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Ground Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 61

Trainerpoints: 8,036/11,223


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
°•Gummy worm•°
17431,556 / 114,189
(Mega Gyarados)
709473,812 / 1,887,714

Shiny Hunt

~Pikaboo~ is currently hunting Cosmog.
Hunt started: 24/12/2024

Chain: 78


I'm 1/2 hour ahead of server time

I joined on nov 21th 2022

☆Jirachi and Solgaleo hunt☆

I am currently hunting cosmog (Solgaleo)

669/750 Star Pieces

121/150 Nebula Stones

Do not...
...pm/pp me about selling my shiny pokemon to you (especially my shiny OT)

...post messages in my diary

....add me I'll always add you back (might take a little as I might be offline or I have to many notifications to see you adding me)

...visit my shops

...pm me if you want something from my Leftovers box (their free)

Visitors count

Collecting + eggs

maskyzeno is currently collecting Mimikyu

Regular: 127


★extra 2★

sup last time we completed the hoenn dex and now we're after kanto pokemon but not just any pokemon...but
shadow pokemon

heres my diary where you can check which ones I have

I'm getting all the mons as shadow pokemon (expect ditto and legendarys)

✨️About me✨️
My fav color is purple
I am gender-fluid and I prefer to go by they/them
I play vrchat alot (username: Zeno.spikes)
I also play pokemon go (trainer code: 3529 5752 2239)
You can call me by either masky or zeno both are fine

I like to keep the shiny from my last hunt in my party and I like to give my favourite mons a Star Sweet


Hoarding these plushies
Mimikyu plush: 34
Volcarona plush: 9

(Just click one of them to send plushies)

- get all badges
-set 1
-set 2
-set 3

-set 4

-get full dream level

-get all shiny tapus (+ shiny Victini)
Tapu Koko ✔️
Tapu Lele ✔️
Tapu Bulu
Tapu Fini ✔️

Current amount if SC Tokens: 884

- hatch 50 shinys

-Get an ot shiny hoopa
Hoopa found: 2/50

Get all shiny castform
Regular: ✖️
Heat: ✖️
Rainy: ✖️
Snowy: ✖️
Foggy: ✖️
Aurora: ✔️
Cold: ✖️
Dark: ✖️
Thunder: ✖️
Meteorite: ✔️
Windy: ✖️
Earthquake: ✖️
Muggy: ✖️
Smog: ✔️
Sunny: ✔️
Rainbow: ✖️

- complete the kanto dex shadow edition


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
MotherNature 3 Days ago
~Pikaboo~ 4 Days ago
Thebookdevorador 6 Days ago
~Pikaboo~ 18 Days ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4

Game Records

Trainer ID: #244321985
Registration: 22/11/2022 (2 Years ago)
Time Played: 919:32 Hours
Total interactions: 22,101,553
Money: 3,420,643
Starter Pokémon: Giga Charizard


Yesterday, 21:14
Ohhh, shiny Applin plushie :D
4 Days ago
5 Days ago
So I played the roblox bus game a lot and my brother got a actual more realistic bus game for me on the pc, and my first question was literally: "can I actually crash the bus realistically?"....maybe I am a bit of a psychopath XD
6 Days ago
Ohhh I found the egg :D
7 Days ago
I hope this chain doesn't become longer than the past cosmog hunt (which was 77)
11 Days ago
So about ADHD situation

I talked to my biology teacher about it and he'll see what he can do for me so we'll have to wait to see where this goes
11 Days ago
You know...I've lately wondered if I have ADHD and I mean that genuinely, I've seen videos (like jaidenanimations) talking about having ADHD and I can relate to some of it...

I just did a little quiz and it said I probably have and that I exhibit alot of ADHD symptoms...and I know not everything on the Internet is true...but still...
12 Days ago
finished shiny north Gastrodon (Well half, still have to make the background) what do yall think?
14 Days ago
So my brother and I were playing Mario odyssey together, he was Mario and I was cappy, he's like a good Mario odyssey player so i just wanted to annoy him by moving away when he tried to cap jump it mess up his tricks by making him auto jump

My brother decided that if I was gonna be annoying he might aswell make cappy look ridiculous so he put in the scientist hat (this one)

But turns out cappy is just the little sun visor and Mario keeps the hair, so instead he looked ridiculous instead XD
16 Days ago
Look! A wild Teddiursa (SHINY) is eating your honey

Finally something different from a Hoppip
18 Days ago
Oh! Shiny Orthworm
19 Days ago
Me: *in the middle of drawing shiny luxray (for the forum)*

Computer: :( *crashes and gets rid of all my progress*

Me: "..bruh"
20 Days ago
By Kanashiiiiii

Hi, Decided to do a giveaway.
The requirements to participate are-
-Copy and post this on your feed
-Like this post
Anyways the prizes that will be distributed are as follows-
Winner #1- Male Solar eevee holding venus sphere
Winner #2- 1 cold rock and 2 nebula stones
Winner #3- 4 of ANY gem of choice of the winner

The giveaway ends on 12th of march (my birthday) 12 server time. Good luck.
23 Days ago
I drew buttercream :D
23 Days ago
Hey, ~Pikaboo~!

How is my Magikarp doing? ... ... Oh, it's currently on Level 105, I see.
Well, according to some friends of mine, Prof. Oak's Magikarp is on Level 105, so it is rather close. Keep working!

Remember that I'll reclaim my Pokémon this Sunday at 8AM. Its level has to be higher than Prof. Oak's Pokémon by then.
Please keep it in your Party or in one of your Storage Boxes in the meantime.

Interact with Isaac please
23 Days ago
Interact with Isaac please
25 Days ago



Last Visitors

robloveericYesterday, 22:26
WonderWebYesterday, 21:46
mccywyYesterday, 19:30
LuminaraYesterday, 18:57
Ai-HoshinoYesterday, 18:11