Forum Thread
A story of random words
Forum-Index → Forum Games → A story of random words
I'm your host, Snowie!
My siblings used to do this thing with me.
Post a random word and the next few people finish it into a sentence with other words. Example:
User 1:Cat
User 2:s Are
User 3:Supreme.
Here is the current story:

Potatoes seem to appear whenever you disappear. Therefore, potatoes dislike the evil place where they are kept by changing recipes they hate. But unicorns magically cast inadequate mitochondrial spells upon potatoes and the color of the bee proceeds hyperventilating extremely vibrantly coloring elephants that exist with potatoes. The life of potatoes so truly epic is that relations on this almonds. The sentence potato wanted to dance but sadly everyone would not notice when they danced. Last monday they ate sneakers with Santa. They hopped and popped the potatoes. Now humans eat potatoes and grow evil beetroots who stomp potatoes. So beetroots fell from peaks to eat that skies cand eat. Evil
Some short rules:

Take the story wherever you wanna go, but please don't post twice in a row.
Don't post 2 words.(or more)
Your account must be a week old to post here.
ban list:
Lemme start:
P o t a t o e s