A Pokemon fusion occured!
First Pokemon: suicune
Second Pokemon: galarian articuno
Third Pokemon (optional and will definitly cost more): alolan
Any extra details, parts? (optional): maybe with wolfdragon
features? if you want to! you can decide on this ^^ also i love the
flowy tails (articuno's tail, suicune's two tails that go to the
front, ninetales' nine tails) and the floof (and also the wings of
articuno), i'd love one that's like body and hair of suicune, wings
and tail consistency(?) of articuno, nine tails (but at least two
to the front like suicune) and legs and neck fur like ninetails
(maybe some of the hair too), face, colour, and body fur your
decision on which one (but floof fur please? 🥺) (tho i wouldn't
pick articuno's face)
Clothing (optional): no
Payment (can change after I finish): three mons plus extra being
wolfdragon so at least approx 200k pd, probably more, will
add upon it being finished
Other: if this is too detailed lmk! i know it's probably a bit
overdesigned but oh well
also take all the time you need on this!
Uhh, are the wings necessary? I imagine suicune x ninetails, but
the wings in my mind look kinda weird, unless we make the fusion
bipedal, what do you think abt that?
oh sorry i meant like pegasus wings 😅 forgot to mention that
would that be a problem? cause i wouldn't really want to make it
bipedal tbh so if it is i'd say take out the articuno?
edit: sorry didn't see your edit when typing, yes exactly like that
would be great if possible?
A Pokemon fusion occured!
First Pokemon: Zeraora
Second Pokemon: Shiny Nickit
Payment (can change after I finish): Hmmm idk. Def gonna see after
you finish the drawing.
Other: Thank you! Btw, I deleted some parts of the form cus no for
A Pokemon fusion occured!
First Pokemon: Galar Articuno
Second Pokemon: Salazzle
Any extra details, parts? (optional):bipedal, wing arms, salazzle
tail with one articuno tail feather on each side
Clothing (optional): up to you but I would prefer a full body image
w/o clothing
Payment (can change after I finish): PD, Idk how to price it, so
can you give me an estimate before/after?