*This post was sponsored by YOYLECAKE Central. Teardrop~,
Marker, Lemondrop~, and other names made by @Lemondrop~ are
property of YOYLECAKE Central. Please do not use YOYLECAKE CENTRAL
characters without permission*
*This post was sponsored by YOYLECAKE Central.
Teardrop~, Marker, Lemondrop~, and other names made by @Lemondrop~
are property of YOYLECAKE Central. Please do not use YOYLECAKE
CENTRAL characters without permission!*
Banned for... for... for twooooooooooooo... (tpot intro plays)
*This post was sponsored by YOYLECAKE Central. Teardrop~,
Marker, Lemondrop~, and other names made by @Lemondrop~ are
property of YOYLECAKE Central. Please do not use YOYLECAKE CENTRAL
characters without permission*