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meeps tips on PH

Forum-Index Diaries meeps tips on PH
Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 685
Posted: Fri, 20/01/2023 18:16 (1 Year ago)
hi. im meep. i just came back from hiatus but i've spent an unfortunate 4 years of my life here so i might as well give some PH life hacks. will be updated whenever, like and subscribe for more, yadda yadda

i can and will replace the PH wiki <3

note: do not post here, please Palpad/PM if you have any comments, thanks!

I was kidding about replacing the PH wiki so I will only add things that are not in the wiki, like questions that were answered in obscure forum threads

to add list
- important and interesting links
- how much does it cost to hunt some shiny legendaries?
- a day with me vlog on PH (whats my daily routine here?)
Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 685
Posted: Fri, 20/01/2023 18:20 (1 Year ago)
tips to earn PD!

about interacting

interacting and rumbles are the few ways to earn PD without spending PD

berry interacts range from 0-7PD (plus increased chance for GGC), normal interacts range from 0-5PD. amulet coin doubles this amount

while the amount of PD you gain decreases the more interactions you do (once you hit 30k clicks in one day, you earn less. thanks Spacebar!), 5PD per berry interact is what i've observed on the lower end of interactions, and 1 GGC per berry interact

about game center

golden slot plus mode is the best. pokeballs can be sold for PD, and gems are more reliably lucrative than the stuff you get from legend mode. rare candies are worth a solid 7.5-8k PD each (price has remained relatively stable IMO as there are always rowan quests which need them)

treasure hunt is free GC and money once you have a buffer of around 25000 GC, since you can earn a few thousand to 20000 GC when you win GC from it. free gems and other stuff is a bonus too. i've gotten enigma stones before too, but i'm not sure what else counts as 'precious treasures'

wheel of fortune is also a free GC and items thing, old vinyl will probably increase in value since it's a summon item. getting mystery boxes and keys are nice too

hangman is the most consistent for earning GC, as you chain hangmen it caps at 2500GC per hangman, and there's this hangman helper by Solipse

about the dream world shop

DP are worth hoarding and/or collecting. you get a random gem for every 5DP you spend (some gems are rarer than others), so its a good way to earn PD

around june, pokeheroes' anniversary happens where you can get a mew plushie after sending 510DP worth of plushies. at the end of the event, you can claim a Mew egg if you got at least one plushie

the number of plushies you get increases your chance of getting a shiny Mew, capping at 10 plushies. each mew plushie costs more than the last, for a total of 41k DP

about rumbling

i personally like windy prairie as it has normal and flying gems, which both go for 1k PD (normal gem price hasn't went below 1k due to people wanting ditto), i think fiery furnace is fine too

actually I'm not sure if the chance for gems is equal among all the areas so :x

mystery boxes and keys have been worth a consistent ~10k PD since the dawn of time, so that's consistent. summon items are rare but not lucrative enough IMO (but i like gambling)

disclaimer: black boxes = 25k, black keys = 200k, gold boxes = 20k, gold keys = 15k, dark/light blue boxes = 3-5k

about berrygarden
one oran berry is about 2PD each now. one level 95 berry converts to 20 normal berries. you should do the berrygarden if you're planning to interact a lot

since one harvest gives around....3-4 berries, its worth it to get the second garden plus all the seed makers and upgrades :P

note to self: research how much each garden changes the time taken

about shiny hunting

not worth it IMO if you don't have premium because prices have dropped a lot. you end up paying for a pokeradar, battery, and daycare. or even the egg radar + its rarity chips. don't hunt anything with a mega because it's worth peanuts

shinies that have maintained their price somewhat is eevee and combee, at around 200k: people need a lot of them and/or they're cute (even so, they used to go for 250k). might be a bit challenging as you get fewer eggs as rarity increases, and special rarity (combee) eggs cant be found in tall grass, whereas rare eggs need the expensive egg radar + rarity chip

i like fishing.

