Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → SplicedThe intercom beeps and says "5 minutes to curfew. Please proceed back to your rooms for the night." Professor Willow's voice buzzes in. "And remember, get a good night's sleep! Splicing starts tomorrow!"
"Oh, looks like we have to go. See you tomorrow at breakfast! Oh and by the way, do NOT eat their corn." Sandevi says, shivering
At approximately 6:00 am, a bell rang through the halls, waking all of the subjects. The intercom buzzed on. "Up and at em!" Said prof. Willow's voice over the intercom. "Everybody go down the hallway to get your breakfast! Today we have creamed corn, mashed potatoes, eggs, scrambled or boiled, bacon, and toast. Eat up, you have a long day ahead of you!"
interact with my sentret i want her to become big n strong
tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active there)
"Hey Kale!" Sandevi yelled across the cafeteria, "come sit with us!"