Forum Thread
Shades of Gray(Thread)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Shades of Gray(Thread)"Where The Heck Is The City Airport? Wait I Know!"
Checks Map
"Gotta Go FAST!"
Finally Reached The Airport
Sits On The Bench
"Let Me Wait As Im Going On The Deluxe Airplane"
Kendo hiccuped, as he sipped from a cup of water. His right hand tapped the table absentmindedly, and he held his cup with his left. His grin was crooked, his cheeks flushed pink.
"y'know, I used to be a -hic- hero? That was the worst -hic- decision I ever made."
Or is it
You decide.
"The nerve of that girl, I swear..."
He wiped a tear from his eye, before straightening his posture. He had a pretty sizable tab in this restuarant in this place anyways.
"Just put it on my tab, Server."
He pulled a pack of cigarettes out. He plucked one out, stuck it in his mouth and lit it with a small black flame from the tip of his finger. He pushed open the doors, shaking his head as he walked.
"Man, I forgot how it felt to have fun. It was good seeing Vi again after so long."
He looked up into the sky, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his long jacket. He looked up at the sky. The sky was dark, with golden stars dotting the inky-black sky. He stared into the abyss intently, searching for constellations.
"The stars are out... How beautiful. Come tomorrow... this sky will not be filled with stars, but smoke. For tomorrow, this city shall be gone. Be prepared, Governer Hearthstone. I'm coming for you.
Or is it
You decide.
"Now is not the time for that, Locator. Tomorrow. Tomorrow, this city will go to hell. I'll make sure of it. Go ahead, now. Get a good night's sleep. I'll see you in the morning. You'll have plenty of chances to kill me then."
He snapped, disappearing, leaving only the burnt-out cigarette butt behind.
The next morning was bright and beautiful. Nothing like the day that would follow.
In the city, right before it happened, a man in a long, dark jacket with a cigarette and a knife was said to have been seen entering OmegaCorp's main building. The time was 7:30 AM when the witness saw him. By 8:AM, the building had been burnt to the ground. No one survived. When the police came to the scene, the place had been destroyed so thoroughly that there wasn't even any debris. Just a carefully stacked pile of burnt corpses, each with dozens of stab and slash wounds. The man in the dark jacket was nowhere to be seen. It was time. Time for the REVOLUTION to start.
8 hours after the start of Sunday, November 13
678 Casualties
162 Injuries
Or is it
You decide.
"I Need Help To Make The Fire Distuinguish But I Think No One Help Me... That's It Im Gonna Kill Him On My Own"
Calls The Governor And Warns It
"I Also Can Post This In The News That Guy's Name..."
"Let's Do This"
Grabs Assault Rifle As He Was Determined To Kill Him But Nervous For Other Casualties At The Same Time