Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Introduce yourself → henlo!just wanted to give a smoll introduction and give everyone good vibes
id love some tips! also whats your favorite pokemon & shinies?
mine are mareep, skourpi, noibat, meowth, ekans gengar && vaporeon ! shiny mareep & flygon are my fave shinies
My absolute favorite Pokemon is Sneasel but there’s many other Pokemon I also love(mainly dark and fairy types). Shiny Sneasel is also my favorite shiny but if I had to choose a second I’d go with Giratina, aka that one legendary I now hunt on October every year in the main games haha
I’m not the greatest at tips, and the usefulness of any I could give would also depend on what kind of goals you have on here, I suppose. There’s a lot of fun stuff to do afterall.

aaa,, thank you for being so nice! those are some real good shinies & favorite pokemon ! you must have such a strong will to hunt for legendaries in the game tho,,
i appreciate the help! i think one of the goals i'll have is to hopefully shiny hunt but in general i take any tips ,,,