Forum Thread
Berry Preference?
Forum-Index → Help → Answered → Berry Preference?I was wondering if this mechanic was made deciding on berry flavors (seen in the berrydex) or just randomly assigning a berry to said pokemon.
For example, would you be able to stock up on berries that have all 5 flavors (Starf, Lansat, and Oran) and click away, or would you need to keep a variety on you to avoid running into a picky eater?
This is purely a question of curiosity as I would like to streamline my interacting a bit. :>

Sciissor: There is a multitude of things you can do to maximise your berry output. More gardens will allow you to grow more berries simultaneously, of course. Also growing higher level berries will give you more berries when transferring them back to your berry bag, so you might want to focus on levelling up your seeds. Maybe you find the Berrygarden wiki article helpful.