other things
i'm pretty sure you unlock the mega stone recipe at the gem cauldron at 25 items boiled. profit margins have decreased slightly since the last time i checked it (the dragon gems are still roughly 50% of the cost, but the other gems become an important cost to consider), but i'm really not sure how often black boxes appear

everstone your pokemon. people tend to miss these out when collecting for dexes, so you can sell them more easily
Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 685
Posted: Fri, 20/01/2023 19:34 (1 Year ago)
fun fact of the day: where meep collates other useful but not that substantial info, instead of doing research on things like trees and bugs, or her assignments.

don't use direct links. direct link interactions only give 1/4 of the EHP/EXP, and they automatically count as a normal interact (instead of letting people choose to feed a berry)

honeytree should be checked every 2 hours for regular honey, and 30 minutes for super honey. super honey attracts pokemon fast and if you check it often enough, you can keep the honey on for over a day

honeytree drops by 1 layer of honey when you catch a pokemon. this means that you should only catch rare stuff like slowyore (i mostly catch it in case of a mega) and shinies when you have super honey, or you'll lose it all

the honeytree scare link works on celebi too. shiny celebi should appear shiny on the artwork too, it cannot hatch shiny otherwise

on easy rarity hunts, you should check the lab for eggs (that have the pokemon identified) since they get left there for a long time often

rowan quests are mutually exclusive; you cannot get the Hoopa quest while you have another quest active, and you cannot get battle of the profs/berry juice/etc. quests while the Hoopa quest is active.

Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 685
Posted: Fri, 20/01/2023 21:15 (1 Year ago)
the contest of the profs: aka rowan i am not the daycare please stop leaving your mons with me

check out Zellane's #BeatingOak hashtag! (most notably, it shows the minimum level your pokemon needs to reach to beat oak)

powerorbs first, candies later.
powerorbs give you a fixed amount of exp, but since interactions give more exp at higher levels, you should use powerorbs when you first get the mon to maximise the exp of interactions you get
rare candies give one entire level so they should be used at the start of one level to avoid wasting interactions. since exp needed increases at later levels, you should use rare candies near the last day to maximise the exp you get

how the index page works:
each index pokemon/egg is chosen from the pool of users who interacted with the previous pokemon/egg. you should only have the quest pokemon in your party to maximise the chances of being chosen. besides stalking the index page, you can also interact with the online list and unreturned favours so that you'll be in the pool of users who interacted with the previous pokemon more often

on index pokemon earn twice the exp, so you might want to avoid clicking your mon till it gets on index

you can also choose to rack up guest clicks (clicking while you're logged out. usually, being off wifi, being on a different network, or on a different device counts as a different guest user allowing you one more guest click) while your mon is on index
Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 685
Posted: Sat, 21/01/2023 15:08 (1 Year ago)

Title: WIP. I have stomach pain </3

how much does it cost to hunt a shiny legendary? not to sound like a curmudgeon but I seriously cannot believe people can hunt shiny legends for profit now, but anyway...

when it comes to hunting shiny legends, theres a few 'categories' of shiny legendaries.
- 'buyable' shiny legendaries: guaranteed shinies that are buyable with currency, e.g. game center shinies, meloetta with festival points, SCS legends, mew
--> also counting shiny zeraora/shaymin/zarude as you can chain them to a guarantee
- pure luck shinies: the odds are getting them are fixed at a very low chance, and cannot be increased by spending PD. usually from events that happen regularly but cannot be forced to occur faster: shiny ho-oh (you can buy a code, but there's very few on market, the odds are low even among SWT codes [I estimate 1 in 20 SWT codes are shiny, according to the dex]), shiny celebi, shiny lugia (fixed number of tickets you can buy), shiny kyurem

but all these are the 'non huntable' shinies. you don't have to hatch a ton of them
on huntable ones, we have
- breedable: dex completion shinies which are chained with pokeradar
- guaranteed: your 50th egg is guaranteed to be shiny. as such, they cannot be chained
- summons: chained with pokeradar, but usually needs an expensive item to acquire

in order of cost, I present to you:

Hoopa: guaranteed, 0 cost to obtain, comes from a very simple quest. technically 0PD to hunt, so it's not worth much.

