He listened for a minute, before mumbling to himself. "He's
probably going to tell Father...wait, that means he won't be at the
door anymore..." He just wants to read.
she wants to dance like uma thurman /
bury me till i confess
...hmm...Either way I'm getting banned for three months...
He went back to a sitting position infront of the statue. Might
as well just fake it for if he did tell father.
she wants to dance like uma thurman /
bury me till i confess
Well, atleast he didn't take the chance of opening up the door. He
sighed in relief. "well what if I pray in silence, you don't know."
Even though he was...obviously not praying. Very stubborn.
she wants to dance like uma thurman /
bury me till i confess
Why should he. He felt tempted to, but he also liked going into the
research lab, and he liked messing around with the sheikah
slate...and he did not want his books to be taken away.
she wants to dance like uma thurman /
bury me till i confess
Stop telling him what to do, that's my job He quietly stood
up and crept back to the door, a little hesitant. I gotta come
up with an excuse if I do get caught...
she wants to dance like uma thurman /
bury me till i confess