Forum Thread
Cheap dex Fillers for You 🫵 (CLOSED)
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Cheap dex Fillers for You 🫵 (CLOSED)Box: BOX 3
Pokemon: Castform, snowy castform, cold castform, windy castform, gusty castform, smog castform, rainbow castform
Box: BOX 4
Pokemon: Lapras
Could you plese let mee know how much these would be all together? Thank you!
Pokemon species:furfrou
Pokemon ID(s) (If you want a specific one):theres only 1
Any extra notes:
Pokemon species: Combusken, Gulpin, Wailord, Corphish, Lileep, 2 Castforms, Shuppet, Wynaut
Pokemon ID(s) (If you want a specific one):
Any extra notes: All but Wailord with everstone/Pls list price in trade
Favorite Starter: Litten
Home Region: Alola
Favorite Pokemon: Clawitzer
Favorite Type: Fire/Steel
Pokemon species: Delibird
Pokemon ID(s) (If you want a specific one):
Any extra notes:
Boxes Pokémon are in: BOX 3
Pokemon species: Hatenna
Pokemon ID(s) (If you want a specific one):
Any extra notes: (both pokemon are the only one of their species in the boxes)thank you <3

♡ ♡ ♡
Pokemon: Nincada, Cranidos, Bronzor, Tangela, Murkrow
Box: BOX 3
Pokemon: Bastiodon, Wormadan (Trash), Nosepass
Box: BOX 4
Pokemon: Chatot, Gible, Hippopotas, Croagunk
Any extra notes: All except cranidos and bronzor can come w/o an everstone :)
Pokemon species: Lunatone, Solrock
Any extra notes: thank you!
Title: Humungous Order HEHEHEH
Boxes Pokémon are in: Bouncer
Pokemon species: Diglett, Farfetch'd, Krabby, Cubone, Corsola, Spinda, Zangoose, Torterra, Snivy, Throh, Cofagrigus, Minccino
Pokemon ID(s) (If you want a specific one): N/A
Any extra notes: Nope!
Boxes Pokémon are in: Box 3
Pokemon species: Nuzleaf, Vigoroth, Exploud, Sableye, Mawile, Lairon, Aggron, Meditite, Electrike, Manectric, Illumise, Roselia, Sharpedo, Spoink, Cacturne
Pokemon ID(s) (If you want a specific one): N/A
Any extra notes: Nope!
Boxes Pokémon are in: Box 4
Pokemon species: Mareep, Yanma, Shuckle, Magcargo, Smeargle, Miltank, Duskull, Dusclops, Chatot, Gigalith, Krookodile, Whirlipede, Pangoro, Clauncher
Pokemon ID(s) (If you want a specific one): N/A
Any extra notes: Nope!
Boxes Pokémon are in: Alleyway
Pokemon species: Hippowdon, Yanmega, Emboar, Ferrothorn, Malamar, Araquanid, Togedemaru
Pokemon ID(s) (If you want a specific one): N/A
Any extra notes: Nope!