Mesprit/Azelf/Uxie: Guaranteed. Vouchers are around 200k PD, however, they are a relatively popular hunt so prices might rise (?). 10 mil PD

Virizion/Cobalion/Terrakion: Guaranteed. You need 5 White Powders for each (240k PD), and the price of White Powders have stayed largely constant for years, as Berrygarden is not popular, and most people don't want to hit level 30. Besides other issues (higher level gardeners have significantly harder tasks), Virizion is relatively popular. 60 mil PD

Zygarde: i need to check the price

Latias/Latios: Summon. The most complicated one, because of the exponential increase in price of egg storages. Assuming 50 egg storages (which can still fail you due to RNG), it's 95.625 mil for them, 150 Enigma Stones * 120k PD = 18 mil for them. total cost = 114 mil PD (could be higher if you're unlucky with egg boxes)

Moltres/Zapdos/Articuno: Summon (Gem Collector): 625 million PD

Ditto: Not a legendary, but well, we all know how much normal gems cost, right?
Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 685
Posted: Sun, 22/01/2023 15:50 (1 Year ago)
a day in my life: aka what i do daily on PH

once a day:
- check the fountain (click the town tab, then the drawing of the fountain)
- set up my wondertrades
- collect my rumbles

throughout the day:
- play treasure hunt whenever possible
- play wheel of fortune
- check and scan daycare eggs
- check honeytree
- check honeycombs (i have a full set of shiny combee, so I need to clear the regular honey often to hoard super honey)
- stalk GTS/notification wall (OPTIONAL)

if I'm very free
- go fishing! (check the weather forecast for thunderstorms as i have the fishermans hat)
- interact and claim DP
- berrygarden
- emera square (i usually only bother with bug hatching contest but personal preference)
Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 685
Posted: Sat, 11/03/2023 16:49 (1 Year ago)
trading tips!

Abbrevations glossary
- LF: Looking for
- AA: Auto accept; the trafer may consider lower prices, but will definitely accept that stated price or higher
- UFT: Up for trade
- UFS: Up for sale
- NFS: Not for sale
- OT swap: Original Trainer swap. They're looking for the same Pokémon with a different original trainer as you need different OTs for the best breeding rate
PT: Private Trade
IM: Item Market
Stonks: Market Insider (hidden tool that lets you track prices of Pokémon and items)
[number]IV/stars (e.g. 3IV/3 gold stars): A Pokémon has max IVs in a stat if there's a gold star next to the stat, and almost max IVs if there's a silver star. Depending on the user, they may not want silver stars at all
SM: Shiny Mega
MA: Mega Able
AH: Auction House
PP: Palpad
PM: Private Message

other notes
- if a pokemon is mega able, do note in the description because its not visible until you click into the trade
- please separate item types (e.g. Gems, boxes, summons) in trades, people are not likely to accept/offer on trades that have many types of items, because they're probably only looking for specific items
- remember to offer junk pokemon if you need a Pokémon, trades can only go through if they contain the same number of pokemon on both sides
- you (seller) are taxed by selling on item market, but traders are taxed on GTS
- gems do not have equal worth, see above on market insider

Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 685
Posted: Sat, 18/03/2023 22:01 (1 Year ago)
Glossary for key definitions!

GC: Game Chips/Gem Collector
DC: Daycare
Renting daycare: Using someone's daycare to breed eggs to send to the tall grass so you can adopt them
Rally: Medal Rally
FL: Friendlist
Err i havent thought of any others. See above for trading terms
Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 685
Posted: Wed, 09/08/2023 17:36 (8 Months ago)
pricing notes

- it's good to keep a lookout on who is hunting what, especially legend and SM hunts since they influence the price of summon items and gems
- important rule: if A + B --> C, but C -//-> A + B, then C is worth less than A + B. Which is to say, if you can use A + B to get C, but you can't turn C into A + B, then C is worth less. A mega-ed Pokemon can often be worth less than a Mega Stone, a hatched pokemon is worth less than its summon item/voucher
--> Note: Does not apply to certain cases, such as shiny megas. Shiny Megas should be mega-evolved solely because they're easier to recognise on GTS/AH