcuff him, the deviant giving a small struggle.
"Why are you doing this?" The deviant asked, to both fun androids fun front of him. "Both of you are one of us."
"Shut up." Hank grumbled, shaking the deviant a bit. Connor had no reaction, eyes dead set on the deviant.
"You're helping the humans..but you're just their slave!"
"I said shut up!" Hank said aggressively, fear levels rising in the deviant as the lieutenant dragged him along.
"Oh me." The deviant mumbled, looking at the sky for a brisk second, then struggling free of Hank's grip and racing back to the edge of the roof, intent on jumping.
"You're helping the humans... but you're just their slave!"
Evander frowned for a while, his LED spinning yellow as his software security suddenly spiked. He had to divert his attention away just to check his stabilility levels which was slightly annoying and distracting.
And in that small moment when Evander was occupied, he missed out the suggesting body signs. He didn't see the deviant started lagging behind, he didn't notice the sudden fear spike Connor did nor did he realise the android had already started turning it's body away from them.
"Oh rA9... save me"
At the sound of rushed footsteps, Evander snapped back into attention and looked behind to see the deviant running away, towards the roof. There was no doubt. There was no safe platform to land on from that part of the building and a fall from that height would surely damage them badly, possibly beyond repair. Evander's processors were siddenly flooded by a new order.
Stop him
Evander started moving towards the android, looking unhesitant to take the fall and ultimately just die. He was to stop the android from self-destructing and leave the rest to Hank and Connor from there. High chances are, he'd fall down instead and the probability he'd even survive that drop was really low.
But he was driven by commands he must obey, to accomplish his task, to complete his mission.
Death was a small price to pay. And the loss of one copy wouldn't be much of an inconvenience. Machines were replacable after all.
Though as he started to advance towards the deviant, he felt a sudden grip on the hood of his uniform jacket that stopped him from getting any further. He struggled to break free, thrashing around like a wild hysteric dog being pulled back by a leash. He glared back at the person who was stopping him from jumping off the building, slitted pupils sharpening and sharp teeth bared.
"Lieutenant, let go," he growled. At this point, the deviant would be lost, then he'd fail the mission.
He shouldn't fail. He can't fail.
Yet he just did, for when he glanced back he saw the figure leap off the roof. The android hissed a curse under his breath.
"Phck," he swore. He shook himself of the lieutenant's grip and faced the older man. "Why didn't you let me chase it, lieutenant? We would have had it by now if you didn't interrupt me," Evander questioned, his tone quite exasperated.

Lieutenant stared at Evander for a brief second, before slapping him. "Maybe this'll knock some sense into you." He grumbled, walking away. Connor lingered next to Evander for a few seconds.
"I think what the detective is trying to say is that we would've failed if you followed, but you would have been destroyed," Connor explained. "He's already reacted negatively towards one of my previous deaths."
Connor then followed Hank, presumably back to the Detroit Police Department.
The slap barely gave any impact to the android, who seemed unfazed by the hit (though the sudden spike of his pump would've suggested otherwise as his program almost took Hank as a threat and prepared to snap his wrist, which he quickly halted). If anything, he was surprised the old man's palms hadn't cracked at the hard feeling of metal underneath his smooth synthskin. The irritated feeling wasn't from potentially getting humiliated in front of Connor from that slap. Hell, his face was the least of his worries.
It was the feeling of the disappointed gaze from Amanda that was boring into him. He could almost sense her displeasure from his peripheral vision.
Connor's words broke him from his processing trance.
"I think what the detective is trying to say is that we would've failed if you followed, but you would have been destroyed"
The statement wasn't at all wrong. In fact, even with Evander cushioning the impact, he doubt the android would even live through the fall undamaged. He didn't need Connor's advanced software to calculate just how much damage he'd take from it. Still, he was prepared to die. It's not like there weren't at least 5 other copies of him. Connor added to his words before Evander could interject.
"He's already reacted negatively towards one of my previous deaths."
