Forum Thread
New Tokyo High(An MHA based-roleplay)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → New Tokyo High(An MHA based-roleplay)RULES & INFO

Light Swearing is allowed
Please try not to derail the plot.
Romance is allowed, but should not take focus off the plot.
Please don't argue too much.
Contact me if you want to kill off your characters.

Kendo Sashi- Elemental Manipulation
Felix Takahashi- Windstorm
Hinata- Siren Song
Darly Hashawa- Demon Creation
Aratiri Belindo- Dragon's Revenge
Kaido Igarashi- Water Manipulation

This gauges your ability on 5 levels, Power, Speed, Defense, Recovery and Trick. Power is based on how much damage you can deal, speed is on how quickly you can react or use your ability, defense is the amount of brute force you can take, Recovery is the healing factor and Trick is how well you can surprise opponents.
Elemental Manipulation(Fire)
Power: 9
Speed: 9
Def: 3
Recov: 5
Trick: 7
FINAL: 6.6
Elemental Manipulation(Water)
Power: 3
Speed: 9
Def: 5
Trick: 7
FINAL: 6.6
Elemental Manipulation(Earth)
Power: 9
Speed: 5
Def: 9
Trick: 7
FINAL: 6.6
Elemental Manipulation(Light)
Power: 9
Speed: 9
Def: 1
Recov: 5
Trick: 9
FINAL: 6.6
Elemental Manipulation(Wind)
Power: 3
Speed: 10
Def: 5
Recov: 10
Trick: 5
FINAL: 6.6
Power: 6
Speed: 8
Def: 6
Recov: 2
Trick: 8
Siren Song
Power: 4
Speed: 7
Def: 6
Trick: 10
FINAL: 6.4
Demon Creation
Power: 7
Speed: 7
Def: 5
Recov: 3
Trick: 9
FINAL: 6.2
Dragon's Revenge
Power: 4
Speed: 4
Def: 10
Trick: 10
Water Manipulation
Power: 5
Speed: 7
Def: 7
Trick: 5
FINAL: 6.2
Veiled Strike
Power: 5
Speed: 10
Def: 5
Trick: 10
Final: 7.4
Hero Name:
PP Group:
Anything Else?
Name: Kendo Sashi

Personality: TBRP'd
Age:(13-18) 18
Quirk: Energy Manipulation- He is able to manifest or control any form of energy, using it to fire blasts of energy or control elemental energy, such as using air to fly, etc, etc.
Hero Name: Typheous, The Elemental Hero
PP Group: Ill make it
Anything Else?
Name: Jesse Sakura

Age: 29(Teacher)
Quirk: Veiled Strike- The user is able to cloak any part of their body in a mist with healing properties. This recovers all injuries, making it as if they were never hurt. additionally, those who touch it will leave that part of their body numb for the next five minutes.
Hero Name: Veilknight
PP Group: :D
Anything Else?
Or is it
You decide.

Personality: Very determined, kind but can sometimes be a little bit stubborn
Age:(13-18) 15
Quirk: Windstorm, from the palm of his hands he is able to create massive windstorms that are used for defense and attack.
Hero Name: Typhoon
PP Group: yes
Anything Else? na

Personality: Caring towards others, though is abit depressed.
Age: 13
Quirk: Siren Song. While singing, if you hear her song and fall under her conditions then you are placed her her control as long as she is singing. Think Brainwash but with singing
Hero Name: Siren
PP Group: sure
Anything Else?

"you were too correct"
Appearance: here hero costume
Personality: Darly is the most innocent and funny girl you’ll meet. She enjoys talking and is super smart.
Quirk: Demon Creation
She has this dark black mass that travels through her bones and with the bigger the sunlight the more power she has or if indoors can use the electrical power from there. Darlys weakness is being in the dark to long witch causes her to get tried and weak. The demon inside her is made from her negative thoughts witch can get really big at times. Draw back is she gets extremely bad sun burn if used to much she starts to get real burns from fire. Her quirk can not heal her bones if broken abs can’t travel through broken bones.
Hero Name: Sunny
PP Group: yesh
Anything Else?: I don’t want to be excluded like last time
Advi From Demon Slayer season 1
Appearance:5'10 wears a black hooded t-shirt with black jeans.
Quirk: Dragons-revenge he is able to manifest anyone's soul into a dragon that represents the soul of the person that the soul is from. If the persons soul is hurt by the person that the soul is from the soul will transfer the damage to the person (if it is not your soul you can not hurt it). For each minute the soul is manifested Aratiri will lose energy once all of his energy is gone the soul will go back to who ever it is apart of (Aratiri can only manifest a soul for thirty minutes). If Aratiri is out of energy he will sleep for nine hours.
Hero Name: soul
PP Group: yes
Anything else?