Forum Thread
Penguin's Art Shop
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanarts → Penguin's Art ShopWelcome to my Art Shop!

Riolu (Using Aura Sphere)

The Regi Cave (Regirock, Registeel, Regice, Regidrago, Regieleki, and Regigas)

-All Pokeheroes rules
-Do not rush me! I only have time to draw on my days off, so attempting to rush me or make me add slots so that you can have one will result in being banned from this shop
-Please describe what you want in detail so I know what you want. Otherwise I might not make exactly what you're looking for
-I can draw pokemon, pokefusions, pokesonas, or animals, humaniods
-I have the right to deny your order
-You must credit me when using my art
-I deem what is considered a high priority slot. If said slot is free, you can negotiate via PalPad to purchase the slot. Certain players get the slots by having fulfilled certain criteria (which I will not share what that criteria is to avoid people attempting to obtain the slot)
-If I have blocked you, your order will be denied
-If you do not use the form to order, your order will be denied
-Please be polite! If you are rude, your order will be denied. If this continues, you will be banned from the shop
-You will receive your finished art via Private Messages
-Do not rush me! I only have time to draw on my days off, so attempting to rush me or make me add slots so that you can have one will result in being banned from this shop
-Please describe what you want in detail so I know what you want. Otherwise I might not make exactly what you're looking for
-I can draw pokemon, pokefusions, pokesonas, or animals, humaniods
-I have the right to deny your order
-You must credit me when using my art
-I deem what is considered a high priority slot. If said slot is free, you can negotiate via PalPad to purchase the slot. Certain players get the slots by having fulfilled certain criteria (which I will not share what that criteria is to avoid people attempting to obtain the slot)
-If I have blocked you, your order will be denied
-If you do not use the form to order, your order will be denied
-Please be polite! If you are rude, your order will be denied. If this continues, you will be banned from the shop
-You will receive your finished art via Private Messages

I will give you my base price for what
I draw. The base price is the minimum price you can pay depending
on what you purchase.
Base Price: 40k PD
Base Price: 45k PD
Pokésona/Pokémon OC
Base Price: 45k PD
Animals (Traditional)
Base Price (Realistic): 60k PD
Base Price (Cartoon/Fictional): 55k PD
Humaniod (Shoulders up)
Base Price: 65k PD
Alternative Payment Methods
-Nuggets (1 Nugget=1.9k Pokedollar)
-Ghost Gem (1 Ghost Gem=1.7k Pokedollar)
-Ice Gem (1 Ice Gem=1.7k Pokedollar)
Other Alternative Payment Methods are up for negotiation
Base Price: 40k PD
Base Price: 45k PD
Pokésona/Pokémon OC
Base Price: 45k PD
Animals (Traditional)
Base Price (Realistic): 60k PD
Base Price (Cartoon/Fictional): 55k PD
Humaniod (Shoulders up)
Base Price: 65k PD
Alternative Payment Methods
-Nuggets (1 Nugget=1.9k Pokedollar)
-Ghost Gem (1 Ghost Gem=1.7k Pokedollar)
-Ice Gem (1 Ice Gem=1.7k Pokedollar)
Other Alternative Payment Methods are up for negotiation
Slot 1: N/A
Slot 2: N/A
High Priority Slot: N/A
[b]Hi Penguin! Can I buy some art?[/b]
Type of Art:
Payment Type:
Tips? (Optional)
Type of Art:
Payment Type:
Tips? (Optional)
Thank you for shopping at Penguin's Art Shop!
Description: a Black Lugia
Type of Art: pokemon
Payment Type: pd
Tips? (Optional) 1000 pd
Other: Penguin
Hi Penguin! Can I buy some art?
Description: Falcon, it is such an elegant creature and I would love the falcon be friendly and calm
Type of Art: Realistic animal
Payment Type: pokedollars
Tips? 40,000 pokedollars
Other: Penguin

Description: Harvey. He is a dark type vulpix. Could I get a front facing head shot if possible please? If not, then just surprise me 😁
Type of Art: pokésona
Payment Type: Pokédollar
Tips? 55k pd
Other: Penguin
Thank you 😊
Description: Virizion but its has a 0 on the top of each horn plus a 7 on front legs and its red
Type of Art: pokesona
Payment Type: can i use gems? 1k per gem?
Tips? (Optional)
Other: Penguin
Description: A Blue Reshiram
Type of Art: pokemon
Payment Type: ghost gems> 8
Tips? (Optional) 2 ghost gems
Other: Penguin
Description: Rainbow’Cream could she be sleeping curled up? If not, id like her to be jumping around ^^
Type of Art: pokefusion
Payment Type: 12 ghosts gem (equivalent of 30k)
Tips? (Optional) maybe~
Other: penguin
Description: Jaws, my profile pic. You can choose the colour it is, of either green or blue.
Type of Art: pokesona
Payment Type: Ghost gems
Tips? (Optional): I have none sorry.
Other: Penguin
Srry can i discontinue this offer please?
My profile picture is my art ^^