Ah yes, humans and their confusing emotions and fragile feelings. The android truly couldn't comprehend how the old man was grumbling about their very existence just a few seconds before then suddenly worrying over them dying when they're easily replaceable. He decided it wasn't worth pondering upon it as he followed behind Connor until the pair made it into the car, though staying quite a distance away from the lieutenant. The android held no grudges, but the data he was getting was enough to let Evander know the older man wasn't in the mood to have him within close proximity, and Evander didn't want to stir the pot.
"I'll be seeing you at the station then," he told to the pair. Awaiting for the two to leave before he made his way to the precinct himself, probably after scanning the area for the fallen deviant though, just to gather a little more information.
Well, that was his plan, until another mission popped up in his HUD. A sudden alert blared bright red at him. He didn't have to see Connor's reaction to know he also received the same order. Guess Rupert's case would have to be put on hold.
Another deviant outrage was reported at 2600 Atwater Street at the Indoor Amphitheatre. The cases just never stop coming, don't they?
Theme: IDOL (English Cover) - Trickle
[A few hours prior to report sent to Evander and Connor]
Selina returned from her tests from Cyberlife on time for the next performance she had scheduled. A practice of sorts to prepare her for the big show she has in three days. She got a glimpse of the crowd of people, and she bet not all of them were actually supportive. She started getting ready backstage, looking at herself in the mirror, staring back at her lifeless, emotionless eyes.
Emotions, huh? Her lips slowly curved into a smile.
But she felt nothing, it felt empty. She sighed.
The director's clap interrupted her thoughts. She looked up to meet his emerald eyes. She straightened herself and pulled the friendliest look she can muster. The man didn't her efforts much heed.
"You're up in one," he stated. "Don't disappoint me this time," Williams added. Selina nodded.
"Yes, sir," she answered as the man walked off to sort other things. She moved to stand behind the big red curtains, hearing the sounds of the people outside. Some excited chatter, some hushed hate slanders. As the speakers announced her arrival, she stepped into the spotlight, her glow enough to rival the overhead lights. Her eyes twinkled, her lips turned to a smile.
Emotions, she had to show them.
A software instability warning popped up in her side vision but she didn't pay much heed to it. It was for the sake of the mission. Surely just a little wouldn't lead to deviancy.
As the show went on, she was oblivious to the overlapped sounds of struggle happening behind the curtains.
They believe in her and worship every day
What a strong and perfect, undefeated idol
Does she have a flaw? No, not at all
She's an evening star, you can't make her fall
So don't break down, don't show them even for a second
You don't wanna break the idol girl immersion
Be their one and only, be the one to get it
That's the only true way to be loved
A gunshot abruptly rang over her singing. She glanced back, wide-eyed. The music quieted down, making the worried comments of the audience more audible. Did something happen backstage?
The lights suddenly died, enveloping everyone in darkness. The light of Selina's uniform was the only light illuminating the area. She tried to reassure the crowd, speaking through the microphone.
"Don't panic! The maintenance staff is looking into the matter. Everything will be under control-"
Another shot rang, and someone screamed within the crowd. Amongst the masses, she caught the glow of a red circle. An android's LED.
Was there a deviant attack? She rang up the police department through her HUD before she ran backstage in search of the crew. She was greeted with silence.
"Director?" she called out, navigating through the dark until she found the light panels. She flicked them open and was met with a rather gruesome sight.
The director had been shot, at least 3 bullets found their home on his body. Selina involuntary recoiled from the body before finding her composure. Concerned for the audience's safety, she rushed out to find the deviant who was previously mingling among the humans. Alas, she couldn't find the suspect. The incoming sounds of sirens were getting louder. It didn't take long for the police to arrive and take control of the whole situation. Even when Selina didn't do anything wrong, she was hauled away and was ordered to sit backstage, guarded by 3 men. She was kept to be interrogated more later.
Now she sat there, fidgeting her fingers and tapping to the beat of the song she performed before hell went down, as she awaited for what happens next.