Forum Thread
The ^ > v Game
Forum-Index → Forum Games → The ^ > v GameI know its confusing so lemme explain
Basically you respond to 3 different prompts like:
^ A response to the person above's prompt
> Something about you, or something you notice about the user above (Could be a fact, something you're doing, how you are feeling, etc. / Could be the user's profile pic, etc.)
v A prompt for the person below (Could be a question, a command (Ex: "Draw a mob boss pigeon"), a prediction (Ex: "I bet the next user's favorite Pokemon is Shuckle!"), etc.)
Person 1:
> I'm eating a big bowl of cereal right now
v What's your opinion on Poliwags?
Person 2:
^ I love Poliwags! I just want to hug one!
> [insert username] has a mouse as their pfp
v Do 5 jumping jacks
Person 3:
^ Easy! Did it in less than 1 minute!
> Just drawing poliwags
v Could I be a good president?
Alrighty Ready? I'll start
^ The site is slowly dieing but its still fun
v Am i a good person?

> I'm grinding interactions so I can get power orbs for my Raylong Quest Rockruff
v Best Lycanroc evo?

> Why does everybody think Charizard is so great?
v Do you agree with me when I say Charizard is overrated?

> The random mix of pfps are fun to see, it's either pokemon or a different fandom or something else. Tells you a lot about said persons personality.
v Whats an underrated pokemon? Either skillset wise or just physically.
> Did you know I've used this username the entire time I've been here?
v What is your favorite and least favorite Candy?