Forum Thread
Lychee’s art shop! (Pretty slow)
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanarts → Lychee’s art shop! (Pretty slow)I think there’s not enough time for me to run this successfully so you can still order but orders will take a while to finish most likely
It’s simple, you tell me what you want, and I draw it! (For a price of course) I am most comfortable with humanoids, so I am more likely to accept those, but I’ll try to draw everything.

1. All ph rules apply
2. I have the right to refuse requests
3. Payment should be a gift of however much pd the drawing costs, I won’t send the drawing until I see the payment, and I won’t claim the payment until you confirm you’ve received the art
4. Be patient please, I draw fairly quickly, but if it’s taking a while, don’t rush me
5. Credit my ArtFight for now, might change to toyhouse if I ever get around to working on it:
6. Password is your favorite Pokémon type, change to random color after I accept it
2. I have the right to refuse requests
3. Payment should be a gift of however much pd the drawing costs, I won’t send the drawing until I see the payment, and I won’t claim the payment until you confirm you’ve received the art
4. Be patient please, I draw fairly quickly, but if it’s taking a while, don’t rush me
5. Credit my ArtFight for now, might change to toyhouse if I ever get around to working on it:
6. Password is your favorite Pokémon type, change to random color after I accept it

Headshot/bust: 35,000 pd
Half-body: 60,000 pd
Full-body: 85,000 pd
Uncolored: -10,000 pd
Fully shaded: +10,000 pd
None (any plain color/transparent): + 0 pd
Simple (simple patterns, borders, or gradient): +5000 pd
Complex (A scene I guess, cannot guarantee it’ll look very good) + 10000 pd
Additional characters in the drawing are 20,000 pd each
Headshot/bust: 35,000 pd
Half-body: 60,000 pd
Full-body: 85,000 pd
Uncolored: -10,000 pd
Fully shaded: +10,000 pd
None (any plain color/transparent): + 0 pd
Simple (simple patterns, borders, or gradient): +5000 pd
Complex (A scene I guess, cannot guarantee it’ll look very good) + 10000 pd
Additional characters in the drawing are 20,000 pd each

Lychee, I’d like some art!
What do you want me to draw? (Include any poses or background details):
Tip (completely optional, but it’s appreciated):
References for existing ocs you want me to draw are not required, but very, very helpful
0/1 slots taken
The amount of slots may change from time to time
Username: ~Zander~
What do you want me to draw? (Include any poses or background details): marshall and his boyfriend Zander please! Id like for marshall to be holding his electric guitar which is a pastel purple confidently whilst zander is sat on an amplifier for marshall’s guitar with a pair of drumsticks please if thats ok! Id like for marshall to be in a black sleeveless hoodie (reference should be on his page) , black ripped jeans and combat boots where as for zander i’d like something like this!
Size: fullbody please
Coloring:yes please!
Background:no thank you :)
Tip (completely optional, but it’s appreciated): i’ll send you a little something!
Please let me know if the links dont work! I can fix them for you ^^!
Username: ~Riko~
What do you want me to draw? (Include any poses or background details): Yoshi and Itachi - if you need any ideas or information, let me know, but that page should have everything.
Size: Fullbody
Coloring: Yes, please
Background: No thank you
Tip (completely optional, but it’s appreciated): You'll see~
Password: Delcatty!

What do you want me to draw? (Include any poses or background details): Helen wearing a birthday hat and eating some cake
Size: Fullbody
Coloring/shading: Fully Shaded
Background: Plain orange
Tip (completely optional, but it’s appreciated): 5k pd
Password: Wimpod!

Credit to the anime Girl and Dino
Avatar made by Me

Username: Hunterz~Wolf
What do you want me to draw? (Include any poses or background details): Kane, Poseidon, and Ignis together (Let me know if you can't see em). As for pose, would something like this be alright? (Follow how I ordered the bois to position em)
Size: Fullbody
Coloring/shading: Yes please (for both)!
Background: No thanks :3 (I'd like a transparent one if thats alright ^^)
Tip (completely optional, but it’s appreciated): A whole bunch of gems
Password: Mew because blooh
This is kind of a difficult order so feel free to decline if it's too hard. ^^"

Username: KeroHikari
What do you want me to draw? (Include any poses or background details): Kero and Andrew. For the pose, I’d like for both of them to be sitting down and I’d like Andrew to be playing a guitar while Kero is leaning her head on his shoulder
Size: Fullbody
Coloring/shading: Yes, please!
Background: No, thank you
Tip (completely optional, but it’s appreciated): Surprise :3
Password: Noibat
Username: Rashiram
What do you want me to draw? (Include any poses or background details): this, in the pose like the absol in the examples
Size: Fullbody please
Coloring/shading: fully shaded
Background: can you draw some trees in the background if it’s not too complicated?
Tip (completely optional, but it’s appreciated): Secret!
Password: reshiram
Username: Blastoise
What do you want me to draw? (Include any poses or background details): This Blastoise right here, not sure about the pose. But it should be a cool one. (Not sure if a sword one would work)
Size: Full-body
Coloring/shading: Fully shaded + colored.
Background: Transparent
Tip (completely optional, but it’s appreciated): Surprise me
Password: Nidoking
Just so you know, I’m leaving for vacation for a few days so I’m not going to be able to draw for a bit.

with Latios instead of ducklett and instead of admin, can it say owner. The dimensions it needs to be are:
64X24. Download and use that image in piskel, please?
Also, to add a bit of context: I'm adding ranks to my pokeshop
My pokeshop shop and shiny shop:
Click here to visit!
My art shop:
Click here to visit!
Professor Oak's Challenge
Luke Piewalker
Username: NekoScrub
What do you want me to draw? (Include any poses or background details): jeorge! the pose is completely up to you! also, there's design notes in the third tab :o
Size: fullbody
Coloring/shading: fully shaded
Background: none
Tip (completely optional, but it’s appreciated): nuggets, will send after completion! <3
Password: whimsicott :3c
Username: MetalHeadKendra
What do you want me to draw? (Include any poses or background details): This guy please!
Size: Full-Body
Coloring/shading: Fully shaded!~
Background: Without please.
Tip (completely optional, but it’s appreciated): Nuggets and PD!
Password: Rayquaza's colors for real :3